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Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Using a Computer Program in Patients with Depression in Remission

Received: 17 March 2018     Accepted: 8 April 2018     Published: 11 May 2018
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The patient with depressive disorder presents a cognitive impairment which does not disappear despite the fact that the depression is considered to be in remission. This study aims to assess the impact of training in the improvement of cognitive functions of patients with remitted depression (RD). Captain’s Log Computerized Cognitive-Training Program (CLCT) was used as a cognitive trainer in a group of patients with RD and with Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) as treatment; another group with RD was treated uniquely with SSRI. The treatment intervention’s impact was evaluated using the Hamilton Rating Scales for Anxiety and Depression, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III), and the Integrated Program of Neuropsychological Examination-Revised Barcelona Test. CLCT was used in college students with RD, twice a week, for six months. Patients from both groups decreased depressive and anxious symptoms, however, patients who received CLCT substantially increased their intellectual performance; changes in the psychometric analysis of the Barcelona Test were consistent with the ones presented in WAIS-III. CLCT application is associated with an improvement of cognitive functions in patients with RD.

Published in American Journal of Applied Psychology (Volume 7, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajap.20180702.11
Page(s) 29-36
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2018. Published by Science Publishing Group


Depression, Remission, Cognitive Functions, Cognitive Stimulation, College Students

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  • APA Style

    Yépez Norma, Cortés Jacqueline, Álvarez Luz María, Cortés-Sotres José Francisco, Heinze Gerhard. (2018). Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Using a Computer Program in Patients with Depression in Remission. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 7(2), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajap.20180702.11

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    ACS Style

    Yépez Norma; Cortés Jacqueline; Álvarez Luz María; Cortés-Sotres José Francisco; Heinze Gerhard. Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Using a Computer Program in Patients with Depression in Remission. Am. J. Appl. Psychol. 2018, 7(2), 29-36. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20180702.11

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    AMA Style

    Yépez Norma, Cortés Jacqueline, Álvarez Luz María, Cortés-Sotres José Francisco, Heinze Gerhard. Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Using a Computer Program in Patients with Depression in Remission. Am J Appl Psychol. 2018;7(2):29-36. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20180702.11

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    AB  - The patient with depressive disorder presents a cognitive impairment which does not disappear despite the fact that the depression is considered to be in remission. This study aims to assess the impact of training in the improvement of cognitive functions of patients with remitted depression (RD). Captain’s Log Computerized Cognitive-Training Program (CLCT) was used as a cognitive trainer in a group of patients with RD and with Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) as treatment; another group with RD was treated uniquely with SSRI. The treatment intervention’s impact was evaluated using the Hamilton Rating Scales for Anxiety and Depression, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III), and the Integrated Program of Neuropsychological Examination-Revised Barcelona Test. CLCT was used in college students with RD, twice a week, for six months. Patients from both groups decreased depressive and anxious symptoms, however, patients who received CLCT substantially increased their intellectual performance; changes in the psychometric analysis of the Barcelona Test were consistent with the ones presented in WAIS-III. CLCT application is associated with an improvement of cognitive functions in patients with RD.
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Author Information
  • Psychiatry and Mental Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico

  • Psychiatry and Mental Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico

  • National Institute of Psychiatry “Ramón de la Fuente Mu?iz”, Mexico, Mexico

  • Postgraduate Studies Division, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico

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