Education Journal

Volume 2, Issue 5, September 2013

  • The Structure of Professional Competence of a Teacher in Russia

    Irina Mikhailovna Zakharova, Liliya Mustafovna Fayzrakhmanova

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 5, September 2013
    Pages: 186-191
    Received: 10 July 2013
    Published: 10 September 2013
    Abstract: The change of the educational paradigm in Russia leads to a need to revise not only the content of education, but also the role and the place of a teacher in the educational process, and determination of the level of professionalism of teachers. In modern conditions of modernization of education, together with the transition from "knowledge" approa... Show More
  • Building and Using Digital Libraries in the Developing World

    Isaias Barreto da Rosa, David Ribeiro Lamas

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 5, September 2013
    Pages: 192-202
    Received: 23 August 2013
    Published: 20 September 2013
    Abstract: Given the several problems faced by developing countries on their struggle to access print-based publications, digital libraries are seen as the great hope as they enable access to a vast panoply of resources, anytime and anywhere. However, building such libraries in developing countries is a real challenge since these countries usually face severa... Show More