Research Article
Employability Skills of Female Employees from Technical and Vocational Training Institutions in Technical and Technology Job Sector: Employer Perspective
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
1 February 2025
14 February 2025
7 March 2025
Abstract: Knowledge-based economy allows for the employment of workforce who maximize their professional and semi-professional undertakings in the job market. In Kenya, employers within the industrial sector employ both graduates of the technical, vocational and education and training institutions (TVETs) as well as those from the informal sector, with little evidence of employment for the female graduates. This study therefore, examined the employability skills of female employees from the TVETs in the technical and technology job sector. The research instrument of the current study adapted from the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) where 32 items were used. Among the employability skills were thinking skills, personal qualities, sourcing skills, information skills, interpersonal skills, system skills and technology skills. The survey instrument was provided to a total of 189 industry employers in Kenya. the majority of respondents are from the manufacturing/industrial sector (46.6%), followed by artisanal sector (25.4%) and the least was agricultural sector (27.5%). Based on the survey, the study found that employers ranked highly the resource/capability skills, information skills, and the interpersonal skills. Meanwhile, employers rate the female employees moderate to highly in personal quality skills. Skills that were found to moderate were thinking skills, while system and technology application skills were ranked as low. The current results indicate that female posses considerable employability skills capable of working in the technical and technology based fields. Future research should look at how the employability skills blend with technical skills and how this affect the employment status of the female graduates.
Abstract: Knowledge-based economy allows for the employment of workforce who maximize their professional and semi-professional undertakings in the job market. In Kenya, employers within the industrial sector employ both graduates of the technical, vocational and education and training institutions (TVETs) as well as those from the informal sector, with littl...
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Research Article
Affective-Cognitive Teaching Approach Affect on the Behavioural Engagements, Academic Achievement, and Self-efficacy of Technical and Vocational Students
Elijah Omutange*
Violet Barasa
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
31 January 2025
10 March 2025
21 March 2025
Abstract: Students’ engagement with educators comprise a cognitive and affective interactions. The interaction between cognitive and affective engagement may enhance their overall behavioural response to teaching and learning activities. However, there are fewer studies on integrated cognitive-affective aspects of teaching and learning and its outcome among students in tertiary levels learning institutions in developing countries specially in the Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of affective-cognitive teaching and learning on behavioural engagement, academic achievement and self-efficacy among students in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVETs) in Kenya. This study employed a quasi-experimental design method comprising a pre- and post-test. Students groups were divided into two groups (n1 = 21 and n2 = 24). The two groups were taught the same course in technology education focusing on material design, where the first groups were done based on the integrated affective-cognitive approach, while the second (control) group was using the conventional method of teaching. The teaching method was the independent variable while the dependent variables were behavioural engagements, academic achievement and self-efficacy among TVET students. The study established that the group that were taught using cognitive-affective method had significantly (P < 0.05) higher scores in behavioural engagements (mean = 6.14 ± 0.34), academic achievement (5.87 ± 0.24) and self-achievement (5.043 ± 0.22) than the control group. The current study demonstrates the worthiness of the teaching intervention based on integrated affective-cognitive learning method. Therefore, the current study advocates for the integrated affective-cognitive teaching and learning approach in promoting positive behavioural engagements, academic achievements and self-efficacy among students in technical and vocational training institutions.
Abstract: Students’ engagement with educators comprise a cognitive and affective interactions. The interaction between cognitive and affective engagement may enhance their overall behavioural response to teaching and learning activities. However, there are fewer studies on integrated cognitive-affective aspects of teaching and learning and its outcome among ...
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Review Article
Reviewing Needs and Techniques of Mentors for Mentoring New Teachers
Yoeurng Sak*
Paradise Ros
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
2 February 2025
14 February 2025
21 March 2025
Abstract: This paper aims to review the needs and techniques of mentors for mentoring new teachers. By employing the systematic review, the data collection involves specific items of the population studied, intervention used, and outcome measured. 42 articles gathered for this study are in the stream of mentoring covering two major aspects of needs and techniques in mentoring. The results of these 42 research articles related to the needs and techniques of mentors for mentoring new teachers were organized into themes and sub-themes. The data were interpreted to examine the accuracy of the theses and sub-themes compared to the subject matter stated as the research question. As a result, the findings reveal that the needs of mentors involve four major aspects such as (1) building relationships, (2) common grade level, (3) developmental components, and (4) education and training. In addition, techniques that mentors implement for mentoring new teachers consist of five major aspects such as (1) establishing relationships, (2) identifying mentees’ needs, (3) conducting meaningful mentoring, (4) providing meaningful support, and (5) meaningful listening. A mentor facilitates personal and professional growth in an individual by sharing the knowledge and insights that have been learned through the years. The desirable achievement of sharing life experiences is also characterized as mentoring in which the mentor has a knack for making teachers (mentees) think positively about their classroom practices and their teaching profession. The benefits extend to mentees, mentors, and the school community as a whole. and best practices, determine assessment methods and evaluate participants' outcomes.
Abstract: This paper aims to review the needs and techniques of mentors for mentoring new teachers. By employing the systematic review, the data collection involves specific items of the population studied, intervention used, and outcome measured. 42 articles gathered for this study are in the stream of mentoring covering two major aspects of needs and techn...
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