Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology facilitates the direct creation of intricate objects from computer-aided digital designs. This method offers an efficient means to integrate all essential components by leveraging biomaterials, advanced printing techniques, and innovative cell delivery methods. As 3D printing becomes increasingly prevalent in research, commercial, and domestic spheres, the demand for high-quality polymer filaments continues to rise. Biopolymers, which are widely accessible, low- or nontoxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, chemically versatile, and inherently useful, hold significant potential for diverse applications including biomedicine, food, textiles, and cosmetics. Recent studies have examined the 3D printing of polylactic acid (PLA) using biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, chitosan, starch, collagen, and gelatin. These biodegradable composites outperform non-biodegradable counterparts in various applications, enhance the properties of PLA, and offer environmental benefits. Thus, a thorough understanding of the 3D printing process for these biocomposites is essential for their production. This review classifies PLA/biopolymer 3D printing materials, details the materials and processing technologies, and discusses their applications. Furthermore, it explores the roles and characteristics of specific filler materials in PLA-based biocomposites and their effects as fillers.
Published in | Composite Materials (Volume 8, Issue 2) |
DOI | 10.11648/ |
Page(s) | 57-71 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
3D-printing, Biocomposite, Biopolymers, Polylacid
Base | Fillers | 3D printing Technique | Processing | Application | Ref |
PLA | Natural jute fabric | Fused deposition modeling (FDM) | - | Reinforce different 3D object in different research area. | [39] |
PLA | Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) | Deposition modeling technique | solvent casting and twin-screw extrusion | Biomedical, automotive, and construction sectors. | [28] |
PLA | Sisal fibers nanocellulose, nanocellulose | Fused filament fabrication (FFF) | Melt extrusion | Textile and Apparel Product Applications and others | [36, 40, 24, 32] |
PLA | Kenaf cellulose fibers (KF) | Modeling via fused deposition (FDM) | MELT-extrusion | Biomedical and tissue engineering | [37] |
PLA | Cellulose nanocrystals (NC) with poly (3hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) | Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) | compression molding, extrusion, and 3D printing | high standards of engineering applications | [38] |
PLA | Bacterial cellulose (BC) does not require the removal of contaminants like lignin and hemicellulose. | Fused deposition modeling | Pickering emulsion approach | Food packaging, biomedicine, and other areas | [41] |
Base matrix | Filler | 3D printing Technique | Processing | Application | References |
PLA | OPEFB Lignin | Not mentioned | Extrusion | - | [46] |
PLA | Lignin organosolv, Lignin | FFF | Extrusion | Has the potential for repurposing it for high-value niche applications, neculating agent for PLA crystallization. | [42, 47, 48] |
PLA | Kraft Lignin, Organosolv Lignin and Lignosulfonate | Not described | Extrusion | Highly applicable for foaming purpose | [49] |
Base | Fillers | 3D Printing Technologies | Processing | Application | References |
PLA | Chitosan Powder | Fused deposition modeling | Melting extrusion | Used in biomedical sector in manufacturing of bacteriostatic products | [58] |
PLA | Chitosan with acetic anhydride | - | Extrusion | To enhance the antibacterial property of 3D filament | [57] |
PLA | Keratin and chitosan: | Extrusion | Production of highly reproducible scaffolds for tissue engineering possibly extendible to bone regeneration. | [55] | |
PLA | Chitin fiber | wet-jet spun | extrusion | Not mentioned | |
PLA | chitosan powder particles | Fused deposition modeling | Extrusion | biomedical applications, | [52] |
3D | Three Dimensional |
PLA | Polylactic Acid (PLA) |
FDM | Fused Deposition Modeling |
CC | Cellulose Crystals |
CNF | Cellulose Nano Filler |
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APA Style
Mekonnen, K. T., Fanta, G. M., Tilinti, B. Z., Regasa, M. B. (2024). Polylactic Acid Based Biocomposite for 3D Printing: A Review. Composite Materials, 8(2), 57-71.
ACS Style
Mekonnen, K. T.; Fanta, G. M.; Tilinti, B. Z.; Regasa, M. B. Polylactic Acid Based Biocomposite for 3D Printing: A Review. Compos. Mater. 2024, 8(2), 57-71. doi: 10.11648/
@article{10.11648/, author = {Kasahun Tsegaye Mekonnen and Gada Muleta Fanta and Birhanu Zeleke Tilinti and Melkamu Biyana Regasa}, title = {Polylactic Acid Based Biocomposite for 3D Printing: A Review }, journal = {Composite Materials}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {57-71}, doi = {10.11648/}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology facilitates the direct creation of intricate objects from computer-aided digital designs. This method offers an efficient means to integrate all essential components by leveraging biomaterials, advanced printing techniques, and innovative cell delivery methods. As 3D printing becomes increasingly prevalent in research, commercial, and domestic spheres, the demand for high-quality polymer filaments continues to rise. Biopolymers, which are widely accessible, low- or nontoxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, chemically versatile, and inherently useful, hold significant potential for diverse applications including biomedicine, food, textiles, and cosmetics. Recent studies have examined the 3D printing of polylactic acid (PLA) using biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, chitosan, starch, collagen, and gelatin. These biodegradable composites outperform non-biodegradable counterparts in various applications, enhance the properties of PLA, and offer environmental benefits. Thus, a thorough understanding of the 3D printing process for these biocomposites is essential for their production. This review classifies PLA/biopolymer 3D printing materials, details the materials and processing technologies, and discusses their applications. Furthermore, it explores the roles and characteristics of specific filler materials in PLA-based biocomposites and their effects as fillers. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Polylactic Acid Based Biocomposite for 3D Printing: A Review AU - Kasahun Tsegaye Mekonnen AU - Gada Muleta Fanta AU - Birhanu Zeleke Tilinti AU - Melkamu Biyana Regasa Y1 - 2024/12/10 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/ T2 - Composite Materials JF - Composite Materials JO - Composite Materials SP - 57 EP - 71 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2994-7103 UR - AB - Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology facilitates the direct creation of intricate objects from computer-aided digital designs. This method offers an efficient means to integrate all essential components by leveraging biomaterials, advanced printing techniques, and innovative cell delivery methods. As 3D printing becomes increasingly prevalent in research, commercial, and domestic spheres, the demand for high-quality polymer filaments continues to rise. Biopolymers, which are widely accessible, low- or nontoxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, chemically versatile, and inherently useful, hold significant potential for diverse applications including biomedicine, food, textiles, and cosmetics. Recent studies have examined the 3D printing of polylactic acid (PLA) using biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, chitosan, starch, collagen, and gelatin. These biodegradable composites outperform non-biodegradable counterparts in various applications, enhance the properties of PLA, and offer environmental benefits. Thus, a thorough understanding of the 3D printing process for these biocomposites is essential for their production. This review classifies PLA/biopolymer 3D printing materials, details the materials and processing technologies, and discusses their applications. Furthermore, it explores the roles and characteristics of specific filler materials in PLA-based biocomposites and their effects as fillers. VL - 8 IS - 2 ER -