International Journal of Literature and Arts

Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017

  • Man and Nature in Walden

    Qin Liu

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
    Pages: 26-30
    Received: 6 May 2017
    Accepted: 15 May 2017
    Published: 13 July 2017
    Abstract: Since Walden publication, it has been studied from a great variety of perspectives, but these studies mainly focus on Thoreau’s views on nature in general, or his ecological ideas. A detailed and comprehensive study of the animals in Walden is rarely seen. Examining the animals in Walden, this paper intends to probe into Thoreau’s positive philosop... Show More
  • The Artistic Features of S. Nurymbetov's Poem "The Sericulturist Zhanyl"

    Sharafatdin Saimbetov

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
    Pages: 31-34
    Received: 20 May 2017
    Accepted: 19 June 2017
    Published: 25 July 2017
    Abstract: The national poet of Karakalpakstan S. Nurymbetov is the author of works that are diverse in terms of both their ideological content and artistic form. In this article explores the artistic features of the poem by S. Nurymbetov "The Sericulturist Zhanyl". Picturing the events of the daily reality of the Karakalpak people, S. Nurymbetov strives to m... Show More
  • Untraditional Factors Discussion on Modern Freehand Landscape Painting Techniques

    Xiaochun Hu, Qiang Meng

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
    Pages: 35-39
    Received: 1 August 2017
    Published: 7 August 2017
    Abstract: The freehand landscape painting, one of Chinese painting forms, is based on Chinese traditional culture development. And modern western painting techniques affect Chinese painting a lot, which make Chinese painting present a new form. So through research and analysis, in order to expand more developing space for Chinese freehand landscape painting,... Show More
  • Chinese Activities and Chinese Culture Within Community Arts in Melbourne

    Lingliang Li

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
    Pages: 40-45
    Received: 7 August 2017
    Published: 11 August 2017
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyze current problems in the development of Chinese activities in community arts in Melbourne, including publicity issues. It can be a big subject to find out the way for Box Hill Community Arts Centre to attract Chinese and others to participate in activities. The more this is done, the more Chinese people might ... Show More