Research Article
Legal Transplants in Indonesia: Bridging Tradition and Modernity
Ratno Lukito*
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
28 January 2025
20 February 2025
6 March 2025
Abstract: Legal transplants, the adoption of foreign legal principles into a domestic legal system, have significantly influenced Indonesia’s legal development. As a country characterized by legal pluralism—comprising state law, customary law (adat), and Islamic law—Indonesia has historically relied on legal transplants to modernize its legal system, bridge legal gaps, and harmonize conflicting traditions. This study examines key cases of legal transplantation in Indonesia, including the adoption of anti-money laundering laws based on FATF recommendations, the integration of constitutional injury principles into the Constitutional Court’s procedural norms, and the application of the proportionality principle in judicial review. Furthermore, the incorporation of Islamic family law through the Compilation of Islamic Law, the regulation of endowments under Law No. 41 of 2004, and the development of Shariah economics through KHES illustrate how traditional Islamic concepts have been adapted to align with modern legal frameworks. While some legal transplants involve direct adoption with minimal changes, others require modifications to fit Indonesia’s socio-cultural and legal context. Despite challenges such as potential conflicts with local traditions and legal inconsistencies, legal transplants remain essential for Indonesia’s legal evolution. By carefully integrating foreign legal norms while preserving local values, Indonesia can continue to strengthen its legal system to meet the needs of its diverse and dynamic society.
Abstract: Legal transplants, the adoption of foreign legal principles into a domestic legal system, have significantly influenced Indonesia’s legal development. As a country characterized by legal pluralism—comprising state law, customary law (adat), and Islamic law—Indonesia has historically relied on legal transplants to modernize its legal system, bridge ...
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Research Article
Adaptive Representation: A Moderate Stance on Predictive Processing
Zhichao Gong
Yidong Wei*
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
27 April 2024
13 May 2024
11 March 2025
Abstract: Predictive processing (PP), emerging as a novel research paradigm in contemporary cognitive science, offers a departure from both traditional computational representation views and 4E+S cognition perspectives. This theory advocates that the brain is a hierarchical prediction model based on Bayesian inference, which aims to minimize the difference between the predicted world and the actual world to prediction error minimization. In recent years, the problem of representation has emerged as a focal point in the philosophical examination of PP. This article introduces two primary strands of PP theories: conservative predictive processing (CPP) and radical predictive processing (RPP). Building upon these frameworks, it outlines three distinct positions regarding the representation problem within PP: representationalism, anti-representationalism, and a moderate stance on representations. Lastly, the article proposes a new perspective on representation: Adaptive Representation. Adaptive representation highlights the fact that generative processes are adaptive processes, and that adaptation is not necessarily optimal, whether based on natural selection or natural drift; and that generation is at the same time a representational process. By advocating for a form of weak representationalism grounded in adaptive processes, this perspective supports a moderate stance on representations within PP.
Abstract: Predictive processing (PP), emerging as a novel research paradigm in contemporary cognitive science, offers a departure from both traditional computational representation views and 4E+S cognition perspectives. This theory advocates that the brain is a hierarchical prediction model based on Bayesian inference, which aims to minimize the difference b...
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Research Article
Conflict, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building: The Role of Religion in Cameroon from a Biblical Perspective
Godlove Sevidzem Ntem*
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
4 September 2024
5 November 2024
18 March 2025
Abstract: Conflict is a human problem. This paper examines from a biblical perspective, the role that conflict has played in the disruption of human relations and how religion tries to mitigate the situation from complete breakdown through conflict Transformation and Peace building. Jesus equally lived in an agonistic society of conflict and racial differences wherein the question of the clean and unclean was a matter of endless discussion. The Jews considered their election and their religious purity to mean that God was to deal with them more favourably to the exclusion of the Gentiles One of the religious pillars which stood out as a symbol of ethnic conflict was the temple. While the Jews worshiped in the temple in Jerusalem, the Samaritans worshiped at Mt Gerizim and Jews viewed Samaritans with scorn as corrupters of their faith. When Jesus stepped into the scene, he fought this generational hatred and conflict between the Jews and Samaritans and Gentiles with love and compassion. This paper contends that the continuous existence of cultural prejudice, bad governance and marginalisation of the minority are some of the debilitating factors that breed conflict in Cameroon. To overcome these impediments, the paper recommends that conflict resolution should be strengthened through dialogue, mediation, and mitigation with particular attention to the biblical values of love and compassion. Contribution: This article highlights the negative role that conflict has played in the disruption of human relations in Cameroon and seeks to employ the role of religion as a trump card in peace building. The paper proposes that the over seven year’s conflict in Cameroon can be overcome through dialogue, mediation and arbitration using biblical models of conflict resolutions. It thus contributes to the possible resolution of conflict situations in the Cameroonian society.
