Journal of Investment and Management

Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013

  • Integrating Activity-Based Costing with Economic Value Added

    Tandung Huynh, Guangming Gong, Anhtuan Nguyen

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013
    Pages: 34-40
    Received: 19 May 2013
    Published: 10 June 2013
    Abstract: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) was developed in the mid 1980s by Kaplan and it has been applied very popular in developed countries with obvious advantages. Although ABC system has more advantages than traditional costing (TC) system, but in today’s competitive economic environment it has not met fulfilled provision of sufficient information for deci... Show More
  • Is Negotiation a Threat to Zimbabwean Investment Deals? an Analysis of Essar and Green Fuel Investments

    Michael Musanzikwa

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013
    Pages: 41-49
    Received: 8 April 2013
    Published: 10 June 2013
    Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the Negotiation structures in Zimbabwe, ad-dressing the extent to which negotiation mechanisms may have been a contributory factor to the recent negotiated govern-ment deals with Essar and Green Fuel Chisumbanje projects which have taken so long to take off than as anticipated. Design/... Show More
  • “Intervention of Destination Management Organization’s In Tourist Destinations for Branding, Image Building and Competitiveness – A Conducive Model for Karnataka”

    Bindi Varghese

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013
    Pages: 50-56
    Received: 4 March 2013
    Published: 30 June 2013
    Abstract: Destination Management Organization (DMO) is a technical body which is supported by the Host Government. DMO’s initiate a standardized procedure to market a destination by attracting right quantum of tourist, to synergizes activities on tourist destinations. DMOs are also perceived as marketing organizations designed to bring buyers (visitors) in c... Show More
  • The Co-Production of Value in an Art Market: Exploring Service Relationships

    Erik A. Borg, Lars Vigerland

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013
    Pages: 57-69
    Received: 17 May 2013
    Published: 10 July 2013
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze service dominated relationships and differences in characteristics of these relationships within arts marketing. The appreciation of art is seen as a service and is intertwined with the creation of company identity and thus a subtle kind of marketing, whether this is a conscious or non-conscious strategy f... Show More