Research Article
Exploring Hidden Markov Models in the Context of Genetic Disorders, and Related Conditions: A Systematic Review
Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2024
20 April 2024
6 May 2024
5 July 2024
Abstract: The application of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) in the study of genetic and neurological disorders has shown significant potential in advancing our understanding and treatment of these conditions. This review assesses 77 papers selected from a pool of 1,105 records to evaluate the use of HMMs in disease research. After the exclusion of duplicate and irrelevant records, the papers were analyzed for their focus on HMM applications and regional representation. A notable deficiency was identified in research across regions such as Africa, South America, and Oceania, emphasizing the need for more diverse and inclusive studies in these areas. Additionally, many studies did not adequately address the role of genetic mutations in the onset and progression of these diseases, revealing a critical research gap that warrants further investigation. Future research efforts should prioritize the examination of mutations to deepen our understanding of how these changes impact the development and progression of genetic and neurological disorders. By addressing these gaps, the scientific community can facilitate the development of more effective and personalized treatments, ultimately enhancing health outcomes on a global scale. Overall, this review highlights the importance of HMMs in this area of research and underscores the necessity of broadening the scope of future studies to include a wider variety of geographical regions and a more comprehensive investigation of genetic mutations.
Abstract: The application of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) in the study of genetic and neurological disorders has shown significant potential in advancing our understanding and treatment of these conditions. This review assesses 77 papers selected from a pool of 1,105 records to evaluate the use of HMMs in disease research. After the exclusion of duplicate and...
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Research Article
Novel Integer Division for Embedded Systems: Generic Algorithm Optimal for Large Divisors
Mervat Mohamed Adel Mahmoud*,
Nahla Elazab Elashker
Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2024
9 June 2024
1 July 2024
24 July 2024
Abstract: The integer Constant Division (ICD) is the type of integer division in which the divisor is known in advance, enabling pre-computing operations to be included. Therefore, it can be more efficient regarding computing resources and time. However, most ICD techniques are restricted by a few values or narrow boundaries for the divisor. On the other hand, the main approaches of the division algorithms, where the divisor is variable, are digit-by-digit and convergence methods. The first techniques are simple and have less sophisticated conversion logic for the quotient but also have the problem of taking significantly long latency. On the contrary, the convergence techniques rely on multiplication rather than subtraction. They estimate the quotient of division providing the quotient with minimal latency at the expense of precision. This article suggests a precise, generic, and novel integer division algorithm based on sequential recursion with fewer iterations. The suggested methodology relies on extracting the division results for non-powers-of-two divisors from those for the closest power-of-two divisors, which are obtained simply using the right bit shifting. To the authors’ best knowledge of the state-of-the-art, the number of iterations in the recurrent variable division is half the divisor bit size, and the Sweeney, Robertson, and Tocher (SRT) division, which is named after its developers, involves log2(n) iterations. The suggested algorithm has an [(m/(n-1))-1] number of recursive iterations, where m and n are the number of bits of the dividend and the divisor, respectively. The design is simulated in the Vivado tool for validation and implemented with a Zynq UltraScale FPGA. The technique performance depends on the number of nested divisions and the size of a LUT. The two factors change according to the value of the divisor. Nevertheless, the size of the LUT is proportional to the range and the number of bits of the divisor. Furthermore, the equation that controls the number of nested blocks is illustrated in the manuscript. The proposed technique applies to both constant and variable divisors with a compact hardware area in the case of constant division. The hardware implementation of constant division has unlimited values for dividends and divisors with a compact hardware area in the case of large divisors. However, using the design in the hardware implementation of variable division is up to 64-bit dividend and 12-bit divisor. The result analysis demonstrates that this algorithm is more efficient for constant division for large numbers.
Abstract: The integer Constant Division (ICD) is the type of integer division in which the divisor is known in advance, enabling pre-computing operations to be included. Therefore, it can be more efficient regarding computing resources and time. However, most ICD techniques are restricted by a few values or narrow boundaries for the divisor. On the other han...
