Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

The Instagram Paradox: Examining Its Role in Shaping Mental Health Among Young Adults--A Comprehensive Analysis

Received: 13 June 2024     Accepted: 4 July 2024     Published: 15 July 2024
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Instagram has become a ubiquitous part of young adults' lives, profoundly shaping their mental health and well-being. This research was conducted to investigate the pervasive influence of Instagram usage among young adults aged 17-22, particularly focusing on its impact on anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. The rationale for this study stems from the growing concern about the psychological effects of prolonged exposure to idealized images and lifestyles presented on social media. Utilizing a comprehensive survey methodology, data was collected from a diverse sample of young adults. The results reveal that 95.2% of participants use Instagram daily, with nearly half spending over four hours on the platform each day. The study highlights significant mental health repercussions, with 70% of respondents reporting feelings of anxiety, depression, and inadequacy attributed to their Instagram use. These findings underscore the critical need for interventions to mitigate the negative impact of Instagram on mental health and to promote healthier online behaviors and interactions. The implications of this research are far-reaching, suggesting that both individual users and social media platforms must take proactive steps to foster digital environments that support mental well-being and reduce the psychological burden on young adults.

Published in American Journal of Applied Psychology (Volume 13, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajap.20241303.12
Page(s) 53-66
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Instagram, Social Media, Young Adults, Mental Health, Social Comparison, Self-Esteem, Social Media Pressure, Body Image, Well-Being, Social Media Influence

1. Introduction
In the digital age, social media has woven itself into the fabric of daily life, becoming an integral part of how individuals connect, share, and communicate. Among the myriad platforms available, Instagram stands out as a visual paradise, where images and stories unfold in captivating narratives. As this photo-centric platform continues to thrive and evolve, it commands the attention of millions, particularly young adults aged 17-22. What started as a casual photo-sharing app has shifted to one where people present their most ideal filtered selves and being exposed to the “perfect” image of everyone in one’s close circle can make one feel insecure or unproductive
However, this ubiquity of Instagram usage prompts us to reflect on its broader implications, particularly concerning the mental health and well-being of its young adult users. The allure of Instagram lies not only in its captivating visuals but also in its potential to affect how individuals perceive themselves and others.
The curated images and stories often portray an idealized version of reality, one that may inadvertently set unrealistic beauty standards and lifestyles for its viewers. The quest for likes, comments, and followers can evolve into a relentless pursuit, leading to heightened anxiety, self-esteem issues, and body image concerns among users in this age group.
This research paper embarks on an exploration of the intricate relationship between Instagram and the mental health of young adults. The objectives of this study are threefold. First, the study delves into the daily Instagram usage patterns of this age group, seeking to understand how frequently and for what duration they engage with this platform. Second, it assesses the impact of Instagram on the mental health of young adults, investigating potential associations with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body image concerns. Lastly, the study aims to identify specific factors within Instagram, such as features, activities, or content, that may contribute to negative mental health outcomes among young adults.
The methodology relies on surveys, providing valuable insights into participants' Instagram habits, perceptions, and the potential influence on their mental well-being. In the pages that follow, the findings of this research will be presented, aiming to enhance the understanding of Instagram's role in the lives of young adults and guide efforts to promote a healthier online environment for today's youth.
1.1. Instagram and Its Impact on the Mental Health of Young Adult : A Comprehensive Literature Review
This literature review aims to delve into the wealth of research on Instagram and its impact on the mental health of young adults, with a focus on understanding the frequency and duration of Instagram usage patterns, assessing its influence on anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body image concerns, and identifying factors within Instagram that may contribute to these effects.
In a world where Instagram's filters often blur the lines between reality and aspiration, the psychological impact on young adults cannot be overstated.
Figure 1. Impact of Instagram on the Youth
1.1.1. Negative Impact of Instagram on Mental Well-Being
The younger generation acknowledges the potential negative impact of Instagram on their mental well-being, but they still feel compelled to use the platform due to the fear of being left out of societal and cultural trends. They openly acknowledge the detrimental effects that Instagram can have on their mental health, including:
1. Pressure to conform to social stereotypes
2. Pressure to match the money and body shapes of influencers

3. The need for validation -- views, likes, followers
4. Friendship conflicts, bullying, and hate speech
Unsurprisingly, Instagram has acknowledged its role in exacerbating mental health concerns among certain adolescents.
