Research Article
Grain Quality and Yield Response of Malt Barley Varieties to Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in the West Arsi, Oromia Reginal State of Ethiopia
Fasil Shimelis*,
Debela Bekele,
Zenebe Mulatu,
Dereje Dobocha,
Almaz Admasu,
Wogayehu Worku
Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2024
2 January 2024
31 January 2024
13 March 2024
Abstract: Grain yield and yield components of malt barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were investigated concerning varieties and nitrogen application rates. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate (i) the optimal fertilizer level for maximum yield and quality of malt barley varieties (ii) to determine the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer rate, vaieties and growing season on yield and yield components of malt barley. Three malt barley varieties (Ibon, Bekoji 1, and EH1847) and four fertilizer rates (RNP kg ha-1, 150% RNP kg ha-1, 200% RNP kg ha-1 and RNPS kg ha-1) were studied over two growing season (2019 and 2020) in a factorial arrangement of randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated three times. The main effects of- variety and fertilizer rate were significantly (P<0.01) variation, on grain yield, biomass yield, hectolitre weight and thousand kernel weight, while plant height, spike length and grain protein content showed significant (P<0.05) variations. The interaction effect of variety and fertilizer rate on the number of grains per spike indicated significant (P<0.001) variation. The use of a 200% RNP kg ha-1 fertilizer rate resulted in a higher (4152.9 kg ha-1) grain yield. The highest (33.1) number of grain per spike was produced from the combination of 150% RNP kg ha-1 fertilizer rate with Bekoji 1 malt barley variety, Like wise higher (48.6) thousand kernel weight was produced from RNPS. The results of this study indicated that, the importance of using appropriate malt barley variety and fertilizer rate to increase the yield of malt barley with acceptable grain quality in the study area. Hence application of 150% RNP and 200% RNP kg ha-1 gave a grain yield of (3582.81 kg ha-1) and (4152.9 kg ha-1, and economic benefit of 5.99 (ETB) and 3.65 (ETB) respectively. Among malt barley varieties highest (4110.4) and (3538.3) kg ha-1 grain yield was recorded from EH1847 and Bekoji 1 verities respectively. The production of malt barley with higher yield, optimal kernel protein concentration and higher economic benefit was obtained via EH1847 malt barley varieties along with 150% RNP and 200% kg ha-1 fertilizer rate in the study area and similar agro ecologies.
Abstract: Grain yield and yield components of malt barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were investigated concerning varieties and nitrogen application rates. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate (i) the optimal fertilizer level for maximum yield and quality of malt barley varieties (ii) to determine the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer rate, vaieties and growi...
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Review Article
An Overview of Approaches of Cassava Processing and Cassava Based Recipe Preparation in Ethiopia
Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2024
9 February 2024
6 March 2024
19 March 2024
Abstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is tuberous roots, drought tolerant, which is high in carbohydrate content and a cheap source of food. However it needs removal of toxic substance which is called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which can be easily removed. There are two types of common preparation methods, preparing it by drying it in the sun and preparing it by boiling. Removing toxic cyanide by drying is less effective, however boiling is better method of removing cyanide from cassava roots. Cassava is used as a raw material in different food industries. In Ethiopia, there is cassava processing industry around Addis Ababa located at Dukem area. There are different trends of cassava based recipe preparations. Especially in Ethiopia there are exotic cassava based recipe items. Some of the trends in Ethiopia as formulated by Jimma Agricultural Research Center are; cassava bread with different flour compositions, cassava with corn flour composite recipe, cassava with teff flour composite recipe, Cassava syrup stew, Cassava porridge, Cassava biscuits and so on are exotic recipe with good sensorial values and proximate compositions. Due to its drought tolerant nature and nutritional excellence; cassava production, utilization and popularization is best strategy for food system resilience in the world wide.
Abstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is tuberous roots, drought tolerant, which is high in carbohydrate content and a cheap source of food. However it needs removal of toxic substance which is called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which can be easily removed. There are two types of common preparation methods, preparing it by drying it in the sun and preparin...
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Research Article
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Seed Rates on Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat in Jimma Zone South Western Ethiopia
Sisay Gurmu*
Muhidin Biya
Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2024
7 February 2024
23 February 2024
11 April 2024
Abstract: Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in terms of production and consumption in Ethiopia. The country has the potential to produce a sufficient amount of wheat grain using irrigation, and government also gave attention to produce wheat and export it. But inappropriate agronomic practices, soil fertility depletion, and drought are among the constraints to the low yield of wheat crops in the country. In view of this, the field experiment was conducted during the irrigation season of 2020/2021 in two districts that are selected as irrigation potential and irrigation facilities namely, Sekacokorsa and Tiroafetadistricts of Jimma zone. The field experiment consisted of four N fertilizer rates (0, 23, 46, 69, and 92 kg Nha-1) and three seed rates (125, 150, and 175 kg•ha-1). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement in three replications. From the field experiment results, the growth, yield and yield components of the crop were improved by optimizing plant population density and nitrogenfertilizerapplication. Numerically the highest grain yield and above ground biomass of 6.7 and 13.09 t•ha-1at Tiroafeta and 3.67 and 9.61 t•ha-1 at Sekacokorsawas recorded in response to the seed rate of 175 kg•ha-1 respectively. On other hand in response to N fertilizer rate the maximum grain yield of 6.9 t•ha-1and above ground biomass of 14.04 t•ha-1 at Tiroafetawas recorded from 92kg N ha-1and 69 kg N ha-1 respectively. Whereas at Sekacokorsa the highest grain yield of 3.72 t•ha-1and above ground biomass of 9.76 t•ha-1 was obtained from nitrogen fertilizer rate of 46kg N ha-1. In conclusion, N fertilizer rate of 46kg•Nha-1 and seed rates of 125 kg•ha-1in both locationsgavethe optimum yield. But due to the field experiment was done for one year only it should be repeated over the years to give sound recommendationsunder similar agro ecologies.
Abstract: Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in terms of production and consumption in Ethiopia. The country has the potential to produce a sufficient amount of wheat grain using irrigation, and government also gave attention to produce wheat and export it. But inappropriate agronomic practices, soil fertility depletion, and drought are among th...
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