American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics

Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2012

  • Influential Authorities for Vaccination Policies and Barriers to Implementing Standing Orders for Influenza Vaccination among Nursing Facilities in 14 States, 2000-2002.

    Barbara Bardenheier, Abigail Shefer, Stefan Gravenstein, Carolyn Furlow, Carol J. Rowland Hogue

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2012
    Pages: 1-11
    Published: 30 December 2012
    Abstract: To assess barriers to implementing standing order protocols (SOP) for vaccinations and influential authorities in making vaccination decisionswith the proportion of black residents, and vaccination coverage in nursing homes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2000-2002 surveyed approxi... Show More
  • Empirical Bayes Estimators of Parameter and Reliability Function for Compound Rayleigh Distribution under Record Data.

    Omid Shojaee, Reza Azimi, Manoochehr Babanezhad

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2012
    Pages: 12-15
    Published: 30 December 2012
    Abstract: Based on the record samples, the empirical Bayes estimators of parameter and reliability function for Compound Rayleigh distribution is investigated under the symmetric and asymmetric loss function. In this case the symmetric loss function is squared error and for the asymmetric loss functions, we consider LINEX and general Entropy loss function.