In the study conducted, it was discovered that out of the 98 participants who responded, a significant majority of approximately 90% expressed that social media had an adverse impact on their mental well-being. During the conduction of focus groups, Instagram employees had the opportunity to engage with teenagers who were facing various challenges directly. One adolescent participant expressed her perception of having to actively contend for recognition and societal validation in terms of physical attractiveness on the popular social media platform, Instagram.
Figure 2. Impact of Instagram on the Mental Health of the Youth
1.1.2. Facilitates Social Comparison
The platform of Instagram has been found to facilitate social comparison among its users, as individuals frequently engage in the practice of evaluating their own lives and self-esteem in relation to the meticulously crafted images and lifestyles presented by others on the platform.
In a recent study, a first-year student candidly acknowledged the impact of social media on her overall well-being. Specifically, she highlighted the detrimental effects of comparing herself to others and experiencing periodic feelings of discontentment with her own life. The individual demonstrates a preference for sharing visually appealing photographs of themselves on popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. The positive feedback in the form of likes and comments received on these posts contributes to their sense of validation.
Figure 3. Social Comparison induced by Instagram
The proliferation of image-enhancing applications, such as Facetune, employed by social media influencers to conform to idealized beauty standards has become a salient concern in the digital era. These tools facilitate the facile modification of facial and bodily features, promoting an unrealistic beauty paradigm that has a pronounced impact on the self-esteem and body image of youth frequenting social media platforms.
The incessant exposure to meticulously altered images engenders a culture of comparison, where young individuals are compelled to meet unattainable standards, contributing to pervasive insecurities and potential mental health repercussions. Mitigating this issue necessitates heightened awareness campaigns, promotion of body positivity, responsible influencer behavior, and platform-level interventions to foster a more authentic and healthy perception of beauty in the digital landscape.
1.1.3. Induces “FOMO” in Teenagers: (Fear of Missing out)
In the realm of social media and digital culture, the acronym "FOMO" has become emblematic of a pervasive and often unsettling phenomenon experienced by many young adults—Fear of Missing Out. FOMO (Fear of missing out) is characterized by an overwhelming sense of anxiety and unease that individuals feel when they believe they are missing out on exciting experiences or social interactions that others are enjoying. Instagram, with its real-time feeds showcasing the highlight reels of friends, celebrities, and influencers, has emerged as a fertile ground for the cultivation of FOMO.
Figure 4. Social Media FOMO .
1.1.4. Doom Scrolling Content Algorithm
The influence of content algorithms, such as the one employed by Instagram, on emotions necessitates a thorough examination to determine the extent to which they impact well-being.
Instagram's content algorithms are designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible. The infinite scroll feature ensures that there is always more content to view, making it easy for users, especially teenagers, to get caught in a cycle of mindless scrolling.
1.2. Objectives
1. Explore Instagram Usage Patterns: To investigate the frequency and duration of Instagram usage among young adults aged 17-22 who actively use social media every day.
2. Assess Mental Health Impact: To assess the impact of Instagram on the mental health and well-being of young adults in this age group, including its potential associations with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body image concerns.
3. Identify Factors Contributing to Negative Impact: To identify the specific features, activities, or content on Instagram that may contribute to negative mental health outcomes among young adults.
This addiction-like behaviour has led to anxiety, depression, and a sense of inadequacy as teenagers constantly compare themselves to the seemingly perfect lives portrayed by others.
2. Methodology
Survey Methodology: In this study, participants will be asked to respond to a series of survey questions. The present study aims to investigate the frequency of Instagram usage among participants, as well as their tendency to compare their own lives to the content displayed on the platform. Additionally, the study seeks to explore whether individuals feel compelled to conform to specific appearances or lifestyles portrayed on Instagram and whether such pressures have ever resulted in feelings of anxiety, depression, or inadequacy. In addition, participants will be queried regarding the potential impact of Instagram usage on their mental well-being and self-perception. Furthermore, they will be inquired about their intentions to modify their patterns of Instagram engagement in the forthcoming period and asked about their recommendations.
Data Collection
In this study, data will be collected through a structured survey administered to a targeted group of individuals aged 17 to 22 years. The survey instrument has been designed to comprehensively explore various aspects of Instagram usage patterns, their impact on mental health and well-being, and related behavioral and psychological dimensions.
1) Participant Recruitment and Selection
The participants in this study will be selected from a diverse pool of young adults aged 17-22 who are actively engaged with social media, specifically Instagram.
