Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Special Issue

Mental Health and Its Comorbidity with Substance Use

  • Submission Deadline: 1 June 2023
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Emmanuel Said Baeza Torres
About This Special Issue
Substance use is a public health problem that has been increasing in recent years; for instance, the increase in amphetamine-type stimulants and the emergence of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), leading to economic, social, physical and mental health consequences; such as, depression, anxiety and self-injurious behavior with or without suicidal intent.
Behavioral theory is based on the principle that substance use is elicited by both pleasant emotions (experimental use), and unpleasant emotions. Over time if the consumption does not stop this can lead to consequences; such as, dependency problems, intoxication, or the development of primary mental disorders and substance use disorders (SUD), also known as Dual Pathology (DP).
The main of this special issue is to present scientific articles that show the study of the relationship between mental health problems and the maintenance of substance use, as well as, the evaluation of the consequences developed. The subjects of this special issue are meta-analysis, systematic review studies, randomized clinical trials, cross-sectional and/or longitudinal studies with topics of anxiety, depression, positive and negative affect, suicidal behavior, personality disorders, impulse control problems and their relationship with problems of use, abuse, and psychoactive substance use dependence.


  1. Mental health
  2. Addictions
  3. Consumption
  4. Consequences
  5. Mental disorders
  6. Dual pathology
Lead Guest Editor
  • Emmanuel Said Baeza Torres ORCiD

    Mexican Observatory of Mental Health and Drug Use, National Commission Against Addictions, Mexico, Mexico

Guest Editors
  • Alma Delia Díaz Juárez

    Mexican Observatory of Mental Health and Drug Use, National Commission Against Addictions, México, Mexico