Journal of Public Policy and Administration

Special Issue

Administrative Phenomenology: Theory, Method and Application

  • Submission Deadline: 1 August 2024
  • Status: Open for Submission
  • Lead Guest Editor: Wang Jingyu
About This Special Issue
As a philosophical movement, phenomenology has had a profound impact on the study of public administration after WorldWar II, but it has also created new theoretical dilemmas. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the study of administrative phenomenology in academia. This special issue aims to review the ideas and methods of administrativephenomenology, and based on the practice of good governance in different countries, to explore howadministrativephenomenology can overcome such dilemmas as subjectivism, relativism, and utopianism, so as to effectively promote the growthof knowledge in administrative phenomenology.
The special issue invites academic papers from scholars all over the world, focusing on the following aspects:
  1. (1) At the theoretical level, sorting out the origin and development of administrative phenomenology, explaining the basicideas of administrative phenomenology, and constructing an analytical framework for administrative phenomenology.
  2. (2) At the methodological level, explaining the basic characteristics and operational methods of administrativephenomenology methodology, and constructing a methodological genealogy for administrative phenomenology.
  3. (3) At the application level, focusing on the core issues of administrative phenomenology: intentionality, inter-subjectivity, and the life world, applying the phenomenological methodology to describe good governance experience in different countries andexplore how public administration can overcome such typical dilemmas as subjectivism, relativism, and utopianismunder the background of pluralistic governance, so as to effectively promote governance practice and facilitate the development of administrative phenomenology theory.


  1. The Idea of Administrative Phenomenology
  2. The Method of Administrative Phenomenology
  3. The Practice of Good Governance
  4. Subjectivism
  5. Relativism
  6. Utopianism
Lead Guest Editor
  • Wang Jingyu

    Department of Public Management, Anhui University, Hefei, China

Guest Editors
  • Wendi Wang

    Department of Management, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China

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