2) Survey Design and Content
The survey questionnaire has been meticulously constructed to capture nuanced insights into the participants' Instagram usage and its effects on their mental health. The questionnaire comprises a series of structured and semi-structured questions aimed at addressing the following key areas:
1. Instagram Usage Patterns: Participants will be asked about the frequency of their Instagram usage, the average number of hours spent on the platform daily, and the types of content they typically consume on Instagram.
2. Impact on Mental Health: Participants will be queried about how Instagram affects their mental well-being, including whether it has influenced feelings of anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body image concerns.
3. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): The survey will explore if participants have experienced FOMO due to Instagram and the extent to which it has affected them. Participants will be asked about specific instances or scenarios that triggered FOMO feelings.
4. Breaks for Mental Health Reasons: Participants will be asked if they have ever taken breaks from Instagram for mental health reasons and the factors that led to these decisions.
5. Social Comparison: The survey will assess the extent to which participants compare their lives to the lives of others on Instagram, seeking to understand the motivations behind such comparisons and their consequences.
6. Influence on Self-Esteem: Participants will be asked if Instagram has influenced their self-esteem and self-perception, either positively or negatively.
3) Data Collection Procedure
Data collection will be carried out through an online survey administered via secure and accessible survey platforms. Participants will be provided with clear instructions on how to complete the survey, and their responses will be kept confidential.
3. Results & Data Analysis
3.1. Frequency of Daily Instagram Usage, Average Daily Usage Time, and Type of Content Consumed
1) The following data presents key findings from our survey, highlighting the patterns of Instagram usage among young people and setting the stage for a deeper analysis of its effects.
Figure 5. Usage Frequency (Independent Work).
A closer look at the data regarding the frequency of Instagram use among the surveyed:
1. 95.2% of respondents use Instagram daily.
2. 3.6% of respondents use Instagram weekly.
3. 1.2% of respondents use Instagram monthly.
2) This report presents key findings from the survey, shedding light on the time adolescents devote to Instagram and its potential consequences for their overall well-being.
Figure 6. Daily Usage (Independent Work).
To delve into the patterns of Instagram usage among teenagers, let's examine the data related to the average daily usage time:
1. 46.4% of respondents use Instagram for more than 4 hours a day.
2. 20.2% of respondents use Instagram for 2-4 hours a day.
3. 22.6% of respondents use Instagram for 1-2 hours a day.
4. 10.7% of respondents use Instagram for less than one hour a day.
3) This report presents key findings from the survey, with a specific focus on the most commonly consumed content types, revealing insights into the evolving landscape of digital content preferences among today's youth.
Figure 7. Content Consumed among the youth (Independent Work).
Presenting the key findings related to the primary content consumption preferences of teenagers on Instagram (Respondents chose multiple content types):
1. 90.5% of respondents primarily consume Reels (short video content).
2. 34.5% of respondents primarily consume Photos.
3. 38.1% of respondents primarily consume Stories.
The survey results indeed shed light on how different modes of content consumption on Instagram can influence the mental health of young people.
Firstly, individuals who primarily consume Instagram Reels, accounting for a substantial 90.5% of respondents, are more likely to spend prolonged periods on the app due to the captivating nature of the endless scroll algorithm.
This continuous engagement can lead to issues with time management, sleep disruption, and potentially contribute to digital addiction, thereby increasing feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and potentially even depression among this group. The constant exposure to meticulously curated and often idealized content in Reels can also cultivate a sense of inadequacy, negatively affecting self-esteem.
On the other hand, the 38.1% of respondents who primarily consume Stories experience a higher frequency of social comparison and conformity due to the real-time nature of this content format. Frequent updates and the fleeting quality of Stories can generate a fear of missing out (FOMO) and anxiety about maintaining an appealing online presence.
This heightened social comparison can lead to constant validation-seeking behavior and a greater susceptibility to feelings of inadequacy, contributing to elevated levels of anxiety and depression, as well as increased uncertainty about one's self-worth.
The 34.5% of respondents who primarily consume Photos likely fall in between Reels and Stories in terms of the factors mentioned above. While photos provide more static content compared to Reels and Stories, they can still foster social comparison, especially when users encounter meticulously edited and curated images. This group may experience milder forms of anxiety and depression compared to Reels and Stories consumers but could still contend with feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty.
3.2. Frequency of Social Comparison, Pressure to Conform and Negative Mental Health Impact
Now that the Frequency of daily Instagram usage, average daily usage time, and type of content consumed have been analysed, In this report, we present the findings from the survey, which shed light on the prevalence of this comparison behavior and its potential effects on the mental health and self-perception of the youth in the digital age.
