American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

Aims and Scope

American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (ISSN Online: 2575-5722, ISSN Print: 2575-7059) is interested in publishing research on all aspects of Heterocyclic Chemistry. A perusal of any issue will show that the majority of manuscripts submitted are on the synthesis and properties of heterocyclic compounds. Many of those studies include a short history of the biological and commercial applications of related compounds, and often include biological screening data corresponding to newly reported compounds. This strong connection between the preparation of heterocyclic compounds and their potential benefit to humanity is both welcomed and encouraged. One will also find articles related to physical organic chemistry studies on heterocyclic compounds, mechanistic studies of reactions leading to heterocyclic compounds and studies of the photophysical properties of heterocyclic compounds, just to name a few.

The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

  • Syntheses, reactions, and/or properties of heterocyclic compounds
  • Application of heterocyclic chemistry in total synthesis, catalysis, drug discovery, and materials science
  • Mechanistic studies of reactions leading to heterocyclic compounds
  • Connections between the preparation of heterocyclic compounds and their potential benefit to humanity
  • Physical organic chemistry studies of heterocyclic compounds
  • Studies of the photophysical properties of heterocyclic compounds

Guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found in the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Once your manuscript is ready, you may proceed to the Submission page to complete the process.