Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM.
Published in | Science Discovery (Volume 13, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/ |
Page(s) | 1-5 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Demineralized Dentin Matrix, Periodontitis, Site Preservation, Bone Regeneration
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APA Style
Peng, L., Xin, X., Huanbin, Z., Jing, S., Yuzhe, W., et al. (2025). Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect. Science Discovery, 13(1), 1-5.
ACS Style
Peng, L.; Xin, X.; Huanbin, Z.; Jing, S.; Yuzhe, W., et al. Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect. Sci. Discov. 2025, 13(1), 1-5. doi: 10.11648/
@article{10.11648/, author = {Li Peng and Xiao Xin and Zhang Huanbin and Song Jing and Wang Yuzhe and Zhong Xiaojun and Xu Beibei}, title = {Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect }, journal = {Science Discovery}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {1-5}, doi = {10.11648/}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect AU - Li Peng AU - Xiao Xin AU - Zhang Huanbin AU - Song Jing AU - Wang Yuzhe AU - Zhong Xiaojun AU - Xu Beibei Y1 - 2025/03/18 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/ T2 - Science Discovery JF - Science Discovery JO - Science Discovery SP - 1 EP - 5 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2331-0650 UR - AB - Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM. VL - 13 IS - 1 ER -