Research Article
Organizational Pride: The Key to Unlocking Job Satisfaction Among Municipal Utility Employees
Mark Ellickson*
Terry Stone
Stephanie O’Connor
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2025
14 November 2024
29 November 2024
9 January 2025
Abstract: This study examines the key factors influencing job satisfaction among municipal utility employees—a rarely studied yet essential group of workers providing vital services such as electricity, gas, and water. Amid a serious workforce shortage in the public utilities sector, understanding the main drivers of employee satisfaction is crucial for improving recruitment and retention efforts, with significant implications for public health and societal stability. Drawing on survey data from nearly 400 employees at one of the largest municipally owned utility companies in the United States, the study employs the Person-Environment (P-E) Fit model as its theoretical framework. Regression analysis assessed the impact of nine variables across four dimensions of the work environment on job satisfaction. Results indicated that municipal utility workers' job satisfaction is primarily influenced by achieving a strong person-environment fit. The most significant factor is fostering a culture of organizational pride and an emotional connection to the organization. Other important factors associated with job satisfaction include ensuring equitable workloads, offering competitive pay, effectively utilizing employee skills, and providing opportunities for advancement. Contrary to expectations, the quality of coworker interactions was not a significant determinant of job satisfaction. This model explains two-thirds of the variation in job satisfaction among municipal utility employees. The study also discusses research and organizational implications.
Abstract: This study examines the key factors influencing job satisfaction among municipal utility employees—a rarely studied yet essential group of workers providing vital services such as electricity, gas, and water. Amid a serious workforce shortage in the public utilities sector, understanding the main drivers of employee satisfaction is crucial for impr...
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Research Article
The Cauvery River Water Dispute: A Human Rights Perspective
Teghbir Kaur*
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2025
9 August 2024
6 January 2025
10 February 2025
Abstract: Water sharing conflicts exist worldwide. The Cauvery River, in southern India is at the center of the dispute. The Cauvery conflict between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka re-emerges when rainfall in the south west is in adequate in the region. Historically, the conflict was over water rights, and the conflicting states used the river for agriculture. In the late 1980s, water resources in the region became scarce due to industrialization and population growth. This paper attempts to examine analyses the political and legal frame work of the Cauvery river conflict. The main objective of this paper is also to examine the human sufferings and human rights violations due to Cauvery water dispute which is less explored. The Cauvery river provides drinking water to numerous villages, towns and cities in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Many industries in both states are dependent on the Cauvery River for their water needs. There is a long-standing dispute which has recently led to a conflict between the two states. The cumulative bitterness and misunderstandings between the people of the two states hide the common needs of farmers and the environment on both sides of the border. Here's anin-depth look at the historical, political, recent and human rights aspects of this dispute.
Abstract: Water sharing conflicts exist worldwide. The Cauvery River, in southern India is at the center of the dispute. The Cauvery conflict between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka re-emerges when rainfall in the south west is in adequate in the region. Historically, the conflict was over water rights, and the conflicting states used the river for agriculture. In ...
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Research Article
Examining the Maintenance Culture of Public Sector Property and Its Impact on Service Delivery: A PLS-SEM Approach
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2025
7 January 2025
23 January 2025
11 February 2025
Abstract: The study innovatively investigates the relationship between maintenance culture, resource allocation, employee engagement, public perception and trust, and service delivery in the public sector. The study uncovers the interplay between these factors and their impact on service delivery outcomes. To achieve such outcomes, we utilize a structured questionnaire to assess variables related to maintenance culture, resource allocation, employee engagement, public perception and trust, and service delivery. Data were collected from a sample of public sector employees and stakeholders, which was then subjected to rigorous statistical analysis. The research employs a range of statistical techniques to investigate correlations, direct and mediating effects, and construct reliability. Inarguably, the use of a survey instrument and statistical analysis allowed for the quantitative assessment of the research hypotheses. The findings reveal significant correlations between maintenance culture, resource allocation, employee engagement, public perception and trust, and service delivery. It identifies employee engagement, public perception and trust as mediating variables that play crucial roles in influencing service delivery outcomes. The findings provide distinctive insights into the complex dynamics of service delivery in the public sector, emphasizing the importance of resource allocation, employee engagement, and public relations efforts. Our research contributes to the field by examining the relationships among maintenance culture, resource allocation, employee engagement, public perception and trust, and service delivery in the specific context of the public sector. It introduces the mediating roles of employee engagement and public perception and trust, adding a novel dimension to our understanding of service delivery dynamics. The study's originality lies in its empirical investigation of these complex interactions, shedding light on the factors that influence service delivery outcomes in public organizations.
Abstract: The study innovatively investigates the relationship between maintenance culture, resource allocation, employee engagement, public perception and trust, and service delivery in the public sector. The study uncovers the interplay between these factors and their impact on service delivery outcomes. To achieve such outcomes, we utilize a structured qu...
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