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Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect

Received: 13 February 2025     Accepted: 26 February 2025     Published: 18 March 2025
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Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM.

Published in Science Discovery (Volume 13, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/
Page(s) 1-5
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Demineralized Dentin Matrix, Periodontitis, Site Preservation, Bone Regeneration

在临床中,牙槽窝缺损再生的理想骨替代材料应该具备良好的生物相容性、骨诱导性和可降解性,且价格低廉、易于储存运输及消毒处理。目前材料包括自体骨、同种异体骨、异种骨及人工合成骨等。但这些材料或多或少存在缺乏骨诱导性、免疫排斥反应、降解速率与成骨速率不匹配及价格昂贵等问题。因此,探寻一种理想的骨替代材料一直是口腔医学领域研究的热点。脱矿牙本质基质(demineralized dentin matrix, DDM)颗粒具有天然的多孔网状结构,牙本质小管内富含的各种酶类、抗菌肽和细胞因子,可引导牙周组织中各类细胞长入拔牙窝并形成新骨质,作为引导组织再生(GTR)的支架材料应用于牙周骨缺损再生中。近年来,关于DDM的动物和临床研究的文献越来越多,表明其实用价值受到了医患广泛认可。本文就DDM颗粒的理化生物学性质、备改进方案及其在牙周炎导致的牙槽骨缺损再生中的研究进展做一综述。
拔牙窝内直接填入自体血凝块,可减少拔牙窝的改建吸收,促进软硬组织的再生。PRF是由Choukroun等发明的一种第二代血小板浓缩物,是富含纤维蛋白网的三维结构,含有大量生长因子,如血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)、转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)等,具有良好的生物相容性、可降解性及骨诱导性。而CGF (concentrated growth factor, CGF)是Sacco等在PRF基础上,通过改变离心速度和时间所获得的富含更多纤维蛋白的血小板浓缩物,其含有的生长因子浓度更高,成纤维细胞及胶原纤维含量更多,具有更好的促进软硬组织再生的能力。夏婷婷等评价蛋白牛骨基质(DBBM)与CGF联合用于重度牙周炎患牙位点保存中对牙槽骨三维轮廓的维持疗效,结果表明:与单独应用DBBM相比,DBBM和CGF联合应用可以更好维持重度牙周炎患牙拔牙窝的牙槽骨轮廓。王安琪等通过影像学和组织学比较3种比例的浓缩CGF与Bio-Oss骨粉混合物应用于重度牙周炎患牙位点保存术中的成骨效果,表明以2:1的比例成骨效果更佳。
牙本质的组织学来源为外胚间充质的神经嵴细胞,其无机物、有机物和水的含量分别约占70%、20%和10%,其无机成分包括羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite, HA)、磷酸三钙(tri⁃calcium phosphate, TCP)、磷酸八钙(octacalciumphosphate, OCP)和无定形磷酸钙(amorphous calcium phosphate, ACP)等。其中HA占无机成分的70%,是一种高溶解度、低结晶的磷酸钙。牙本质中的有机基质由胶原蛋白和非胶原蛋白组成,前者占有机成分的90%,主要为Ⅰ型胶原。Janjua等研究发现,自体矿化牙本质基质(autogenous mineralized dentin matrix, AMDM)具有与皮质骨相似的表面结构和理化特性,是一种具有致密、微孔和低结晶结构的可降解生物材料。而经脱矿处理牙本质小管结构的微纳米孔径更宽,可获得更有利于成骨的显微结构。
