Review Article
Aromatherapy and Its Impact on Taekwondo Athletes' Performance: A Bibliographic Review
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
23 December 2024
7 January 2025
23 January 2025
Abstract: Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, has gained worldwide popularity thanks to its combination of physical, mental, technical and psychological components. The use of aromatherapy is a factor that has received attention in the field of sports performance enhancement. It is a practice of using essential oils (Eos) for their potential therapeutic effects, has been explored for its impact on physiological and psychological processes and its positive results are now becoming a trend in research on athletes' sports performance. An exhaustive inventory of studies and works dealing with the effect of aromatherapy on the performance of taekwondo athletes was carried out. The results show that for Taekwondo athletes, the use of aromatherapy can be a natural and complementary approach to improving their competitive abilities. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils derived from different plants to improve physical and mental well-being. Studies have indicated that certain essential oils, when diffused or applied topically, can have a positive impact on physical performance. They have also been shown to improve the body's ability to absorb essential vitamins and nutrients. In this sense, the application of these oils not only helps prevent and heal sports injuries, but also stimulate and relax the mind and body, leading to higher levels of physical fitness. Also, aimed at improving mood and performance in order to obtain a higher rate of sporting success as well as recovery after exercise. These oils can be used to speed recovery, reduce the effects of fatigue and increase the energy level of the mind and body. Therefore, the potential benefits of aromatherapy on competitive taekwondo athletes' performance warrant further research. This work is a bibliographic review of all the studies and works aimed at illustrating the listed effects of aromatherapy on the performance of Taekwondo athletes.
Abstract: Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, has gained worldwide popularity thanks to its combination of physical, mental, technical and psychological components. The use of aromatherapy is a factor that has received attention in the field of sports performance enhancement. It is a practice of using essential oils (Eos) for their potential therapeutic effects...
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Research Article
Volleyball Spiking Analysis for Scoring Success: Performance Indicators in the 2024 VNL Women’s Teams
Kiattisak Sitti
K.ravivuth Rangubhet*
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
15 January 2025
27 January 2025
24 February 2025
Abstract: Spiking is a critical determinant of success in volleyball, serving as a primary offensive strategy to score points and maintain momentum. This study analyzed the spiking performance of the champion and runner-up teams in the 2024 Volleyball Nations League (VNL), focusing on five spiking types: line, cross, sharp, tool, and tip. A total of 2,599 spiking actions were analyzed using Focus X2, a video analysis tool. The results revealed significant differences in spiking patterns. The runner-up team relied more heavily on cross spikes (M = 12.91, p < 0.01) and tip spikes (M = 6.50, p < 0.01), while the champion team demonstrated a balanced approach. The champion team achieved higher attack efficiency (M = 13.48, SD = 2.40) compared to the runner-up team (M = 14.88, SD = 3.23, p = 0.01). Additionally, the runner-up team exhibited higher frequencies of cross spikes (31.44%) and tip spikes (18.39%), but the champion team's superior consistency in rally play (M = 11.48, SD = 4.91 vs. M = 17.63, SD = 5.70, p < 0.01) and lower error rates (M = 3.73, SD = 2.00 vs. M = 4.05, SD = 1.99, p = 0.40) contributed to their success. The findings highlight the importance of balancing tactical diversity and technical precision in spiking. This research underscores the value of performance analysis in enhancing volleyball training and match strategies, offering actionable insights for coaches, players, and analysts. The study’s implications extend beyond immediate match outcomes, offering a framework for evidence-based training and strategic development in volleyball.
Abstract: Spiking is a critical determinant of success in volleyball, serving as a primary offensive strategy to score points and maintain momentum. This study analyzed the spiking performance of the champion and runner-up teams in the 2024 Volleyball Nations League (VNL), focusing on five spiking types: line, cross, sharp, tool, and tip. A total of 2,599 sp...
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Research Article
Braindance and Children with ADHD: Improving Motor Coordination and Balance
Camille Castro*
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
3 February 2025
22 February 2025
6 March 2025
Abstract: This study showed the effectiveness of a 6-week adapted dance program to improve the motor coordination and balance of Filipino children with ADHD. This mixed-method study measured 30 children (ages 6 to 17 years old) who were purposively distributed into control and experimental groups to determine the significant differences in the motor coordination and balance scores during the pre- and post-tests using Henderson and Barnett’s (2007) Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2. The MABC-2 contains eight tasks that challenge static and dynamic balance, manual dexterity, and ball skills. Each task is assessed primarily through task completion times (using a stopwatch) and success. Modified dance lessons based on Anne Green Gilbert’s "Braindance" from her book, Brain-Compatible Dance Education, were used as an intervention to the experimental group throughout the study. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and the independent T-test. Post-test results showed improvements in the motor coordination and balance skills of the experimental group. The participants exhibited a significant increase in the levels of their motor coordination and balance during the 6-week Braindance sessions as they performed better on the assigned tasks during each session. The results suggest that using a structured dance program that integrates different movement concepts and the Braindance can improve the motor coordination, balance, and focus abilities of children with ADHD.
Abstract: This study showed the effectiveness of a 6-week adapted dance program to improve the motor coordination and balance of Filipino children with ADHD. This mixed-method study measured 30 children (ages 6 to 17 years old) who were purposively distributed into control and experimental groups to determine the significant differences in the motor coordina...
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Research Article
Physical Fitness Self-Efficacy Influences College Students' Subjective Well-Being Through the Mediating Role of Physical Activity and the Moderating Effect of Gender
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
10 February 2025
26 February 2025
13 March 2025
Abstract: Amid growing concerns about mental health issues in higher education, understanding determinants of college students' subjective well-being has become crucial. While existing research establishes connections between psychological factors and well-being, the specific mechanisms linking physical fitness perceptions with mental health outcomes remain underexplored. This study explores the influence of physical fitness self-efficacy on college students' subjective well-being, highlighting the mediating role of physical activity and the moderating effect of gender. Using the "Physical Fitness Self-Efficacy Scale," "Physical Activity Level Scale" (PARS-3), and "Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire," data were collected from 455 students (Age 19.13±1.32) in Yunnan Province, China, and analyzed using SPSS 27.0 and Process 4.2. Results showed significant gender differences in physical fitness self-efficacy, physical activity, and subjective well-being, with physical activity mediating 20.86% of the effect (The results support that physical activity plays a partial mediating role between physical fitness self-efficacy and subjective well-being). Notably, gender moderated this relationship, as the study found that physical fitness self-efficacy and physical activity predict subjective well-being in both male (ΔR² = 11.40%, mediating effect 11.93%) and female university students (ΔR2 = 14.40%, mediating effect 23.66%), with exercise behavior showing a stronger mediating role in females. These findings extend social cognitive theory by demonstrating gender-specific pathways through which physical self-perceptions translate into well-being outcomes. And the study suggests the importance of promoting physical fitness self-efficacy and physical activity to enhance college students' subjective well-being, with gender-specific intervention strategies recommended.
Abstract: Amid growing concerns about mental health issues in higher education, understanding determinants of college students' subjective well-being has become crucial. While existing research establishes connections between psychological factors and well-being, the specific mechanisms linking physical fitness perceptions with mental health outcomes remain ...
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