Oriade Mosunmola Morayo,Adejumo Mumuni*,Oloruntoba Omoladun Elizabeth
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2025
31 January 2025
18 February 2025
18 March 2025
Abstract: This study assessed water sources, sanitation, and hygiene facilities as risk factors for diarrhea among primary school pupils in Kube-Atenda community, Ibadan. The cross-sectional design employed a 3-stage random sampling technique to select Kube-Atenda community, 5 Schools and 184 participants. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data among pupils, WaSH facilities were observed at 5 schools using observational checklist while the sanitary risk scores of the water collection points were computed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square at p=0.05. Respondents’ mean age bracket was 11.1±1.4 years, 50.5% were males while 56% of the pupils reported cases of diarrhea. Observation revealed that the water sources in all the schools had a form of risk such as inadequate fence or drainage, absence of apron, inadequate cover, floor around the borehole permeable to water. The risk scores revealed that two schools' water sources were at a high risk of contamination. Several (40%) of the schools had basic water supply, 40% had basic sanitation facilities and none had basic hygiene facilities. A significant association existed between type of toilet facility used – single sex toilet, handwashing after using the toilet – and the reported recent episode of diarrhea. Two schools’ water sources were at a high risk of contamination, none of the schools had a basic hygiene service while more than half of the pupils reported cases of diarrhea. Intervention to improve sanitary conditions of the water sources and provide basic sanitation and hygiene facilities is essential to reduce the incidence of diarrhea among pupils in Kube-Atenda community.Abstract: This study assessed water sources, sanitation, and hygiene facilities as risk factors for diarrhea among primary school pupils in Kube-Atenda community, Ibadan. The cross-sectional design employed a 3-stage random sampling technique to select Kube-Atenda community, 5 Schools and 184 participants. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data a...Show More