Research Article
Integrated Use of Biochar and Lime Enhances Soil Properties and Maize Yield in Acidic Soil of Jimma Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2025
18 December 2024
31 December 2024
16 January 2025
Abstract: Due to continuous cultivation high soil acidity, low nutrient inputs and soil fertility depletion has been a major threat to maize crop production and productivity in Jimma area, Southwestern Ethiopia. Recently, biochar has emerged as a soil amendment to improve and maintain soil health and enhance soil carbon sequestration. Thus, the experiment was conducted in 2017/18 and 2018/19 cropping seasons with the objective of generating information on the effects of Bio-char and their interactions with lime and inorganic fertilizers on crop productivity and properties of acid soil at Kersa district, Jimma zone, Southwestern Ethiopia. Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications was used. The treatment design included: negative control (without any input), Recommended NP, Bio char at a rate of 10 t/ha (it is the recommended?), Bio char (10 t/ha) + Recommended NP, 50% Bio char (5 t/ha) + 50% Recommended NP, Bio char (10 t/ha) +Recommended lime (1.5 X EA), 50% Bio char +50% Recommended lime (1.5 X EA), Recommended NP + Recommended lime (1.5 X EA), and 50% Bio char + 50% Recommended NP + 50% Recommended lime. The biochar was applied one month before sowing and mixed thoroughly in the upper 15 cm soil depth. The lime (CaCO3) treatments were broadcasted by hand and mixed thoroughly with soils one month before planting of the test crop. During the second season, the lime and Biochar treatments were not applied. The recommended NPSB fertilizer was applied based on the recommendation for maize crop to plot that receive NPSB fertilizer. The result of the experiment revealed that application of biochar alone and biochar with lime increased soil pH, available p, total N, and OC and decreased exchangeable acidity. The maximum mean grain yield of 6831.8 kg/ha was recorded from Bio char + Recommended NP plots. However, the treatment with the highest MRR (marginal rate of return) of 2868% was 50% Bio char + 50% Rec. NP + 50% Rec. lime with net benefit of (63994 ETB ha-1).
Abstract: Due to continuous cultivation high soil acidity, low nutrient inputs and soil fertility depletion has been a major threat to maize crop production and productivity in Jimma area, Southwestern Ethiopia. Recently, biochar has emerged as a soil amendment to improve and maintain soil health and enhance soil carbon sequestration. Thus, the experiment wa...
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Research Article
Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on the Yield and Yield Components of Food Barley at Sinana District, Bale Zone, Oromia, Southeastern Ethiopia
Tilahun Chibsa Birru*,
Daniel Abageja
Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2025
20 November 2024
23 December 2024
16 January 2025
Abstract: Organic fertilizers improve soil structure by enriching it, boosting productivity, and simultaneously preventing erosion. Nitrogen and phosphorus are key limiting nutrients in many soils. In the highland vertisols of Ethiopia, nutrient deficiencies, particularly of nitrogen and phosphorus, are common due to practices like monocropping and nutrient leaching. This study evaluates the effect of the organic liquid fertilizer "ECO-GREEN" on the yield and yield components of food barley in Sinana District, Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia. The experiment, conducted during the 2018/2019 growing season, included six different levels of ECO-GREEN application (ranging from 0% to 5% of fertilizer diluted in water) and was carried out in three different locations: Robe Area, Jafera, and Sambitu. The results demonstrated that grain yield, plant height, spike length, seeds per spike, number of tillers, and biomass yield all significantly increased with the application of ECO-GREEN fertilizer, with the highest yield observed at 60 L/ha. However, higher fertilizer levels (80 L/ha and 100 L/ha) did not show further significant yield improvements. This study highlights the importance of optimal fertilizer application for improving barley production under the highland conditions of Ethiopia.
