Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science

Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024

  • Research Article

    Dendrometrical Structure and Physicochemical Analysis of Mangrove Sediments from the Nyong River Estuary (Cameroon, Atlantic Coast)

    Anselme Crépin Mama*, Durane Tchatchouang Chougong, Ginette Thérèse Atoukoh Dingong, Armel Zacharie Ekoa Bessa, Emmanuel Henock Dicka, Gordon Nwutih Ajonina, Jules Rémi Ngoupayou Ndam

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
    Pages: 23-41
    Received: 14 March 2024
    Accepted: 7 April 2024
    Published: 29 April 2024
    Abstract: Mangrove estuaries are not immune to the threats posed by climate and anthropogenic constraints on aquatic environments. In the Nyong River estuary, mangrove ecotone has capital importance for biodiversity conservation due to its localization in the Douala-Edéa protected area. For this study, seven quadrats were delimited in aim to evaluate mangrov... Show More
  • Research Article

    Predicting & Analysing Discharge and Sediment of Sore Catchment, Baro-Akobo Sub Basin Using Saturation Excess Model, Western Ethiopia

    Asnakew Melku Fenta*, Gatbel Bougny Nyuot

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
    Pages: 42-54
    Received: 7 May 2024
    Accepted: 27 May 2024
    Published: 13 June 2024
    Abstract: Soil erosion, land degradation, and soil loss are major problems in Ethiopia's Baro-Akobo Basin. In the Ethiopian highlands, many hydrological models have been employed to forecast sediment and discharge in watersheds of varying sizes. PED mode was used for this study because it requires fewer data and is well recognized by academics in Ethiopia's ... Show More
  • Research Article

    Determination of Mountain Equivalent Rainstorm (MER) in Qinba Maintain Area Based on TRMM

    Khem Chunpanha, Yan Baowen*

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
    Pages: 55-62
    Received: 16 May 2024
    Accepted: 6 June 2024
    Published: 19 June 2024
    Abstract: The study of extreme precipitation is a significant aspect for investigating rainstorms, flash floods, and unpredictable disasters. Qinba mountain, Shaanxi province, China, is sensitive to extreme climate and rainstorm events. It is crucial to investigate the feature of precipitation extremes in this region with satellite data. According to this, t... Show More