Figure 8. Social Comparison induced by Instagram (Independent Work).
As Instagram continues to be a prominent platform for social interaction and content sharing, it is vital to explore how teenagers engage with the content they encounter on this platform. One key aspect of this engagement is the tendency to compare one's own life to the carefully curated posts and stories shared by others. This behavior has implications for self-esteem, mental well-being, and overall perceptions of reality.
The data collected from the survey portrays the following responses:
1. 56.5% of respondents reported that they frequently compare their lives to the content they see on Instagram. This group of young people often finds themselves drawing parallels between their own experiences and the carefully curated posts and stories shared by others on the platform.
2. 24.5% of respondents indicated that they do this occasionally, suggesting that they engage in this comparison behavior, but not as frequently as the first group. These young people tend to have moments when they reflect on how their lives measure up to what is presented on Instagram.
3. 19% of respondents mentioned that they do this rarely, indicating that they infrequently engage in the act of comparing their lives to Instagram content. These young people are less prone to making such comparisons, and it appears to be a less significant aspect of their Instagram experience.
The data paints a clear picture of the prevalence of the behavior of comparing one's life to Instagram content among this group of young people. It's important to note that even though varying frequencies of comparison occur, all of them engage in this behavior to some extent.
A substantial majority, comprising more than half of the respondents (56.5%), report frequent engagement in this practice. This finding suggests that for a significant portion of these young people, Instagram serves as a platform where social comparisons are a regular part of their digital interactions.
The 24.5% who indicated occasional comparison behavior signifies that, for some, this behavior is situational, occurring intermittently as they navigate the content on Instagram. On the other hand, 19% of respondents who rarely engage in this behavior imply that not all young people in this group find themselves compelled to make such comparisons.
These findings underscore the need for further exploration into the potential effects of frequent comparison behavior on the mental health and well-being of young people. Understanding the varying degrees to which this behavior occurs can inform strategies for promoting healthier digital experiences and self-esteem among this group of Instagram users.
In this study, the objective was to elucidate how a cohort of young individuals perceives and responds to the content encountered on Instagram. The collected data unveils a significant aspect of their Instagram experience:
Figure 9. Pressure to conform to social media norms (Independent Work).
The prevalence of pressure to conform to Instagram content among youth underscores the significant influence of social media on their self-perception and aspirations. The idealized lifestyles and appearance standards portrayed on Instagram can create a complex psychological landscape for adolescents. As digital culture continues to evolve, interdisciplinary research and interventions are crucial to understanding how these platforms impact youth identity and mental well-being. Such insights are vital for promoting resilient and empowered digital citizenship among young people.
The data collected from the survey reflects the following responses:
74% of respondents reported that they feel pressure to look a certain way or achieve a certain lifestyle based on the content they see on Instagram. This substantial majority of young people find themselves influenced by the visual and aspirational content presented on the platform, which sets standards and expectations for appearance and lifestyle.
The data highlights that a considerable percentage of this group of young people (74%) experience a sense of pressure emanating from Instagram content. This pressure, often rooted in the visual representation of idealized lifestyles and appearances, underscores the platform's influence on their perceptions and self-image.
This finding raises important questions about the potential impact of such pressure on the mental health and well-being of these young users. It emphasizes the need for further research and initiatives aimed at promoting positive self-esteem and healthy digital behaviors among young people navigating the world of social media.
Understanding how social media platforms like Instagram shape the self-perceptions and aspirations of young users is essential for creating a safer and more supportive online environment.
This report delves into the data and analyzes the implications of these emotional responses, shedding light on the complex interplay between social media engagement and mental health within the context of Instagram.
Figure 10. Negative Impact of Instagram Usage (Independent Work).
The influence of social media on mental well-being, especially among younger individuals, is a growing concern in the digital age. Instagram, a prominent image-centric social platform, has garnered attention for its profound impact on how users perceive themselves and others. With a focus on visual storytelling, Instagram encourages users to share meticulously crafted snapshots of their lives, creating a digital space where aesthetics takes center stage. This emphasis on image curation can shape not only how users view themselves but also how they compare their lives to the seemingly idealized narratives presented by others on the platform.