Abstract: Organic fertilizers improve soil structure by enriching it, boosting productivity, and simultaneously preventing erosion. Nitrogen and phosphorus are key limiting nutrients in many soils. In the highland vertisols of Ethiopia, nutrient deficiencies, particularly of nitrogen and phosphorus, are common due to practices like monocropping and nutrient ...
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Research Article
Preparation and Characterization of Vermicompost Nutrients Made from Different Sources of Organic Materials
Bati Dube*
Dagne Chimdessa,
Gedefa Sori
Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2025
23 December 2024
7 January 2025
23 January 2025
Abstract: Vermicomposting is simple biotechnological process of composting, which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce better homogenized end product. Therefore, this study was conducted to prepare and Characterization of vermicompost nutrients made from different sources of organic materials. The experiment was carried out during 2023/24 at Bedele Agricultural Research Center. Vermicomposting was done using Eisenia fetida with seven treatments: wheat straw, maize stalk, sorghum stalk, haricot bean straw, soybean straw, finger millet straw and faba bean straw. The data were analyzed by SAS software version 9.3. Results indicated that for all the seven treatments the pH fluctuated in the range of 6.88 to 8.90, and the highest pH value was recorded from soybean straw with animal manure (8.90) whereas the lowest obtain from wheat straw with animal manure. Electrical conductivity of vermicompost were ranged from 2.02 to 4.44ds/m and the highest value of EC was recorded from soybean with animal manure (4.44ds/m) and the lowest from maize stalk with animal manure (2.02ds/m). The organic carbon of the vermicompost were ranged from 15.18 to 16.54%. The highest and lowest value of organic carbon was recorded from faba bean straw and haricot bean with animal manure (16.54 and 15.18%) respectively. The obtained total nitrogen was ranged from 1.28 to 1.43%. However, the highest was obtained from faba bean straw with animal manure and lowest recorded from maize stalk with cow manure (1.43% and 1.28%) respectively. The available phosphorus of vermicompost ranged from 24.65 to 27.75 ppm, from these results the highest and the lowest was recorded from wheat straw with animal manure and soybean straw with animal manure (27.75 and 24.65 ppm) respectively. The harvested vermicompost had an excellent nutrient rank, confirmed by chemical analysis, and contained all the essential selected macronutrients.
Abstract: Vermicomposting is simple biotechnological process of composting, which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce better homogenized end product. Therefore, this study was conducted to prepare and Characterization of vermicompost nutrients made from different sources of organic materials. The expe...
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Research Article
Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Groundwater from Banana Plantations in the Agnéby-Tiassa and Sud Comoé Regions of Côte d'Ivoire
Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2025
31 January 2025
18 February 2025
14 March 2025
Abstract: In industrial plantations, groundwater is used as a source of drinking water, although it can be affected by contamination from agricultural activities. The aim of our study was to assess the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater from industrial plantations in the south of Côte d'Ivoire. The methodological approach consisted of an annual sampling campaign of water supply sources in four (04) plantations from 2016 to 2019 and the analytical approach consisted of determining the various physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters of these different water sources. The physico-chemical analysis used electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods, while the bacteriological analysis was based on the membrane filtration technology. The results showed that the water was characterized by: an average acid pH of 6.09, low mineralization (from 12.83 to 139.29 µS/cm), high iron values ranging from 0.5 to 3.2 mg/L (in 37% of the samples), organic matter ranging from 7.8 to 13.5 mg/L (30% of the samples), and aluminium and ammonium values of 0.3 to 1.1 mg/L and 1.75 to 6.75 mg/L respectively (26% of the samples). Contamination by germs indicative of faecal pollution was also observed in 30% of samples. In conclusion, these waters are of unsatisfactory quality and unfit for consumption. Measures to improve water quality in these plantations should be considered.
Abstract: In industrial plantations, groundwater is used as a source of drinking water, although it can be affected by contamination from agricultural activities. The aim of our study was to assess the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater from industrial plantations in the south of Côte d'Ivoire. The methodological approach consisted o...
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