Research Article
Effects of Biochar and Chitosan on Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Salt Stress
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
3 February 2025
22 February 2025
11 March 2025
Abstract: Salinity is one of the leading abiotic stresses that hindering growth and yield of rice. Biochar (BC) and Chitosan (CHT) has been shown to promote growth and yield of plants. However, it still unexplored whether the use of soil amendment BC and exogenous CHT can alleviate the detrimental effects of salt stress on rice. Hence, the current study explored the effect of BC and CHT to rice variety BRRI dhan100 grown under 80 mM NaCl stress conditions. The experiment was sequenced according to a Completely Randomized Design with three replicates. Six different treatments namely control (control, neither salt nor biochar or chitosan), BC (5%), CHT (200 ppm), NaCl (80 mM), NaCl plus biochar (NaCl+BC, 80 mM NaCl plus 5% biochar) and NaCl plus chitosan (NaCl+CHT, 80 mM NaCl plus 200ppm chitosan) were used in the experiment. The results confirmed that salt stress negatively affected plant height, number of tillers, leaf area, total chlorophyll concentrations, SPAD value, yield and yield contributing characters of rice plants. However, MDA content and Na+/K+ ratio significantly increased under salt stress. The use of biochar and chitosan led to significant increases in plant height, leaf area, total chlorophyll concentrations, SPAD value, yield as well as yield contributing characters of salt-stressed BRRI dhan100 plants; however these treatments cause significant decreases in MDA content and Na+/K+ ratio in the salt-stressed rice plants. The results demonstrated the significance of biochar and chitosan in mitigating the detrimental impacts of salt on growth and yield of BRRI dhan100 plants.
Abstract: Salinity is one of the leading abiotic stresses that hindering growth and yield of rice. Biochar (BC) and Chitosan (CHT) has been shown to promote growth and yield of plants. However, it still unexplored whether the use of soil amendment BC and exogenous CHT can alleviate the detrimental effects of salt stress on rice. Hence, the current study expl...
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Research Article
Distribution and Intensity of Wheat Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) Disease in Awi Zone, North West of Ethiopia
Mintiwab Enyew*
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
24 April 2024
11 June 2024
21 March 2025
Abstract: Stripe or yellow rust, caused by Pucciniastriiformiswestend f. sp. tritici, is one of the most commonly occurring diseases affecting of wheat and causes a significant yield loss worldwide, including Ethiopia. The survey was conducted in 2019/2020 main cropping season in five districts of Awi Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia, with the aim of assessing the distribution and intensity of wheat stripe rust in Awi zone. It was carried out using purposive and random sampling methods having a total of 75 farmers’ fields. The results of the study revealed that, incidence and severity varied depending on agro ecologies and farmers’ agronomic practices but not disease prevalence. The prevalence was 100% across zone, individual districts and Peasant associations. In contrast, incidence and severity at district level varied 71.0-97.3% and 49.0-82.3%, respectively. At Peasant associations’ level, the respective incidence and severity ranged between 54%-100% and 28-97% respectively. Moreover, this study showed that different agronomic practices such as; type of preceding crop, plowing frequency, sowing method, wheat variety used, weeding system and plant growth stage did not alter the prevalence of the disease at the study area. Additionally, sowing method, plowing frequency and crop growth stage did not significantly alter incidence and severity. On the other hand, wheat variety used, previous crop, and weed density, significantly affected both disease incidence and severity. This suggests that if the environment is conducive, it may result development of disease epidemics and newly evolving races to risk of wheat to cause yield loss. To tackle this damage, intensive disease survey and surveillances needs to be conducted at untouched areas to develop management practices and develop protocols for resistance breeding and know distribution magnitude of this disease. Integration of breeding and pathology programs is a must to develop resistance variety for stripe rust and reduce yield loss.
Abstract: Stripe or yellow rust, caused by Pucciniastriiformiswestend f. sp. tritici, is one of the most commonly occurring diseases affecting of wheat and causes a significant yield loss worldwide, including Ethiopia. The survey was conducted in 2019/2020 main cropping season in five districts of Awi Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia, with the aim of assessing ...
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