Research Article
Islam: The Complete, Functional and Practical Guide to Life
Mohammad Mushfequr Rahman*
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
30 March 2024
8 May 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: People say developed countries became developed by following secularism while Muslim countries became backward by following Islam. This is false perception. In fact developed countries are following Islamic principles unknowingly in all the areas of development; Islamic principles of rule of law, justice, honesty, integrity, research and knowledge learning, development and application. Developed countries and corruption ridden Muslim countries are self harming in all those areas where they are not following Islamic principles; resource intensive hedonism, predatory economic and financial policies, corruption, fraud, injustice, prejudice and selective exploitation of people. Latest development in many developed countries is adoption of prohibition of smoking in public places and this is also based on Islamic principle of avoiding greater harm. So Islam is an essential aspect of humanity’s existence. It teaches us how to conduct ourselves in all aspects of life in a morally and legally upright manner. Islam created a well-defined system of laws governing moral behavior, civil and political rights, social issues and rights, marriage and divorce laws, inheritance rights, and all other matters we deal with daily. It serves as a guide to life in all its facets and is not just for the mosque. Since Islam is logical and rational, it keeps a Muslim free from confusion of any kind. These are some of the main points raised in the paper regarding how Islam is a comprehensive, functional, and practical code of life. Nine major relevant and significant fields have been discussed: the Islamic political system, law and legal system, Jihad, economic system, education system, marriage and family, Islamic society, the mindset, and the hijab. The discussion is analytical and comparative addressing secular ideologies based on Islamic texts and social sciences. The paper establishes that the Islamic system is the alternative system that can replace secular ideologies. This paper has been summarized from a broader and larger discussion of the same topic.
Abstract: People say developed countries became developed by following secularism while Muslim countries became backward by following Islam. This is false perception. In fact developed countries are following Islamic principles unknowingly in all the areas of development; Islamic principles of rule of law, justice, honesty, integrity, research and knowledge ...
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Research Article
Prevalence of Back Deformities Among Primary School Students
Asim Hatim Mohammed,
Tareq Abduljalil Hajeb,
Asim Mamoun Abdelbagi,
Dafaalla Salih,
M. Elghazali Abuelgassim E. Mustafa*
Mohammed Mubarak Mohammed,
Hozifa Mohammed Ali Abd-Elmaged
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
21 April 2024
15 May 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: Background: The high incidence of spinal abnormalities among primary school students is a pressing health issue that demands attention. Recent epidemiological studies have emphasized the importance of spinal anomalies in this specific population. The rising prevalence can be attributed to factors such as sedentary lifestyles, insufficient ergonomic practices, and a lack of awareness. Understanding the extent of these abnormalities is crucial for promptly identifying and intervening since they might affect the general welfare and educational achievement of primary school students. The aim of this study was to estimate the Prevalence of Back Deformities among Primary School Students in Khartoum, Sudan 2022-2023. Materials and Methods: This study is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional community-based study conducted in four government primary schools in the Bahri locality from November 2022 to February 2023 among primary school students. Data was analyzed and interpreted using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) data analysis software version 26.0. Results: This study included a total of 383 primary school students in Bahri locality (males: 200 (52.2%) and females: 183 (47.8%). The male-to-female ratio is 1.1:1, with a mean age of 9 years and ranging from 6 to 12 years. The posture wall test and Adam forward bending test were used to diagnose coronal and sagittal deformities. The posture wall test was positive in 3 cases (0.78%). There were 3 cases of kyphosis, 2 males and 1 female. The deformity was in the thoracic region in all cases.
Abstract: Background: The high incidence of spinal abnormalities among primary school students is a pressing health issue that demands attention. Recent epidemiological studies have emphasized the importance of spinal anomalies in this specific population. The rising prevalence can be attributed to factors such as sedentary lifestyles, insufficient ergonomic...
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Research Article
Derrida's Postmodern Thought and Religious Education
Eun Young Moon*
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
25 March 2024
4 June 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: Today the learners breathe in the atmosphere of postmodern thoughts. In this sense it is meaningful to deal with a postmodern thinker’s philosophy more closely. This work contributes to understand the learners’ intellectual environment deeply in the current postmodern society. Through this, educators can find the way to enrich learners’ epistemological and existential soil and can do this more appropriate way. In particular, Jacques Derrida's thoughts on deconstruction and différance offer profound insights for religious education in the postmodern era. In addition, his understanding of gift, forgiveness, and hospitality enriches the content of religious education and invites teachers and learners to a more responsible life, in that, for Derrida, responsibility connotes response ability. In this paper, I explore Derrida's thoughts on deconstruction, différance, gift, forgiveness, and hospitality. After investigating Derrida's thoughts, I present a framework for imagination-centered religious education that bridges between Derrida's thoughts and religious education. Here I propose three forms of imagination as the outline of imagination-centered religious education: constructive, empathetic, and visionary imagination. Finally, I revisit Derrida's thoughts from the perspective of the three imaginations and bring them into dialogue with one another. Through this I seek to enrich both Derrida's thoughts and religious education and to elicit helpful implications for religious education. The methods of this paper mostly rely on books and theses around the main issues. I hope that this study contributes to the nurturing of the next generation in the contemporary postmodern, globalizing, fourth industrial, and new normal era.