DDM来源于废弃的人类牙齿,是一种天然生物材料并具有良好的骨诱导性,其机制可能与DDM微细颗粒中残留的生长因子有关,如骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein, BMP)、胰岛素样生长因子(IGFs)、转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)等,这些生长因子可以促进牙槽窝周围组织中BMSCs的增殖、分化及矿化,从而促进拔牙创内新骨的形成。此外,DDM的多孔网状结构也提供了一个良好的生长环境,有利于周围多种细胞成分的迁移、黏附及增殖。Tanoue等利用FIB-SEM显微镜断层扫描,对完全脱矿的牙本质基质与周围新生骨之间的界面进行三维超微结构分析显示:周围新生骨组织的骨细胞通过细胞突起相连形成网格结构,细胞突起嵌入式延伸至牙本质小管中。李锐等观察处理牙本质基质(TDM)浸提液对牙髓干细胞(DPSC)成牙分化的诱导作用及可能机制,表明TDM浸提液可以促进DPSC成牙分化,其机制可能与抑制GSK3β,激活Wnt/β-catenin信号通路有关。动物实验也表明,DDM植入骨缺损区后促进新骨形成的良好骨再生效果。杨胜银等将DDM植入兔竖脊肌中后,其与周围组织紧密接触并形成钙结节骨样组织。
DDM的制备过程包括去除牙釉质、牙骨质和牙髓组织,然后进行脱矿、冲洗、冻干、粉碎、病毒灭活和消毒等步骤。其中脱矿程度是影响DDM生物学特性的重要因素之一,过度脱矿会导致胶原纤维破坏,影响DDM的支架作用;脱矿不足则会阻碍生长因子,影响其骨诱导性。因此,DDM制备过程中需严格控制脱矿条件。目前常用的处理酸剂包括盐酸、柠檬酸、EDTA等。陈华宇等观察兔的上颌门牙的牙本质基质制备粒度与脱矿程度对其性能的影响,采用稀盐酸(HCL)溶液(浓度1 mol/L)脱矿45 min,干燥后制备成3种不同粒径(小于400 μm, 400-800 μm, 800-1200 μm),进行扫描电镜、静态接触角、红外光谱检测及电子能谱仪钙元素测定,结果显示粒径较小的DDM材料牙本质小管暴露更充分,且具有更优的亲水性,脱矿程度的增加会降低DDM材料中无机物的含量,但对胶原含量影响较小。Dłucik等研究发现3种不同设备制作的DDM均显示出良好的形态特征,表明牙本质与骨骼之间存在充分结合的结构基础。
但也有研究表明粒径200 μm的DDM能够显著增强BMSCs的成骨细胞活性、BMP等基因表达。总之在DDM制备过程中,通过控制微纳米结构和生化成分会显著影响其生物相容性和骨诱导性。
在国内,胡常琦等将DDM用于16名患者拔牙后位点保存及种植同期骨增量的骨改建情况,术后拍摄CBCT测量牙槽嵴骨高度、宽度及骨缺损深度等指标,证明DDM应用于牙槽嵴保存术的良好疗效。刘一秀等选取因囊肿而无保留价值的患牙和松动牙及阻生第三磨牙作为植骨材料,采用开窗减压术+二期刮治术+自体DDM植入“三步法”,长期随访显示DDM修复了直径大于6 mm的颌骨囊肿缺损。
有学者提出,DDM在牙槽骨缺损修复中可以与羟基磷灰石-β-磷酸三钙(hydroxyapatite-β- phosphate thalamic acid, hBPCA)、骨形态发生蛋白-2 (bone morphogenetic protein, BMP-2)、Bio-Oss胶原等骨组织工程材料进行比较,以验证DDM是否达到现有临床骨替代材料同等的组织生物效果。Kim MG等研究表明,自体DDM在GBR中的初始骨膜吸收结果不逊于Bio-Oss胶原。Elfanna等使用DDM进行骨再生后形成的皮质骨和松质骨维持时间平均为5年。此外,Kothari和Peceliunaite等多项系统综述均指出,在GBR中使用DDM和Bio-Oss作为骨替代材料时,两者在促进骨再生方面效果相当。
在国内,孙娟斌等实施了一项分别将DDM与Bio-oss骨粉应用于牙周炎垂直性骨缺损区域的对照实验。Li等选取25例重度牙周病患者,将DDM 颗粒放入骨缺损处,Bio-Gide胶原膜覆盖移植材料并关闭创口,术后6个月影像学分析显示了局部牙槽骨高度和密度的显著增长。任文平等在63例前牙区牙周炎患牙拔牙术后,应用自体DDM联合Nd: YAG激光保持牙槽窝。国际上,Smith等研究也表明DDM 对牙周病相关的3种厌氧菌(变形链球菌、口腔葡萄球菌和粪肠球菌)表现出抑菌活性,有助于骨缺损修复中的免疫防御反应。Murata等对1例拔牙2个月后牙槽窝愈合失败的患者移植DDM,此刻局部炎性环境与牙周炎病理状态类似,而在术后5个月的组织活检显示:新骨与DDM和牙骨质基质直接相连,证明DDM促进了未愈合牙槽骨的再生。这些研究均表明:采用重度牙周炎拔除的患牙制成的DDM在牙槽骨保存中的临床有效性
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    Peng, L., Xin, X., Huanbin, Z., Jing, S., Yuzhe, W., et al. (2025). Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect. Science Discovery, 13(1), 1-5.

