Research Article
Surface Modification of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Composite Coating of Polycaprolactone Nanofibers-Fluoroapatite Nanoparticles Doped with Silicon and Magnesium
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
22 July 2024
24 August 2024
11 September 2024
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to create polycaprolactone nanocomposite coating - fluor apatite nanoparticles doped with silicon and magnesium, as well as polycaprolactone coating on the alloy in order to improve and modify the biological properties of this alloy. For this purpose, nano composite coating and polycaprolactone coating were first created by immersion methode. Then the physical, corrosion and biological properties of the coating created by different methods were investigated. The results indicated the creation of a uniform nanocomposite coating with a thickness of about 6.26 micrometers, with appropriate structure and phases, and an increase in roughness by adding nanoparticles to the polycaprolactone coating. Electrochemical measurements Ti6Al4V showed that the sample coated with polycaprolactone with nanoparticles has polarization RP=5.349×105 Ωcm2 resistance, which is higher than the sample coated with caprolactone with polarization resistance RP=1.191×105 Ωcm2 and the sample without coating with polarization resistance RP=5.2453×104 Ωcm2. Cytotoxicity test showed the non-cytotoxicity of the coatings. Also, the cell growth and proliferation of the sample with nano composite coating compared to the sample without coating has a statistically significant difference. Cell adhesion on the sample with nanocomposite coating was also much better than the sample without coating and the sample with polycaprolactone coating.
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to create polycaprolactone nanocomposite coating - fluor apatite nanoparticles doped with silicon and magnesium, as well as polycaprolactone coating on the alloy in order to improve and modify the biological properties of this alloy. For this purpose, nano composite coating and polycaprolactone coating were first cr...
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Research Article
Effect of Hybrid Nanofillers on the Mechanical Characteristics of Polymethyl Methacrylate Denture Base Composite
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
29 August 2024
13 September 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: The research study focused on enhancing the mechanical characteristics of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture bases. PMMA is commonly used in dentistry due to its easy fabrication, cost-effectiveness, and favourable physical properties. However, its limitations include low wear resistance, hardness, and mechanical strength, making it less suitable for long-term dental applications. To address these limitations, the study employed a combination of hybrid nano-fillers, specifically HNTs (halloysite nanotubes) and MWCNTs (multi-walled carbon nanotubes), at varying loading levels to improve the mechanical characteristics of the PMMA composite. These nano-fillers underwent treatment by using a coupling agent to enhance their compatibility with PMMA. Key findings of the research include that introducing HNTs/MWCNTs into the PMMA matrix led to a substantial increase in flexural strength, with a significant improvement of 109.1 MPa compared to unfilled PMMA. This indicates that the composite material became more resistant to bending or deformation. There was a substantial rise in flexural modulus values, suggesting improved stiffness in the nanocomposite compared to unfilled PMMA. In addition, the tensile strength of the PMMA composite increased by 64.4 MPa with the addition of the hybrid nano-fillers, indicating enhanced resistance to stretching or pulling forces. The study found that the improvement in flexural and tensile strength was dependent on the concentration of MWCNTs. Increasing the MWCNT concentration up to 0.75 wt.% led to improved mechanical properties, but further increases resulted in a reduction in PMMA properties. Although there was a modest improvement in Vickers hardness (approximately 18.93 kg/mm2), the addition of HNTs/MWCNTs as hybrid nano-fillers effectively enhanced the properties of the PMMA nanocomposite. The study concludes that incorporating hybrid nano-fillers into PMMA could contribute to the longevity and durability of dental composites, addressing some of the material's inherent limitations. The specific combination and concentration of nano-fillers played a crucial role in determining the mechanical properties of the resulting nanocomposite.
Abstract: The research study focused on enhancing the mechanical characteristics of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture bases. PMMA is commonly used in dentistry due to its easy fabrication, cost-effectiveness, and favourable physical properties. However, its limitations include low wear resistance, hardness, and mechanical strength, making it less suitab...
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Research Article
Experimental Study of Physical Properties of River Sand on the Mechanical Properties of Sand/Plastic Composites for Roofing
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
15 October 2024
5 November 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: The non-biodegradability of plastics released into the environment makes the soils infertile, impedes the drainage of waste water and rain water in existing gutters and the spread of waterborne diseases which are traits to human life. This study aimed at producing roofing sheet from waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and river sand. Sand was collected from the river while plastic bottles were collected from the environment. The physical properties of the sand such as natural water content, specific gravity, apparent density, grain size analysis, Sand equivalent test and Organic matter content were determined. Nine different sample formulation of ten each were moulded with sand/PET content of 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, 30/70, 20/80, 10/90 (A to I). Water absorption rate, flexural strength, impact test and drilling test were determined. It was observed that the averages of natural water content, specific gravity and apparent density were 0.871%, 2.66 and 1.654g/cm3 respectively. The coefficients of uniformity, coefficient of curvature and fineness modulus of sand from grain size analysis were 3.17, 0.79 and 2.97 respectively. The averages of visual and piston sand equivalent and organic matter content were 94.89%, 89.82% and 2.42% respectively. The rates of water absorption of composites were 3.62% to 0.11% at saturation. Flexural strength and impact were 200.5daN/cm2 and 123J/mm2 respectively while the drilling time was maximum at 80% sand. These results obtained reveal that plastic/sand composite can be used as a roofing material.
Abstract: The non-biodegradability of plastics released into the environment makes the soils infertile, impedes the drainage of waste water and rain water in existing gutters and the spread of waterborne diseases which are traits to human life. This study aimed at producing roofing sheet from waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and river sand. Sand was co...
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Review Article
Polylactic Acid Based Biocomposite for 3D Printing: A Review
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
28 October 2024
13 November 2024
10 December 2024
Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology facilitates the direct creation of intricate objects from computer-aided digital designs. This method offers an efficient means to integrate all essential components by leveraging biomaterials, advanced printing techniques, and innovative cell delivery methods. As 3D printing becomes increasingly prevalent in research, commercial, and domestic spheres, the demand for high-quality polymer filaments continues to rise. Biopolymers, which are widely accessible, low- or nontoxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, chemically versatile, and inherently useful, hold significant potential for diverse applications including biomedicine, food, textiles, and cosmetics. Recent studies have examined the 3D printing of polylactic acid (PLA) using biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, chitosan, starch, collagen, and gelatin. These biodegradable composites outperform non-biodegradable counterparts in various applications, enhance the properties of PLA, and offer environmental benefits. Thus, a thorough understanding of the 3D printing process for these biocomposites is essential for their production. This review classifies PLA/biopolymer 3D printing materials, details the materials and processing technologies, and discusses their applications. Furthermore, it explores the roles and characteristics of specific filler materials in PLA-based biocomposites and their effects as fillers.
Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology facilitates the direct creation of intricate objects from computer-aided digital designs. This method offers an efficient means to integrate all essential components by leveraging biomaterials, advanced printing techniques, and innovative cell delivery methods. As 3D printing becomes increasingly prevalent...
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