Abstract: This study identified and examined residents' socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of residents, examined the housing and neighborhood characteristics, and determined the factors influencing residents’ perceptions of privacy across selected public housing estates in Ibadan. This approach aimed to provide information that could enhance public housing design. The study population consisted of all household heads in the six public housing estates managed by the Oyo State Government. The sampling frame consisted of 1130 household heads, while a sample size of 565 household heads was selected for questionnaire administration using systematic random sampling, representing 50% of the sampling frame. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Factor analysis revealed that the factors influencing residents’ perceptions of privacy across selected public housing estates in Ibadan were wall building materials, housing social and physical characteristics, floor finishing material for available spaces, window types for available spaces, and available housing spaces, with percentages of variance of 7.99%, 7.43%, 7.27%, 5.52%, and 5.12%, respectively. The most significant factors influencing residents’ perception of privacy were wall and floor finishing materials and window type. The study concluded that residents’ perceptions of privacy were influenced more by housing characteristics.Abstract: This study identified and examined residents' socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of residents, examined the housing and neighborhood characteristics, and determined the factors influencing residents’ perceptions of privacy across selected public housing estates in Ibadan. This approach aimed to provide information that could enhance public ...Show More
Abstract: The contribution offers to the disciplinary debate on theories and practices of land-use planning the restitution of an ongoing research work to support the drafting of an unusual Landscape-Energy-Tourism Plan. Within this endeavor, on the one hand, the article gives an account of the review conducted on the national and international literature as well as on the few available practices, bringing out the elements present and the gaps, including conceptual ones, that need to be filled. On the other hand, starting from ongoing experimentation, the contribution focuses on first directions for an integrated and wide area plan that can offer itself as a possible reference on what planning should be practiced to better hold together landscape protection and enhancement with the necessary regulation of renewable energy facilities and the promotion of sustainable tourism development paths. In the frequent lack of adequate resources and technical expertise as well as sufficient bargaining power in the face of national or international energy managers or unscrupulous entrepreneurs who offer more than the available agricultural land is worth or produces, non-metropolitan territories have only the integrated and intermunicipal plan from their side (even though they don't know or care). While for planners is very difficult to address at the same time landscape protection and tourism development with the very strong request of land for the (sustainable) energy facilities.Abstract: The contribution offers to the disciplinary debate on theories and practices of land-use planning the restitution of an ongoing research work to support the drafting of an unusual Landscape-Energy-Tourism Plan. Within this endeavor, on the one hand, the article gives an account of the review conducted on the national and international literature as...Show More