Abstract: Today the learners breathe in the atmosphere of postmodern thoughts. In this sense it is meaningful to deal with a postmodern thinker’s philosophy more closely. This work contributes to understand the learners’ intellectual environment deeply in the current postmodern society. Through this, educators can find the way to enrich learners’ epistemolog...
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Research Article
Church Ministry Participants' Learning Participation Motives Effect on Servant Leadership
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
7 April 2024
11 June 2024
19 June 2024
Abstract: This study was conducted in order to investigate the structural relationship between the learning participation motive effect on servant leadership in the church family ministry program and the sense of community. First, analyzing previous studies, a structural model was developed. Then, in the effort of verifying the structural model, 607 responses out of 700 questionnaires distributed into nationwide churches and institutes participating in church family ministry program were collected as target data. Informations on learning participation motive, servant leadership, and sense of community were collected through the questionnaires after the church family ministry program. In order to study the structural relationship between the servant leadership effect on learning participation motive and the sense of community, the collected data were analyzed according to structure equation model analysis. As a result, the structural model this study suggested was found proper. Accordingly, it was verified that the sense of community carrying the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motives, two of learning participation motives, affected servant leadership. Also, it was verified that the subfactors of the sense of community played important role in enhancing servant leadership in cause and effect relationship between learning participating motive and servant leadership. Therefore, in church family ministry program, it can be suggested that moderating sense of community under the consideration of participants’ intrinsic and extrinsic motives makes moderating the level of learning participation motive possible.
Abstract: This study was conducted in order to investigate the structural relationship between the learning participation motive effect on servant leadership in the church family ministry program and the sense of community. First, analyzing previous studies, a structural model was developed. Then, in the effort of verifying the structural model, 607 response...
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Research Article
A New Combination of Teaching and Learning Elements in and out of Class: The PDCA Iterative Improvement Pedagogy and Its Empirical Evidence
Xiaoliang Ding*
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
17 May 2024
3 June 2024
25 June 2024
Abstract: In order to address the issues of abundant learning resources under the Internet plus condition, but college students do not invest enough time in learning out of class, and some teachers and students are still accustomed to one-way teaching, a new combination of teaching and learning elements in and out of class, the PDCA Iterative Improvement Pedagogy, is designed. And educational experiments were conducted in two public elective courses. The investigation indicates that after engaging in collaborative learning both inside and outside the classroom, students not only acquire professional knowledge but also experience comprehensive growth in transferable abilities and non-intellectual factors. This holds universal significance for reforming the traditional classroom teaching system, effectively utilizing online learning resources, increasing student engagement in self-study outside of class, enhancing the learning efficiency of the “research-teaching-study nexus,” considering both individual growth and social skills training, integrating professional education with holistic education, and implementing quality assurance practices into the daily teaching process.
Abstract: In order to address the issues of abundant learning resources under the Internet plus condition, but college students do not invest enough time in learning out of class, and some teachers and students are still accustomed to one-way teaching, a new combination of teaching and learning elements in and out of class, the PDCA Iterative Improvement Ped...
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Research Article
The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes
Mulenga Memory Chibalange*
Penda Annie
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
21 May 2024
12 June 2024
25 June 2024
Abstract: The study focused on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives were to establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, to explore leadership influence on the implementation and to assess the benefits of implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The research employed qualitative method. It employed descriptive design. Study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 64. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews and observation checklist. The research findings established that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education was taught as integrated in other subjects using methodologies that engaged learners while learning sexuality issues, School leadership championed the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, they motivated learners and teachers by providing guidance and, encouraging also awarding those who are well behaved with sponsorship. They also promoted individualized consideration through mandatory one on one counselling on sexuality issues which is a deliberate policy in all the three schools. The research discovered that, learners benefited from Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they gained knowledge on Comprehensive Sexuality Education as revealed by parent respondents, it was also discovered that sexuality cases were reduced from 1457 in 2015 to 453 in 2023 by 1004 in cases of sexuality and in 2014 when the implementation started the total sexuality related cases stood at 1375 which was later reduced to 117 in 2023. It is recommended that, school leadership should champion the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in all school, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of teaching and monitoring Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a standalone. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in Chinsali District.
Abstract: The study focused on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives were to establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, to explore leadership influence on the impl...
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Research Article
Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia
Mulenga Memory Chibalange*
Penda Annie
Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
21 May 2024
11 June 2024
25 June 2024
Abstract: The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretivism paradigm. It used descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 384. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews for headteachers, teachers, parents and learners, the close ended questionnaires administered on teachers, parents and learners whereas observation checklist was on used to teachers and learners. The research determined the perception of stakeholders and the responses were as follows; headteachers stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, while teachers echoed that it should be taught as a standalone subject but some felt that, the curriculum raised some sensitive issues that were previously taboo in African society. Most parents supported the implementation because learners were guided and regulated properly and their character and academic performance have improved while others’ opinion was that it should be taught by ifimbusa. Learners felt that they were being equipped with healthy sexuality lifestyle and decision making skills. The recommendation for this research are that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership in association with parents should champion the implementation of it, Parents should take responsibility of their children sexual life and behaviour, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of engaging parents while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and closely supervise its implementation in school should be devised and be reinforced in schools. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on exploring the potential reasons for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools from stakeholder’s perceptions would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in other rural settings in Muchinga Province other than Nakonde District.
Abstract: The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretiv...
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