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Responses of Acidic Soil to Lime and Vermicompost Application at Lalo Asabi District, Western Ethiopia

Received: 29 September 2021     Accepted: 25 October 2021     Published: 12 November 2021
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Soil acidity is one of the major yield-limiting factors for crop production worldwide, particularly on highly weathered and leached tropical soils. Different reports have indicated that there is significant soil acidity coverage in Ethiopia, particularly in the western part of the country; soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop production and productivity. As part of the solution to such problem in soils, combined application of lime and VC on maize has not been investigated in the area, in which maize was one of the potential cereal crops in the area. Field experiment was conducted at Lalo Asabi district in western Wollega during 2019/20 cropping season to evaluate the responses of acidic soil to the combined application of lime and vermicompost (VC). The experimental treatments were five rates of lime (CaCO3) (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of lime requirement (LR)) and three levels of vermicompost (0, 2.5 and 5 t ha-1). The treatments were arranged in factorial combinations in randomized complete block design with three replications. One composite surface soil samples from a depth of (0-15 cm) were collected from the experimental field before commencement of the experiment. A total of fifteen composited soil samples were also collected from each plot and then composited by replication to obtain one representative sample per treatments for determination of selected soil physicochemical properties. The soil analysis results revealed that soil pH increased from 5.1 (strongly acidic) to 5.8 (moderately acidic) while exchangeable acidity decreased from 2.44 to 0.31 cmolc kg-1 under combined application of lime at 75% LR+2.5 t VC ha-1, which resulted in improvement of others selected soil physicochemical properties. This study indicates combined use of lime and VC could ameliorate the adverse effect of soil acidity at Lalo Assabi district.

Published in Science Research (Volume 9, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.sr.20210906.12
Page(s) 108-119
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Acidity, Lime, Vermicompost, Amelioration, Selected Soil Properties

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  • APA Style

    Wegene Negese, Lemma Wogi, Tilahun Geleto. (2021). Responses of Acidic Soil to Lime and Vermicompost Application at Lalo Asabi District, Western Ethiopia. Science Research, 9(6), 108-119. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sr.20210906.12

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    ACS Style

    Wegene Negese; Lemma Wogi; Tilahun Geleto. Responses of Acidic Soil to Lime and Vermicompost Application at Lalo Asabi District, Western Ethiopia. Sci. Res. 2021, 9(6), 108-119. doi: 10.11648/j.sr.20210906.12

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    AMA Style

    Wegene Negese, Lemma Wogi, Tilahun Geleto. Responses of Acidic Soil to Lime and Vermicompost Application at Lalo Asabi District, Western Ethiopia. Sci Res. 2021;9(6):108-119. doi: 10.11648/j.sr.20210906.12

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    T1  - Responses of Acidic Soil to Lime and Vermicompost Application at Lalo Asabi District, Western Ethiopia
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    AU  - Lemma Wogi
    AU  - Tilahun Geleto
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    AB  - Soil acidity is one of the major yield-limiting factors for crop production worldwide, particularly on highly weathered and leached tropical soils. Different reports have indicated that there is significant soil acidity coverage in Ethiopia, particularly in the western part of the country; soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop production and productivity. As part of the solution to such problem in soils, combined application of lime and VC on maize has not been investigated in the area, in which maize was one of the potential cereal crops in the area. Field experiment was conducted at Lalo Asabi district in western Wollega during 2019/20 cropping season to evaluate the responses of acidic soil to the combined application of lime and vermicompost (VC). The experimental treatments were five rates of lime (CaCO3) (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of lime requirement (LR)) and three levels of vermicompost (0, 2.5 and 5 t ha-1). The treatments were arranged in factorial combinations in randomized complete block design with three replications. One composite surface soil samples from a depth of (0-15 cm) were collected from the experimental field before commencement of the experiment. A total of fifteen composited soil samples were also collected from each plot and then composited by replication to obtain one representative sample per treatments for determination of selected soil physicochemical properties. The soil analysis results revealed that soil pH increased from 5.1 (strongly acidic) to 5.8 (moderately acidic) while exchangeable acidity decreased from 2.44 to 0.31 cmolc kg-1 under combined application of lime at 75% LR+2.5 t VC ha-1, which resulted in improvement of others selected soil physicochemical properties. This study indicates combined use of lime and VC could ameliorate the adverse effect of soil acidity at Lalo Assabi district.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center, Oromia, Ethiopia

  • School of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Ethiopia

  • Natural Resource Management Directorate, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Finfine, Ethiopia

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