Five Types of Conference Publications

Conference publications on AcademicEvents ( will be published by SciencePG.

We provide five publishing services for conference content (past or upcoming conference). Full papers or abstracts submitted to your conference can be published in the conference proceedings, abstract book or special issue of journals.

Specifically, we do the following:

Assign a Crossref DOI for each conference article

Support conferences in all disciplines

Readers and authors are not charged for our services. We cover maintenance, manuscript production, and electronic archiving costs through publication fees from conference organizers.

  • Abstract Book

    The conference book of abstracts will be published as a book with an assigned ISBN. This book will contain abstracts of all accepted papers, poster presentations, oral communication, workshop, etc.

    Conference Book of Abstracts


    Free of Charge

    View Detail
  • Special Issue

    To be included in the special issue, articles must undergo a rigorous peer review process and be selected based on their scientific quality. Final inclusion in the special issue will be determined by the article's scientific merit.

    Full-length Conference Articles

    Rigorously Reviewed Article

    ISSN & DOI

    View Detail
  • Conference Proceedings

    Get published as an edited volume with ISBN & DOI in SciencePG Proceedings Series. Furthermore, each full-length article will receive a separate DOI.

    SciencePG Proceedings Series

    Full-length Conference Articles

    ISBN & DOI

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  • Journal

    To be published in one of our journals, articles must undergo a rigorous peer review process and be selected based on their alignment with the journal's scope and conference theme. Only articles that meet these criteria will be included.

    Conference Article in Journal / Full-length Conference Article

    Rigorously Reviewed Article

    ISSN & DOI

    View Detail
  • Book

    Published as a conference book with ISBN & DOI. This book will contain full-length conference articles.

    Full-length Conference Article

    ISBN & DOI

    View Detail
Learn about Conference Publications

Few differences between these publications are tabulated below:

Proceedings vs Special Issue

Proceedings Special Issue
Published as an edited volume; either individually or through a dedicated proceedings series. A single conference can have multiple volumes of the proceedings. Published in a scholarly journal as a separate Issue. Articles from the same conference may be grouped into many issues to publish in different journals (based on the scope of the journal).
Only full-text articles are included. Only full-text articles are included.
Peer review is conducted by a review committee established by the organizer. Peer review is conducted by a review committee established by the organizer.
Identifiers are ISBN & DOI for each article. Identifiers are ISSN & DOI for each article.
Considered as a conference article. Considered as a journal article.
It is preferred to publish proceedings of an academic meeting by including all accepted articles. It is preferred to select few high-quality articles from the meeting to publish as a special issue.
The cost of publication of the papers is low and therefore economical. The cost of publishing a special issue is relatively high, depending on the journal chosen.

Proceedings vs Abstract Book

Proceedings Abstract Book
Published as an edited volume; either individually or through a dedicated proceedings series. A single conference can have multiple volumes of the proceedings. Published as a single book of abstracts for the entire conferences.
Only full-text articles are included. Only abstracts of all papers are included.
Peer review is conducted by a review committee established by the organizer. Reviewed by the conference organizer, only structured formatting is required.
Identifiers are ISBN & DOI for each article. Identifiers are ISBN at the book level.
Considered as a conference article. Considered as an abstract only.
The cost of publication of the papers is low and therefore economical. A fixed publication fee per Book of Abstracts of an individual conference is required which is most economical for the organizers.

Abstract Book vs Book

Abstract Book Book
Only abstracts of all papers are included. Only full-length articles are included.
Reviewed by the conference organizer, only structured formatting is required. Peer review is conducted by a review committee established by the organizer.
Identifier is ISBN at the book level. Identifiers are ISBN & DOI for each article.
Considered as an abstract only. Considered as a conference article.
Open access (OA) book format Open access (OA) book format