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    Peng, L.; Xin, X.; Huanbin, Z.; Jing, S.; Yuzhe, W., et al. Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect. Sci. Discov. 2025, 13(1), 1-5. doi: 10.11648/

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    Peng L, Xin X, Huanbin Z, Jing S, Yuzhe W, et al. Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect. Sci Discov. 2025;13(1):1-5. doi: 10.11648/

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  • @article{10.11648/,
      author = {Li Peng and Xiao Xin and Zhang Huanbin and Song Jing and Wang Yuzhe and Zhong Xiaojun and Xu Beibei},
      title = {Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect
      journal = {Science Discovery},
      volume = {13},
      number = {1},
      pages = {1-5},
      doi = {10.11648/},
      url = {},
      eprint = {},
      abstract = {Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM.
     year = {2025}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Research Progress on the Application of Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Matrix Particles for the Regeneration in Periodontitis Alveolar Defect
    AU  - Li Peng
    AU  - Xiao Xin
    AU  - Zhang Huanbin
    AU  - Song Jing
    AU  - Wang Yuzhe
    AU  - Zhong Xiaojun
    AU  - Xu Beibei
    Y1  - 2025/03/18
    PY  - 2025
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/
    T2  - Science Discovery
    JF  - Science Discovery
    JO  - Science Discovery
    SP  - 1
    EP  - 5
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2331-0650
    UR  -
    AB  - Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) is derived from discarded human teeth and has a micro-nano structure with porous network. Its dentinal tubules are rich in various enzymes, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines such as BMP, IGFs, TGF - β, VEGF, IGF, etc., which can guide various cells in the alveolar fossa to grow into the extraction socket and form new bone, which is used for the reconstruction of periodontal bone defects. DDM particles have the advantages of wide source, no immune rejection, simple production process, and low cost. As a new ideal bone material, it is expected to become a substitute for traditional materials on bone transplantation. In this paper, different methods and strategies for the regeneration of alveolar bone defects were summarized, such as bone replacement materials combined with barrier membrane, autologous blood clot, blood derivatives such as PRF and CGF, and other novel biological materials. Then, the physicochemical and biological properties of DDM granules, the improved manufacturing process and the research status of the regeneration of alveolar bone defects caused by periodontitis were reviewed. Finally, the limitations of DDM application and the future direction for DDM development were proposed, in order to expect more evidence-based medical evidence for the clinical application of DDM.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Teaching Laboratory, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

    Biography: 李鹏(1978- ),男,博士,副教授/副主任医师,口腔实验室/特诊科,主要从事口腔颌面外科及口腔种植相关科教研工作,广东省佛山市禅城区河滨路5号佛山市口腔医院。

  • Department of Periodontology, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

  • Teaching Office, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

  • Teaching Office, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

  • Teaching Laboratory, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

  • Teaching Office, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China

  • Teaching Office, Affiliated Hospital of Foshan University, Foshan Stomatology Hospital, Foshan, China