Abstract: Inclusive Education has recently become a pertinent issue as nations strive for sustainable education. Thence, this study delved on how the inclusion of physically disabled learners in Early Childhood Development (ECD) settings is aggravating exclusion in Sengwe Cluster. Glitches of how the inclusion of physically disabled learners in ECD settings affect vast stakeholders in ECD environments. Social Systems Theory by Niklas Luhmann formed the theoretical framework of this study. An ethnographic-qualitative research methodology merging a descriptive survey was adopted to critically analyse the problem in its natural settings. Five primary schools were sampled purposively to gain contextual knowledge on how the problem at hand was aggravating exclusion in ECD settings. Five physically disabled learners, ten ECD teachers and ten parents were sampled. Questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions and observations were data collection instruments used. It emerged that, physically disabled ECD learners in inclusive schools were not equally benefitting from the education system as compared to their non-disabled peers. Limited parental involvement; unconducive education laws and policies, unstable school financial positions, negativism among other stakeholders and lack of multi-stakeholder collaboration were greatly affecting inclusive education in ECD environments. The study therefore recommends for effective parental involvement and multi-stakeholder collaboration, for the physically disabled ECD learners to equally benefit in inclusive schools like non-disabled peers.
Abstract: Inclusive Education has recently become a pertinent issue as nations strive for sustainable education. Thence, this study delved on how the inclusion of physically disabled learners in Early Childhood Development (ECD) settings is aggravating exclusion in Sengwe Cluster. Glitches of how the inclusion of physically disabled learners in ECD settings ...Show More