This special issue aims to investigate the integrity taking into account the relationship between education, culture, psychology and moral sense. It is about a multiperspectivist approach on making sense of ethics in the context of contemporary pluralization of life course. The conceptual framework is very sophisticated because of the multiple dissonances of the researches: the results are often irreconcilables because the findings provides various versions of the reality (different views of social justice, multiple markeplaces ideologies, mixte visions of political authenticity, metaphysical speculations, social and cultural paradigms). The meta-analysis of the knowledge production in the area reveals various wordings on moral system from the vantage point of different perspectives: theoretical, experimental, cultural, hypothesized in terms of moral intelligence, spiritual intelligence, existential intelligence, moral law, moral brain, critical thinking and moral reasoning, moral development, observational learning, moral rights, moral communication, social justice, moral values, neuroethics, bioethics, moral conscience, dilemmas, and so on. On the other hand, the mechanisms involved in assessing integrity are ones of the most complex and controversial of all topics. The experimental design, philosophical wording, multicultural perspectives, computational exploration, semiotics analysis exemplify ways of exploring the ruptures between tradition (family, patriotism, Christian charity, etc.) and application of standardization, rationalization and computarization. The psychological results, religious aspects, genetics outcomes, ethnographic analysis, reflective interplay, all produce multidisciplinary approaches in order to measure the mental space of morals. The exegesis of the formal rhetoric legitimate concern of moral cognition; a great number of publications on the topic contain various key terms of ethics academic market: moral brain, moral cognition, moral reasoning, moral judgment, moral development, moral values, moral communication, moral conscience, ethics, moral law, etc. A diversity of research methodologies, different tools and various discourses are used. The meanings of the qualitative results are consistent with new possible routes from ethics to meta-ethics, from formal outcomes to atypical answers, from classic viewpoint to understanding moral knowledge in contemporary context (e. g. pre-war, war, revisited cold war - in context on new ICT networks - and post war approaches in the area. This implies challenges of patterns, attitudes, behaviors, etc. As a consequence of this, some questions are important for future investigations: why (aims)?, what (results)?, when (times)?, who (intellectual patterns of the assessors)?, where (context or culture, local or global)?, how (research paradigms)?
Aims and Scope:
- Agency of Moral Education
- Ethics
- Culture
- Integrity
- Moral values
- Paradigm