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Research Article
The Existence and Uniqueness Results of Solutions for a Fractional Hybrid Integro-differential System
Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2024
3 March 2024
22 April 2024
7 August 2024
Abstract: This paper discuss two important results for a fractional hybrid boundary value problem of Riemann-Liouville integro-differential systems, the researches and the advance in this field and also the importance of this subject in the modeling of nonlinear real phenomena corresponding to a great variety of events gives the motivation to study this boundary value problem. The results are as follow, the first result consider the existence and uniqueness results of solutions for a fractional hybrid boundary value problem of Riemann-Liouville integro-differential system this result based on Krasnoslskii fixed point theorem for a sum of two operators, the second result is the uniqueness of solution for fractional hybrid boundary value problem of Riemann-Liouville integro-differential systems, the main result is based on Banach fixed point theorem, both results comes after transforming the system into Volterra integral system then transform again into operator system, then using fixed point theory to prove the results, this articule was ended buy an example to well illustrat the results and ideas of proof.
Abstract: This paper discuss two important results for a fractional hybrid boundary value problem of Riemann-Liouville integro-differential systems, the researches and the advance in this field and also the importance of this subject in the modeling of nonlinear real phenomena corresponding to a great variety of events gives the motivation to study this boun...
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Research Article
Some New Results on S-prime Ideals of a Finite Commutative Ring as S-meet Semilattice
Kalamani Duraisamy*
Mythily Varadharajan
Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2024
25 June 2024
18 July 2024
8 August 2024
Abstract: Let ℜ be the finite commutative ring with unity and Is be the S-prime ideal of a ring ℜ. The set Ls forms a partially ordered set (poset) by the subset relation. Initially, the interplay of the semilattice theoretic properties of a poset with the ring theoretic properties are studied with suitable examples. The number of maximal chain of a poset is compared with the number of prime ideals of a ring. It is proved that every maximal element of a poset is the prime ideal of a ring. A prime order ring is shown as a lattice. If the order of the ring is the product of two primes, then the trivial ideal is expressed as the meet of every pair of a poset. Further, the cardinality of the poset is determined in terms of the divisors of the order of the ring . A new meet-semilattice called the S-meet semilattice (Ls, ⋀, ⊆) is defined and the generalized Hasse diagrams of the S-meet semilattice of a ring of prime powers, product of prime powers are drawn in this paper in order to find the properties of S-meet semilattice. Finally, the ideals, the prime ideals and the maximal ideals of the S-meet semilattice are described in terms of the down-sets of S-meet semilattice where the results are listed with an example at the end.
Abstract: Let ℜ be the finite commutative ring with unity and Is be the S-prime ideal of a ring ℜ. The set Ls forms a partially ordered set (poset) by the subset relation. Initially, the interplay of the semilattice theoretic properties of a poset with the ring theoretic properties are studied with suitable examples. The number of maximal chain of a poset is...
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Research Article
An Effective Matrix Technique for the Numerical Solution of Second Order Differential Equations
Nathaniel Mahwash Kamoh*
Bwebum Cleofas Dang,
Comfort Soomiyol Mrumun
Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2024
9 July 2024
29 July 2024
15 August 2024
Abstract: In this paper, an effective technique for solving differential equations with initial conditions is presented. The method is based on the use of the Legendre matrix of derivatives defined on the close interval [-1,1]. Properties of the polynomial are outlined and further used to obtain the matrix of derivative which was used in transforming the differential equation into systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations. The systems of these algebraic equations were then solved using Gaussian elimination method to determine the unknown parameters required for approximating the solution of the differential equation. The advantage of this technique over other methods is that, it has less computational manipulations and complexities and also its availability for application on both linear and nonlinear second-order initial value problems is impressive. Other advantage of the algorithm is that high accurate approximate solutions are achieved by using a greater number of terms of the Legendre polynomial and once the operational matrix is obtained, it can be used to solve differential equations of higher order by introducing just a little manipulation on the operational matrix. Some existing sample problems from literature were solved and the results were compared to show the validity, simplicity and applicability of the proposed method. The results obtained validate the simplicity and applicability of the method and it also reveals that the method perform better than most existing methods.
Abstract: In this paper, an effective technique for solving differential equations with initial conditions is presented. The method is based on the use of the Legendre matrix of derivatives defined on the close interval [-1,1]. Properties of the polynomial are outlined and further used to obtain the matrix of derivative which was used in transforming the dif...
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