Case Report
A Rare Case of Isolated Testicular Drug–Resistant Tuberculosis (Testicular DR-TB): Case Report
Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2025
12 December 2024
23 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: Introduction: Drug-resistant TB poses a significant threat to global TB care and prevention and remains a major public health issue in many countries and Testicular drug-resistant tuberculosis (testicular DR-TB) refers to a form of tuberculosis that specifically affects the testicles and is resistant to standard anti-TB medications, isolated testicular involvement is uncommon. Case presentation: a twenty-seven-year-old male patient presented with painful swelling of the scrotum for one month. He was treated with first-line anti-TB (RHZE/RH) and completed a month back at the health center. He had a similar complaint during the first diagnosis. While he was on treatment, the swelling subsided and recurred while he discontinued the medication. Our hospital received a referral for this complaint. Otherwise, he has no history of chronic illness, no surgical procedure at any site, no usage of second-line anti-TB drugs, or contact with a DR-TB patient. During the presentation, his vital signs were within normal range. The only pertinent finding was in the genitourinary system, which is that the scrotum is swollen and tender. Following clinical examinations and investigation findings with the diagnosis of RR-EPTB (testicular TB), we put him on an individualized longer regimen (Lfx/Cs/Cfz/Bdq/Cfz/Lzd) and pyridoxine. After 18 months of treatment, the outcome is declared as completed. After being advised on danger signs, he was appointed after six months for post-treatment follow-up according to the Ethiopian DR-TB management protocol. Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and adherence to treatment in managing drug-resistant extrapulmonary tuberculosis (RR-EPTB), specifically testicular TB. The patient's recurrent symptoms following discontinuation of first-line anti-TB therapy illustrate the challenges faced in treatment adherence and the potential consequences of inadequate management.
Abstract: Introduction: Drug-resistant TB poses a significant threat to global TB care and prevention and remains a major public health issue in many countries and Testicular drug-resistant tuberculosis (testicular DR-TB) refers to a form of tuberculosis that specifically affects the testicles and is resistant to standard anti-TB medications, isolated testic...
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Case Report
Psittacosis with Abnormal Mental Behavior: A Rare Case Report and Literature Review
Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2025
5 January 2025
2 February 2025
17 February 2025
Abstract: Psittacosis, an infectious disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci, has clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infection to severe atypical pneumonia, and even rare fatal meningitis. Psittacosis is difficult to identify early due to its nonspecific clinical presentation. In this report, we describe a male patient with atypical severe pneumonia and meningitis caused by Chlamydia psittacosis. The patient presented to the Department of Neurology with a fever for 5 days, abnormal mental behavior for 5 h, and no history of avian or poultry exposure. Following empirical antimicrobial therapy, the patient’s condition deteriorated rapidly, and he suffered respiratory failure, shock, and psychiatric disorders. The patient was rapidly transferred to ICU, where he received antishock, invasive mechanical ventilation therapy, and organ support therapy. Sputum and cerebrospinal fluid metagenomic secondary sequencing (mNGS) identified sequence reads related to Chlamydia thermosum. The patient was administered targeted drugs, as well as fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agents. As a result, the patient improved and left the ICU after 25 days, before returning to a near-premorbid condition after discharge. Psittacosis and meningitis should be considered in patients suffering from atypical pneumonia with fever, headache, and neuropsychiatric symptoms, and mNGS is a useful test for etiological screening. The case reports in this study hopefully help to provide some references for earlier diagnosis of psittacosis and development of life-saving treatment plan.
Abstract: Psittacosis, an infectious disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci, has clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infection to severe atypical pneumonia, and even rare fatal meningitis. Psittacosis is difficult to identify early due to its nonspecific clinical presentation. In this report, we describe a male patient with atypical severe pneumo...
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Case Report
Carcinomatous Degeneration of Crohn's Disease About a Case at G-Point CHU / Mali
Camara Mamoudou*
Sakho Aminata,
Camara Toumin,
Koné Abdoulaye,
Konaté Moussa,
Koné Youssouf,
Sidibé Kassim,
Coulibaly Youlouza,
Sidibé Siaka
Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2025
5 January 2025
27 January 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to report the computed tomography characteristics of the degeneration of Crohn's disease. Patient: We report the observation of an 18-year-old girl admitted to the internal medicine department of the CHU Point G for diffuse abdominal pain predominantly in the right iliac fossa with diarrhea that has progressed since childhood but poorly followed. In whom the abdominal CT scan and abdominopelvic ultrasound performed revealed irregular vascular thickening of the wall of the terminal ileum and the cecum. At the end of these examinations, the diagnostic hypothesis of atypical Crohn's disease was adopted. Histology of the transverse colon specimen showed fragments of mucosa with an edematous chorion and an inflammatory infiltrate of omental and gigantocellular granuloma. On the other hand, that of the part of the ileocecal region showed a persistence of mucosecretion and the presence of columnar cells with an oval nucleus not exceeding 3/4 of the height of the epithelium and a little marked polymorphism in connection with neoplasia. certain low grade intraepithelial colic. This examination confirmed the diagnosis of carcinomatous degeneration of ileo-caeco-colic Crohn's disease. The clinical course at 6 months was favorable. However, the irregular thickening of the wall of the terminal ileum and the cecum is similar to the CT scan. Conclusion: Degeneration of Crohn's disease is rare. Imaging is involved in all phases of Crohn's disease. She makes the initial diagnosis, she specifies the topographical assessment of the lesions, she guides the treatment, she draws up the extension assessment during an evolutionary outbreak and degeneration.
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to report the computed tomography characteristics of the degeneration of Crohn's disease. Patient: We report the observation of an 18-year-old girl admitted to the internal medicine department of the CHU Point G for diffuse abdominal pain predominantly in the right iliac fossa with diarrhea that has progressed since ch...
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Research Article
A Rare Case of Plus Minus Syndrome
Bharat Rajkumar,
Ajay Nathan,
Abish Mohan,
Cherukara Nihil*
Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2025
12 February 2025
10 March 2025
21 March 2025
Abstract: Plus-minus syndrome is a rare neurological disorder marked by asymmetric eyelid dysfunction, typically linked to midbrain lesions. We present a case of a 32-year-old male who developed right-sided partial ptosis and left eyelid retraction following a febrile illness. Apart from these ocular findings, his neurological examination was unremarkable. Extensive investigations, including MRI brain, CE MRI brain, MRA, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and nerve conduction studies, revealed no abnormalities. Given the recent infection and absence of structural lesions, a post-infectious demyelinating process was suspected. The patient was treated with a brief course of oral steroids, resulting in complete symptom resolution within four days. This case highlights a unique presentation of plus-minus syndrome without radiological evidence of midbrain involvement, suggesting an inflammatory or immune-mediated mechanism. It underscores the importance of considering non-structural causes in similar cases and supports the potential benefit of early corticosteroid therapy.
Abstract: Plus-minus syndrome is a rare neurological disorder marked by asymmetric eyelid dysfunction, typically linked to midbrain lesions. We present a case of a 32-year-old male who developed right-sided partial ptosis and left eyelid retraction following a febrile illness. Apart from these ocular findings, his neurological examination was unremarkable. E...
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