English Language, Literature & Culture

Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024

  • Review Article

    A Study on Feminism and Female Consciousness in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple

    Priyanka Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Sharma*

    Issue: Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
    Pages: 36-41
    Received: 14 April 2024
    Accepted: 29 April 2024
    Published: 17 May 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ellc.20240902.11
    Abstract: Over time, feminism has evolved with varying interpretations, including a focus on gender equality across societal domains and as a political movement supporting women's rights. Feminism has historically challenged patriarchal norms, promoting sexual equality and personal freedom for women. Alice Walker, a prominent African American feminist, has m... Show More
  • Research Article

    Re-visiting SophoclesAntigone: Dr. Dina Amin’s 2022 Egyptian Version Antigone’s Law

    Mariham El-Assal*

    Issue: Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
    Pages: 42-49
    Received: 16 June 2024
    Accepted: 4 July 2024
    Published: 15 July 2024
    Abstract: This paper attempts to compare Sophocles’ Antigone to the Egyptian adaptation Antigone’s law (2022), to highlight the significance of intertextuality. The study entails contributions to intertextuality that will be integrated in analyzing the adapted discourses. It will also capitalize on the political and social dimensions illustrated in the adapt... Show More