Abstract: Conflict is a human problem. This paper examines from a biblical perspective, the role that conflict has played in the disruption of human relations and how religion tries to mitigate the situation from complete breakdown through conflict Transformation and Peace building. Jesus equally lived in an agonistic society of conflict and racial differenc...
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Research Article
Exploring Leadership's Impact on Working Culture, Organizational Culture, and Institutional Development at Samara University, Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study
Efa Tadesse Debele*
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
20 November 2024
2 December 2024
18 March 2025
Abstract: The influence of leadership on working culture, organizational culture, and institutional development or trajectory requires more attention. This study examines the leadership style of Samara University President Mohammed Usman Darasa and its impact on the university. The researcher utilized qualitative research methods and conducted in-depth interviews with 50 individuals and 10 key informants. The results indicate that the president's leadership has had a positive impact on the university, resulting in a more dedicated and motivated workforce, a better work environment, implementing initiatives aimed at enhancing campus greenery and beautification, improved connectivity and visibility, enhanced technological adaptability, advanced service modalities, and leveraged eLearning management systems, as well as excellently hosted national and international events. The establishment of a strong leadership culture at Samara University includes various key indicators that demonstrate the president's commitment to promoting effective leadership. Changes in the working culture at Samara University are attributed to dynamics within the leadership culture. The organizational culture at Samara University is evolving by incorporating critical aspects such as the institution's atmosphere, values, and behavioral patterns. In this study, an exploration of Samara University's development trajectory was conducted, highlighting key indicators of its progress and outlining potential directions for future growth. However, it was noted that past leadership styles and middle and lower leadership competency still need improvement in the university's development. The study concludes that exploring leadership implications is crucial for organizational growth and recommends enhancing President Mohammed Usman Darasa's leadership style through capacity building and reinforcement mechanisms.
Abstract: The influence of leadership on working culture, organizational culture, and institutional development or trajectory requires more attention. This study examines the leadership style of Samara University President Mohammed Usman Darasa and its impact on the university. The researcher utilized qualitative research methods and conducted in-depth inter...
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Research Article
The Impact of Wildlife Conservation on Food Security: A Comparative Case Study Between Chifunda and Chibale Chiefdoms - Chama District, Zambia
Bester Muzeya*
Gear Mumena Kajoba
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2025
21 February 2025
5 March 2025
18 March 2025
Abstract: The study investigated the impact of wildlife conservation on food security in Chifunda and Chibale Chiefdoms of Chama District, Eastern Province of Zambia. Chifunda Chiefdom, formally designated as a GMA, actively engages in wildlife conservation, while Chibale Chiefdom lacks formal GMA status and has limited conservation efforts. The research aimed to compare local perceptions, the role of wildlife conservation on food security, and the effects of conservation efforts on food availability, accessibility, and affordability in both chiefdoms. Data was collected through a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with community members, key informants, and focus groups. The sample comprised 176 individual household heads, with 88 from each chiefdom. Key findings revealed significant differences in awareness and participation in conservation programs between the two chiefdoms. Chifunda exhibited higher awareness and more positive perceptions of conservation, recognizing its benefits such as employment opportunities and community development projects. In contrast, Chibale showed a pronounced awareness gap and predominantly negative perceptions, with concerns about crop losses and threats to human life. Statistical analysis indicated a significant difference in food security between areas with wildlife conservation efforts and areas without. The study highlights the complex relationship between wildlife conservation and food security, emphasizing that integrated strategies combining conservation with sustainable agricultural practices are crucial for enhancing food security and promoting positive conservation outcomes.
Abstract: The study investigated the impact of wildlife conservation on food security in Chifunda and Chibale Chiefdoms of Chama District, Eastern Province of Zambia. Chifunda Chiefdom, formally designated as a GMA, actively engages in wildlife conservation, while Chibale Chiefdom lacks formal GMA status and has limited conservation efforts. The research aim...
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