The allure of Instagram lies in its ability to inspire, connect, and facilitate self-expression, but it also raises pertinent questions about the psychological impact of such curated digital representations. Delving into the survey data uncovers the multifaceted relationship between Instagram and the mental health of its users, shedding light on the nuanced interplay between digital engagement and emotional well-being in this evolving digital landscape.
70% of respondents admit to experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression, and inadequacy due to their use of Instagram. This staggering percentage underscores the profound impact of Instagram on the psychological well-being of users, particularly among the younger generation. It suggests that Instagram, with its focus on curated visual content and social comparison, can be a source of considerable distress for a significant portion of its user base.
These findings also engender critical inquiries concerning the platform's role in cultivating unattainable beauty ideals, aspirational lifestyle narratives, and societal pressures. The emotional distress endured by these users underscores the exigent necessity for a comprehensive approach to digital well-being. This approach should encompass multifaceted strategies such as user education initiatives, the provision of mental health support services, and the implementation of platform design enhancements aimed at ameliorating the detrimental psychological repercussions of social media engagement.
As Instagram perpetuates its substantial influence over the digital experiences of a global user base, it is imperative to sustain a central focus on comprehending and redressing the emotional ramifications of its utilization. Consequently, forthcoming research endeavors and interventions must be meticulously tailored to empower users, particularly the youth demographic, with the cognitive tools and emotional resilience indispensable for navigating the intricate digital terrain while concurrently safeguarding their mental well-being and self-perception.
3.3. Impact on Mental Health, Increase in FOMO and Breaks for Mental Health
In this report, the data is scrutinized to examine the multifaceted relationship between Instagram usage and the mental health of individuals, shedding light on the complex interplay between digital engagement and emotional well-being.
Figure 11. Percentage of Youth influenced by Instagram on Self-Esteem (Independent Work).
In an age dominated by digital interconnectedness, the influence of social media platforms on individuals' psychological well-being has become a focal point of concern and examination. Among these platforms, Instagram, with its visually compelling content and aspirational narratives, stands as a paradigmatic example of digital spaces that shape users' perceptions and self-esteem.
In the extensive survey, the aim was to elucidate the impact of Instagram on respondents’ self-esteem. The findings revealed a noteworthy statistic: a substantial 75% of participants candidly admitted that Instagram significantly influences their self-esteem. This revelation underscores the profound role the platform plays in shaping users' self-perceptions and prompts a comprehensive analysis of the implications of this influence.
The dataset culled from the survey provides a compelling insight into the pervasive influence of Instagram on the mental well-being of individuals. Notably, a substantial 75% of the survey respondents candidly acknowledged the platform's profound impact on their mental health. This striking majority underscores the paramount significance of Instagram as a determinant of emotional well-being, particularly within the demographic of younger users.
The implications of this finding are multifaceted and merit careful consideration. It prompts an inquiry into the platform's role in cultivating social comparisons, promoting unattainable beauty standards, and fostering aspirational lifestyle narratives. These dynamics, often perpetuated through curated digital representations, may contribute to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and self-doubt among users. Moreover, the substantial percentage of respondents recognizing Instagram's impact underscores the pressing necessity for comprehensive interventions aimed at promoting digital well-being. Such strategies should encompass not only educational initiatives but also the provision of mental health support services and the implementation of platform design modifications aimed at mitigating the adverse psychological effects of social media engagement.
As Instagram continues to exert its formidable influence within the digital landscape, a consistent focus on comprehending and ameliorating its emotional consequences remains imperative. This underscores the need for further research endeavors and targeted interventions tailored to equip users, especially the younger generation, with the cognitive tools and emotional resilience necessary for navigating the digital realm while simultaneously safeguarding their mental health and self-esteem.
This report examines the data and scrutinize the multifaceted relationship between Instagram and the experience of FOMO among users, shedding light on the complex interplay between digital engagement and emotional responses.
Figure 12. Instagram’s Impact on mental health and future usage intentions of the youth (Independent Work).
In the contemporary digital age, the pervasive influence of social media platforms on individuals' emotions and behaviors has become a subject of paramount concern. Instagram, recognized for its visual allure and curated narratives, is emblematic of the platforms that shape how users perceive their social worlds.
The survey explores the extent to which Instagram engenders the phenomenon of "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) among respondents. The findings revealed a compelling reality: a significant 82% of participants openly admitted that Instagram induces a sense of FOMO within them. This statistic underscores the platform's capacity to evoke a potent emotional response, prompting an in-depth analysis to discern the implications of this phenomenon.
