About Conference Special Issue

SciencePG occasionally publishes selected articles from international conferences (workshops, seminars and symposia) as special issues.

SciencePG has 300+ international, peer-reviewed open access journals spanning a wide range of subject areas, including Biology, Life Sciences, Medicine, Health, Food Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Humanities and the Social Sciences, etc.

You have the option to publish conference special issues in any journal.

View List of Journals

The primary objective of this initiative is to emphasize the publication of exceptional research papers that contribute significantly to the scientific community. By doing so, we aim to advance our mission of preserving and disseminating scientific knowledge to benefit researchers worldwide.

Benefits of Publishing Conference Articles in a Special Issue
  • Open Access for Life

    Your articles will be openly accessible to readers indefinitely.

  • Free Access

    All users can freely access your work.

  • Special Issue Publication

    Your selected conference articles will be published in a dedicated Special Issue.

  • e-Publication Certificate

    Authors will receive a certificate for their electronic publication.

  • Short Lead Times

    Your conference special issue will be published online within a mere 4 weeks.

  • Full Copyright

    Authors retain full copyright ownership over their articles.

Submit a Publication Proposal

Proposals should find a specific topic. The conference organizers should make sure that selected articles are original and well fit into the conference scope, and communicate with journal editors up to special issue publication completion. Here are two options to submit your proposal:

Option 1: Quick Submission

You can simply fill out the form below to submit a proposal.

First Name:*

Last Name:*

Email Address:*

Conference Title:

Conference Website:


Captcha: *


Option 2: Email Submission

You can also download the proposal form below and submit via email to service@academicevents.org.

Publishing Fee for Conference Special Issue

Articles published in the special issue qualify for a 50% discount on the journal's regular price. Different journals have different prices. You can select a journal via the link below.

View List of Journals

For more than 20 articles to be published, please contact service@academicevents.org for a quote.

Publishing Terms of Conference Special Issue

The conference organizers will submit his/her proposal/request for publishing a special issue in a journal to SciencePG.

We will then review the proposal and finally notify the final decision to the conference organizers. Below are some criteria SciencePG uses for consideration.


The contents of conference to be published in the special issue must fit the aims and scope of the journal.


Basic and overview information for authors and participants must be clearly shown on the conference website, such as, conference title, dates, and aims and scope of the conference, location and organizer with contact details, list of scientific committees, important dates for abstract/paper submissions, peer review process of submitted papers and conference fees.


Priority will be given to the conferences organized by reputable institutions or a group of distinguished scientists with the lists of international scientific committees published on the conference website.


Conferences with full paper publication are preferred, those with abstract-only publication not considered.

If you are interested in our services, please click the "Submit a Proposal" link to get a quotation.

Publishing Process of Conference Special Issue

The general process of publishing conference articles in a special issue is summarized below:


Select a journal for your conference

The journal selection should be based on its relevance to the conference theme. Click here to submit you proposal form.


Review articles

Conference organizers will be responsible for conference articles management including peer review. You are free to select the reviewers, but all reviewers must be suitably qualified experts in the field.


Prepare for publication

The conference organizer submits the all articles in an editable word file to AcademicEvents simultaneously. 4 weeks for copyediting are required after receiving all the contents


Final publication confirmation

We will not publish any contents until the entire collection of articles meets our publication requirements.

Promotional Toolkit for Conference Special Issue

Once the conference special issue have been published, it becomes crucial to actively engage in the effective sharing and promotion of the content.

Examples of effective promotion from the conferences' side include, but are not limited to the following:

Some quick steps:

Add the title and URL of your conference special issue to your email signature.

Update your CV and profiles (e.g. GoogleScholar)

Use your social media accounts (professional or personal) to raise awareness

Other channels:

Embrace promotional opportunities through social media, blogs, and other channels, and reciprocate when applicable.

Explore the potential for adding publications to curated reading lists

Update your conference page

Contact the library as it may also be able to help

Ongoing Conference Special Issue

Some conferences have already chosen us as their publication platform for conference articles. Selected articles will be published in our conference special issue.

Lead Guest Editor: Hirakendu Basu
Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024