Research Article
Improving Grade Nine Students’ English Language Speaking Skill of Polite Requests: Misrak Chora Secondary School
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
31 July 2023
11 September 2023
10 October 2024
Abstract: Most commonly it is agreed that politeness is reflected in the pragmatic use of language. Although the politeness phenomenon is universal, with many expressional similarities, each language possesses norms and ways of expressing politeness within a given cultural context. Politeness has connection with everyday life such as with greeting, inviting, helping, apologizing, opinions, advice, questioning and suggesting information etc. English speaker tourists most frequently visit and resident in Hawassa City-Ethiopia and have cultural and communication exposure. However, many Ethiopian students are observed incompetent in this regard. Thus, the current study was intended to improve EFL learners’ polite requesting skills in some selected situations both in classroom contexts and outside contexts. For this purpose, the pre-experimental research design was employed to the study, and twenty students (10 females and 10 males) were randomly selected by lottery system from the 9th B classroom. This makes 22.2% of the population in the class. Six politeness genres were selected from the students’ English textbook for explicit lesson intervention. Based on Written Discourse Completion Test (WDCT) instrument prepared from these contents, both pretest and posttest conditions were administered to the selected students. Also cooperative learning strategies such as role play, pair work, group discussion, extemporaneous speeches on situations, cooperative jigsaw, interactive discourse, timed interview, Think-Pair-Share (TPS) were utilized during the lesson sessions. Then, frequencies, means, standard deviations, variances and percentages were used to obtain the main findings. On pretest, students have scored the overall 27.16% (mean, 8.15) regarding all polite request situations. However, it was found that the posttest scores showed great difference about 78.3% (mean, 23.5) in all situations. The study has also sought which request contexts grade nine students improve best as a result of the explicit instruction. Although students have improved performance in all tested situations, they had showed very significant change on request for apology followed by for help. In apology situation the students have achieved 90% and the least in preference scenario which is 65%. Thus, it is recommended that learners have to be explicitly taught in context of these language genres to develop learners' communicative abilities in the area. Teachers should devote time to instruct on this language content [polite request] as it is everyday encounter in one's life. Syllabus designers also should allot much time and tasks on the area so that school teachers give attention to areas.
Abstract: Most commonly it is agreed that politeness is reflected in the pragmatic use of language. Although the politeness phenomenon is universal, with many expressional similarities, each language possesses norms and ways of expressing politeness within a given cultural context. Politeness has connection with everyday life such as with greeting, inviting,...
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Research Article
Determination of Appropriate Time of Nitrogen Application to Improve Productivity of Sorghum Crops in Assosa Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region
Merga Boru*,
Megersa Mengasha,
Adisie Dinberu
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
11 August 2024
24 September 2024
18 October 2024
Abstract: The research was conducted to determine the appropriate application time of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of sorghum in Benishangul gumuz region. Treatments consisted of eight application times of nitrogen: all recommended rate of N at planting (T1), ½ at planting + ½ at knee height (T2), Applying 1/2 at planting+1/2 at near flowering (T3), Applying 1/3 at planting+1/3 at knee height+1/3 at near flowering (T4), Applying 1/3 at planting+2/3 at knee height (T5), Applying 1/3 at planting+2/3 at near flowering (T6), Applying 2/3 at planting+1/3 knee height (T7), and Applying 2/3 at planting+1/3 knee height (T8) Days to 50% maturity, plant height, and grain yield were the parameters significantly affected by treatment effect, while, days to heading, and thousand kernel weight showed non-significant. The maximum grain yield was 5658 kg ha-1, in two split applications (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at knee height. The use of nitrogen in two split applications (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at knee height stage) can be recommended for farmers for production of sorghum in the study area and other areas with similar agro ecological conditions.
Abstract: The research was conducted to determine the appropriate application time of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of sorghum in Benishangul gumuz region. Treatments consisted of eight application times of nitrogen: all recommended rate of N at planting (T1), ½ at planting + ½ at knee height (T2), Applying 1/2 at planting+1/2 at near flo...
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Research Article
Comparative Analysis of ARIMA, SARIMA and Prophet Model in Forecasting
Samuel Baffoe Kwarteng*
Poguda Aleksey Andreevich
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
7 September 2024
24 September 2024
18 October 2024
Abstract: Machine learning has become a powerful tool in forecasting, offering greater accuracy than traditional human predictions in today’s data-driven world. The capability of machine learning to predict future trends has significant implications for key sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. In this study, ARIMA/SARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average/Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average), alongside Prophet, a scalable forecasting tool developed by Facebook based on a generalized additive model, are considered. These models are applied to predict the demand for antidiabetic drugs. The records were collected by the Australian Health Insurance Commission. This dataset was sourced from Medicare Australia. The study evaluates the performance of these models based on their Mean Absolute Error (MAE), a key metric for assessing forecast accuracy. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) are also considered. The outcome of the comparative analysis shows that the Prophet model outperformed both ARIMA and SARIMA models, achieving an MAE of 0.74, which is significantly lower than the MAE values of 2.18 and 3.02 obtained by SARIMA and ARIMA, respectively. Prophet's superior performance shows its effectiveness in handling complex, non-linear trends and seasonal patterns often observed in real-world time series data. This research contributes to the growing knowledge of machine learning-based forecasting and shows the importance of advanced models like Prophet in optimizing business operations and driving innovation. The findings from this research offer valuable guidance for data experts, analysts, and researchers in selecting the best forecasting methods for reliable predictions.
Abstract: Machine learning has become a powerful tool in forecasting, offering greater accuracy than traditional human predictions in today’s data-driven world. The capability of machine learning to predict future trends has significant implications for key sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. In this study, ARIMA/SARIMA (AutoReg...
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Research Article
Ethnic-Based Politics and Electoral Reforms in Ghana: Pathways to a United Democracy
Hafiz Abdul Hamid Salifu*
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
4 September 2024
23 September 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: This study investigates the impact of ethnic-based politics on Ghanaian elections, particularly as the country approaches its December 2024 elections. Despite significant strides in democratization, Ghana’s political landscape remains deeply influenced by ethnic affiliations, which pose challenges to national unity and democratic consolidation. Through a mixed-methods approach combining surveys, interviews, focus groups, and content analysis, this research examines the extent of ethnic-based voting, the effectiveness of electoral reforms, and the role of civic education in mitigating ethnic political mobilization. Quantitative data analysis reveals persistent ethnic voting patterns, with a significant proportion of voters influenced by the ethnic backgrounds of candidates. However, the data also indicates that electoral reforms and civic education initiatives have begun to reduce the salience of ethnicity in voting behavior. Qualitative insights from interviews and focus groups highlight the complexities of ethnic politics and the need for inclusive political practices to foster national cohesion. The study underscores the importance of a multifaceted approach to addressing ethnic-based politics, involving electoral reforms, continuous civic education, and responsible media coverage. By promoting transparency, fairness, and inclusivity, Ghana can move towards a more democratic and united political environment. The findings offer valuable implications for policymakers, political parties, civil society organizations, and the electorate in the lead-up to the 2024 elections and beyond.
Abstract: This study investigates the impact of ethnic-based politics on Ghanaian elections, particularly as the country approaches its December 2024 elections. Despite significant strides in democratization, Ghana’s political landscape remains deeply influenced by ethnic affiliations, which pose challenges to national unity and democratic consolidation. Thr...
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