The dataset derived from the survey provides a noteworthy insight into the pervasive impact of Instagram in evoking the phenomenon commonly referred to as "FOMO" or "Fear of Missing Out" among respondents. A substantial 82% of participants openly acknowledged experiencing this sentiment as a direct consequence of their engagement with the platform. This substantial majority underscores Instagram's capacity to induce a potent emotional response, particularly within the context of users' interactions with its visually curated content.
The implications of this finding are multifaceted and warrant careful consideration. It signifies Instagram's role in shaping a digital environment where users are acutely attuned to the activities and experiences of their peers. This heightened awareness often results in feelings of exclusion and heightened anxiety regarding the potential to miss out on social events and opportunities. Such emotional responses can significantly affect mental well-being, contributing to elevated stress levels and a sense of inadequacy.
As Instagram continues to exert its profound influence over a diverse global user base, a nuanced comprehension of its role in instigating FOMO remains paramount. This necessitates further research endeavors and the development of informed interventions tailored to empower users with strategies to manage these emotions and navigate the digital realm in a manner conducive to their overall well-being.
This report delves into the data to elucidate the intricate relationship between Instagram use and mental health, with a specific focus on the motivations behind taking breaks from the platform.
In an era marked by digital connectivity and the omnipresence of social media platforms, the impact of these digital spaces on mental health has garnered heightened scrutiny. Instagram, renowned for its visual appeal and curated content, has become emblematic of platforms that shape the emotional landscape of users.
In the comprehensive survey, the study delves into the digital habits of respondents and their motivations for engaging with or disengaging from Instagram. The results unveiled a striking statistic: a substantial 75% of participants revealed that they frequently take breaks from Instagram for the sake of preserving their mental health. This noteworthy finding underscores the platform's influence on the emotional well-being of users and invites a detailed analysis of the implications of such behavior.
Figure 13. Instagram’s Impact on mental health and future usage intentions of the youth (Independent Work).
The dataset derived from the comprehensive survey provides a profound insight into the intricate relationship between Instagram usage and the mental well-being of respondents. Notably, a significant 75% of participants indicated a recurrent practice of taking breaks from Instagram to preserve their mental health. This substantial majority underscores the platform's undeniable influence in prompting users to reconsider their digital engagement habits, particularly in the context of its visually captivating and often aspirational content.
The implications of this finding are multifaceted and warrant nuanced exploration. It suggests that Instagram while facilitating digital connectedness and self-expression, can simultaneously act as a source of emotional strain for a notable portion of its user base. The decision to take breaks emerges from a spectrum of motivations, encompassing the necessity to mitigate the adverse effects of social comparison, alleviate digital exhaustion, and carve out mental space for self-care routines.
Delving into the data to explore the complex relationship between Instagram and mental health, This report focuses on users' proactive responses to mitigate these effects.
As Instagram continues to wield considerable influence over the emotional landscapes of a diverse global user base, it becomes increasingly imperative to recognize and comprehend its impact on mental health. This finding amplifies the call for further research endeavors, aimed at discerning the precise mechanisms through which Instagram engenders these emotional effects. Additionally, it underscores the critical importance of user education and digital well-being initiatives, tailored to equip users, especially the youth, with strategies to foster a more balanced and healthful relationship with Instagram, one that prioritizes their mental health and overall well-being.
4. Additional Thoughts and Experiences of the Respondents Regarding the Impact of Instagram on Their Mental Health
1. Over the past decade, Instagram's cultural landscape has evolved from being a casual platform for sharing photos to one where users meticulously curate and present their idealized and filtered selves. Exposure to these seemingly "perfect" portrayals within one's close circle can induce feelings of insecurity and a sense of diminished productivity.
2. The continuous influx of entertaining content on Instagram can contribute to heightened impatience among users, ultimately leading to the development of anxiety.
3. Many individuals, including some of my acquaintances, have experienced feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem while using Instagram. However, it is imperative to recognize that merely reducing usage or detoxifying from the platform may not fundamentally alter perceptions. Understanding that the world of social media often creates a psychological trap where comparisons flourish due to the perception of "greener pastures" on the other side is crucial.
4. It is essential to acknowledge that Instagram can also serve as a platform for fostering positive communities. Users have the opportunity to find support, seek inspiration, and connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests, and hobbies, or even face similar challenges.
