Research Article
Appraising the Spatial Relationship Between the Groundwater Physicochemical Quality and the Physiographic Features in the Plateaux Region of Togo
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
9 December 2024
3 January 2025
7 January 2025
Abstract: Groundwater is a common drinking water resource worldwide. Understanding the distribution patterns of its chemical constituents is crucial for prioritizing sustainable management strategies. This study aims to present a holistic understanding of the spatial distribution of the physicochemical quality of groundwater in the Plateaux Region of Togo. A hydrochemical database of over 900 borehole water samples was compiled and integrated into GIS tools along with geological, hydrological, soils, land use and land cover, and other ancillary data. Comparison tests, global and local spatial autocorrelation, and hot spot analysis were performed at a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that groundwater is generally fresh and slightly acidic. Our results stress the importance of controlling physiographic features on groundwater quality. The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed statistical differences (p < 0.05) among physiographic groups for each groundwater quality parameter. The spatial statistics highlight the spatial dependence in the data and substantial variability in the chemical composition of groundwater due to association with physiographic features. In general, mountainous forest zones with higher rainfall recorded the predominance of lower conductivity values and less contamination in groundwater, probably due to the high rate of groundwater recharge and fast fluxes or circulation driven by topographic gradients. In contrast, those in the south, the center, and sometimes in the east and north present a substantially more advanced mineralization. The High-High clusters are similar and developed southwestward. Fluoride hot spots are associated with groundwater alkalinization in the North and granitoids displaying high-K calc-alkaline magnesian series in the southwest. The hotspots for nitrate concentrations are located at the southeast and northeast ends of the Region due to the affluence of contamination sources and the aquifer vulnerability. This study appears significant as a relevant contributing tool for the sustainable management of groundwater resources in the region.
Abstract: Groundwater is a common drinking water resource worldwide. Understanding the distribution patterns of its chemical constituents is crucial for prioritizing sustainable management strategies. This study aims to present a holistic understanding of the spatial distribution of the physicochemical quality of groundwater in the Plateaux Region of Togo. A...
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Research Article
Assessment of the Water Pollution Level of the N'ZI River (Côte d'Ivoire)
Yao Koffi Léon*
Kouakou Koffi Eugène,
Kouakou Akissi Bienve Pélagie,
Yapo N’Zébo Sylvestre,
Kouassi Amani Michel
Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2025
10 February 2025
25 February 2025
18 March 2025
Abstract: Assessment of the state of pollution of the N'ZI river (Côte d’Ivoire), the objective was to evaluate the degree of pollution of the waters of the N'ZI river. To this end, two sampling sessions were conducted in dry and rainy seasons. The descriptions of the physical parameters (Potential hydrogen (pH)), Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, and Turbidity) were measured in situ using the multi-parameter HANNA instruments pH/conductivity brand HI 98129. The suspended matter was filtered and some chemical parameters were determined according to French standards agency methods. The chemical parameters were determined by spectrophotometer, titration, and metals were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP). The results of the analyses are compared with the standard norms of the WHO (World Health Organization) or the water framework guidelines of the EU (European United) and France. Temperature and conductivity show low mineralization of the water, as well as dissolved oxygen and oxygen content, and significant variation in turbidity and suspended solids. The nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and ammonium levels are low compared to standard values. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical oxygen demand over five days (BOD5) show a significant variation linked to anthropic activities. Heavy metals are above the standard. The results of the analysis showed an alteration of the waters of the N'ZI river from north to south, in general. This study concluded the development of a spatiotemporal monitoring system of the river network and the environment in its future functionality.
Abstract: Assessment of the state of pollution of the N'ZI river (Côte d’Ivoire), the objective was to evaluate the degree of pollution of the waters of the N'ZI river. To this end, two sampling sessions were conducted in dry and rainy seasons. The descriptions of the physical parameters (Potential hydrogen (pH)), Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Dissol...
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