Clinical Medicine Research

Volume 2, Issue 2, March 2013

  • Psycho-Emotional Disorders in Women after Spontaneous Abortion

    Gustavo Romero-Gutiérrez, Nancy Pérez-Durán, Ana Camarillo-Trujillo, Armando Ruiz-Treviño

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, March 2013
    Pages: 6-10
    Published: 10 March 2013
    Abstract: Objective: To determine the frequency of women with spontaneous abortions that present psycho-emotional disorders. Design: Cross-sectional study using a face-to-face questionnaire. Setting: Postpartum area at a tertiary care referral hospital in Leon, Mexico. Participants: 210 postpartum women, divided into 105 women with spontaneous abortion, and ... Show More
  • Exercise Training and Rehabilitation of the Brain in Parkinson’s Disease

    Muhammed Al-Jarrah

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, March 2013
    Pages: 11-17
    Published: 10 March 2013
    Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most chronic progressive neurodegenerative diseases that is clinically manifested by of cardinal motor symptoms including, tremor and rigidity. The known cause of PD is the loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra in the brain. There are motor and non motor features of this disease with heterogenic com... Show More
  • The Efficacy of Intraosseous Blood and Ringer Lactate in a Rabbit Model of Hemorrhagic Hypovolemia

    Tanzer Korkmaz, S. Hakan Atalgın, H. Ali Kilicgun, Onursal Bugra, Nurettin Kahramansoy

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, March 2013
    Pages: 18-23
    Published: 10 March 2013
    Abstract: Purpose: In this study, flow rates of intraosseously (IO) or intravenously (IV) administered fluids (blood or Ringer lactate) and their effects on vital signs were examined in a rabbit model of hypovolemia. Methods: Underanesthesia, 20 mL of blood was removed from each of the 36 New Zealand-type rabbits. Ten minutes later, each group of nine rabbit... Show More