Recommended features and thoughts by the respondents on potentially improving mental health outcomes for young Instagram users:
1. Enhancing the availability of reels and posts that address mental health topics to promote awareness and support.
2. Implementing improvements or additions to influencer marketing strategies and engagement methods, coupled with a personalized algorithm, to foster positive mental health outcomes among Instagram users.
3. Introducing a daily app usage tracker to encourage users to monitor and manage their time spent on the platform.
4. Empowering users to curate the type of content they wish to view, enabling a more personalized and positive user experience.
5. Enabling the option for users to set time limits on their daily usage, thereby mitigating addictive behaviors and reducing the occurrence of endless scrolling, commonly known as "doom scrolling."
6. In a realistic assessment, effecting such changes may present significant challenges, as the very essence of social media is fundamentally structured to influence individuals' perceptions of their idealized self-image. Even with potential improvements, it is likely that users will continue to engage in social comparison behaviors.
7. Integrating mindfulness and mental health resources directly within the app, such as guided meditation sessions, stress-relief exercises, and well-being articles, to support users' mental health and well-being.
8. Considering a comprehensive overhaul of the algorithm, with a specific focus on promoting the mental health of young users while mitigating elements that contribute to anxiety and distress.
5. Conclusion
5.1. Summary of Key Findings
In conclusion, the research sheds light on the intricate relationship between Instagram and the mental well-being of teenagers. Key findings illustrate the platform's pervasive presence in their lives, with 95.2% using it daily and almost half spending over four hours daily. Short video content, especially reels, dominates consumption, revealing the evolving nature of social media. The prevalence of social comparison (56%) highlights Instagram's role in shaping self-perception, resulting in significant pressure to conform to idealized norms (74%). Most concerning is the mental health impact, with 70% reporting anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy due to Instagram. This underscores the need for holistic digital well-being approaches. The subsequent sections will delve into these findings, emphasizing the urgency of addressing Instagram's influence on teenagers' mental health in today's digital landscape.
5.2. Significance and Need of Action Towards Impact of Instagram on the Mental Health of the Youth
Recognizing the complexity of how Instagram impacts the mental health of youth is crucial. This issue is multifaceted, with no simple cause or solution. The research paper has provided valuable insights from various perspectives and data points to navigate this complexity, exploring usage patterns, content consumption habits, and emotional responses, and shedding light on the nuanced nature of the issue. By presenting data on social comparison, pressure to conform, negative mental health impact, and FOMO, the research paper has contributed to a comprehensive understanding of Instagram's influence on young users' well-being. The research paper offers a holistic view of the intricate relationship between Instagram and the mental health of teenagers, enriched by data-driven insights. This multifaceted approach is essential for addressing the challenges posed by social media platforms and promoting healthy digital engagement among youth.
5.3. Implications of the Findings
The implications of these findings hold significance for both Instagram users and platform designers. Users must prioritize digital literacy and awareness, understanding the potential impact of Instagram on their mental health. Adopting mindful usage habits, seeking support when needed, and advocating for platform changes can empower individuals to navigate the challenges posed by the platform.
Platform designers bear a responsibility to create ethically designed digital spaces that prioritize transparency, user control, and responsible influencer marketing. Incorporating mental health resources directly within the platform can provide users with tools to manage their well-being effectively. Failure to address these issues may result in worsened mental health among users, perpetuation of unrealistic standards, and potential legal and ethical challenges.
In conclusion, addressing the complexities of Instagram's impact on youth mental health is a collective responsibility. Both users and platform designers play crucial roles in fostering a digital landscape that promotes well-being and authentic connection while ignoring these challenges can have detrimental consequences at individual and societal levels.
5.4. Future Directions
Future research in the realm of Instagram's influence on youth mental health should encompass a range of unexplored aspects. Longitudinal studies are essential to trace the evolution of Instagram's impact over time. Investigating variations in impact across diverse demographics and comparing them with other social media platforms can provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Furthermore, assessing the effectiveness of interventions, such as educational programs and platform modifications, and exploring the potential of alternative social media platforms prioritizing mental health are pivotal research avenues.
In parallel, a call for greater education and awareness about digital well-being at universities and colleges becomes imperative. Incorporating digital literacy and mental health education into curricula can equip young users with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital landscape safely. Collaboration between researchers, platform designers, and mental health professionals remains critical to devising solutions, whether through revamped versions of existing platforms or the creation of alternatives that promote the mental health and self-esteem of young users. The urgency of this research and education is underscored by the undeniable impact of Instagram and similar platforms on the mental health of today's youth.
5.5. Taking Action: Addressing the Mental Health Challenges of Instagram and Similar Platforms
The findings of this research underscore the pressing need for collective action to address the mental health challenges associated with Instagram and similar social media platforms. Whether you are an educator, a parent, a policymaker, or a platform developer, it is crucial to recognize the impact these platforms have on the well-being of young individuals and take proactive steps to mitigate these effects.
For Educators: Incorporate digital literacy and mental health education into school and college curricula. Equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Foster critical thinking about social media and its influence on mental health.
For Parents: Engage in open and informed conversations with your children about their social media usage. Monitor their online activities and be aware of the potential risks. Encourage balanced digital engagement and the importance of self-esteem and well-being over online validation.
For Policymakers: Advocate for policies that promote responsible digital practices and user well-being. Support research into the impact of social media on mental health and consider regulations that encourage ethical platform design and user protection.
For Social Media Platform Developers: Prioritize the mental health and well-being of users in your platform design. Consider implementing features such as mental health resources, user-friendly privacy settings, and content algorithms that prioritize authenticity over unrealistic portrayals.
In sum, the time to act is now. The well-being of young individuals is at stake, and the responsibility to create a healthier digital landscape rests on the shoulders of educators, parents, policymakers, and platform developers alike. Together, we can ensure that Instagram and similar platforms become tools for connection and growth, rather than sources of anxiety and insecurity for the generations to come.


Fear of Missing Out

Author Contributions
Shaurya Lunia is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Lunia, S. (2024). The Instagram Paradox: Examining Its Role in Shaping Mental Health Among Young Adults--A Comprehensive Analysis. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 13(3), 53-66.

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    ACS Style

    Lunia, S. The Instagram Paradox: Examining Its Role in Shaping Mental Health Among Young Adults--A Comprehensive Analysis. Am. J. Appl. Psychol. 2024, 13(3), 53-66. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20241303.12

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    AMA Style

    Lunia S. The Instagram Paradox: Examining Its Role in Shaping Mental Health Among Young Adults--A Comprehensive Analysis. Am J Appl Psychol. 2024;13(3):53-66. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20241303.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajap.20241303.12,
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      title = {The Instagram Paradox: Examining Its Role in Shaping Mental Health Among Young Adults--A Comprehensive Analysis
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      abstract = {Instagram has become a ubiquitous part of young adults' lives, profoundly shaping their mental health and well-being. This research was conducted to investigate the pervasive influence of Instagram usage among young adults aged 17-22, particularly focusing on its impact on anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. The rationale for this study stems from the growing concern about the psychological effects of prolonged exposure to idealized images and lifestyles presented on social media. Utilizing a comprehensive survey methodology, data was collected from a diverse sample of young adults. The results reveal that 95.2% of participants use Instagram daily, with nearly half spending over four hours on the platform each day. The study highlights significant mental health repercussions, with 70% of respondents reporting feelings of anxiety, depression, and inadequacy attributed to their Instagram use. These findings underscore the critical need for interventions to mitigate the negative impact of Instagram on mental health and to promote healthier online behaviors and interactions. The implications of this research are far-reaching, suggesting that both individual users and social media platforms must take proactive steps to foster digital environments that support mental well-being and reduce the psychological burden on young adults.
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    AB  - Instagram has become a ubiquitous part of young adults' lives, profoundly shaping their mental health and well-being. This research was conducted to investigate the pervasive influence of Instagram usage among young adults aged 17-22, particularly focusing on its impact on anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. The rationale for this study stems from the growing concern about the psychological effects of prolonged exposure to idealized images and lifestyles presented on social media. Utilizing a comprehensive survey methodology, data was collected from a diverse sample of young adults. The results reveal that 95.2% of participants use Instagram daily, with nearly half spending over four hours on the platform each day. The study highlights significant mental health repercussions, with 70% of respondents reporting feelings of anxiety, depression, and inadequacy attributed to their Instagram use. These findings underscore the critical need for interventions to mitigate the negative impact of Instagram on mental health and to promote healthier online behaviors and interactions. The implications of this research are far-reaching, suggesting that both individual users and social media platforms must take proactive steps to foster digital environments that support mental well-being and reduce the psychological burden on young adults.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Abstract
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  • Document Sections

    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Methodology
    3. 3. Results & Data Analysis
    4. 4. Additional Thoughts and Experiences of the Respondents Regarding the Impact of Instagram on Their Mental Health
    5. 5. Conclusion
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