Research Article
Performance Evaluation of Local Honey Bee Races (Apis mellifera bandansi) at Wondo Genet, Sidama Regional State of Southern Ethiopia
Edao Shanku*
Firomsa Ijara
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
30 April 2024
21 May 2024
15 July 2024
Abstract: The research was undertaken in Wondo genet agricultural a study conducted at a research facility between 2015 and 2017 focused on assessing the performance of Apis mellifera bandansi honey bee races. The objective was to identify and choose the most effective honey bee races based on various parameters such as defensive behavior, hygienic practices, absconding tendencies, foraging abilities, swarming patterns, and productivity in terms of hive product area. A total of thirty bee races were evaluated during the study period (30) colonies of Apis mellifera bandansii honeybee were established on station. Basic management practices were made reasonably uniform for tested colonies. The investigation indicated the races exhibited aggressive behavior, resulting in stings on the examiner, with a maximum count of up to 158±15.3 and a minimum of 60 stings on the manipulator. The distance covered by the races extended long, reaching up to 255±74.1 meters away from the entrance. The absconding percentage from a total of thirty colonies ranged from a maximum of 50% in 2015 to a minimum of 26% in 2017. The early and late foraging behavior of the colony was also documented early morning 5:30 am time foraging, whereas late foraging time was at 7:15pm pm e back to their nest in the evening. The remaining hive products were quantified in a 5x5 cm2 comb area cell over the course of the production season, with measurements taken at 21-day intervals to assess the brood area. The values obtained, expressed as the mean ± standard deviation, indicated the range from maximum to minimum for the adult, brood, pollen, nectar, and honey area in cm2. 79.5±13.4 107.1±24.6, 74.41±31.3, 48.2±9.0 for year (2015), 74.5±6.5, 107.1±24.6, 48.5±16.9, 81.8±31.6 for (year, 2016) and 114.8±20.5, 96.2±17.4, 50.0±19.4 and 90.7±40.2 for (year, 2017 respectively. The Apis mellifera, typically referred to in a general sense bandansi the race demonstrates positive attributes in terms of hygienic behavior and is also efficient in maximizing honey production when subjected to appropriate management strategies. It is recommended to conduct additional research on the specification of geographical location in relation to the distribution of different races and their identification for the purpose of breed determination and enhancement. This will aid in the selection of colonies that are more suitable in terms of production efficiency, temperament, resistance to pests, parasites, and diseases, as well as foraging and absconding tendencies.
Abstract: The research was undertaken in Wondo genet agricultural a study conducted at a research facility between 2015 and 2017 focused on assessing the performance of Apis mellifera bandansi honey bee races. The objective was to identify and choose the most effective honey bee races based on various parameters such as defensive behavior, hygienic practices...
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Research Article
Surgical Planning for Pattern Strabismus in Patients with Intermittent Exotropia: Evaluating Techniques and Outcomes
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
23 June 2024
22 July 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: Background or purpose: Intermittent exotropia is the most common cause of divergent deviation. Pattern strabismus may coexist with horizontal deviations in up 35% of cases. Managing pattern strabismus concomitantly with the correction of horizontal strabismus poses a challenge due to imbalances in force vectors. This study aims to evaluate the effects of planning an intermittent exotropia surgery considering the presence of pattern strabismus and its surgical resolution. Methods: Observational retrospective study of patients with intermittent exotropia who underwent surgical correction at center between 2017 and 2022. Patients were categorized by the presence of pattern strabismus and furthermore by surgical technique for the correction of said incomitance (weakening of inferior oblique muscles or vertical transposition of lateral rectus muscles). Outcomes of post-surgical horizontal deviation and presence of postoperative pattern strabismus were statistical analyzed between groups using SPSS software v28.0. A p-value <0,05 was considered significant. Results: A total of 169 patients had surgical correction for intermittent exotropia. Pattern strabismus was observed in 35,5% of patients, primarily V-pattern (88,3%). Most were male (58, 35%) with mean age of 15,13±16,38 years. 41,7% patients with pattern strabismus underwent correction of the incomitance. All techniques showed significant reduction of horizontal near (p<0,001) and distance (p<0,001) deviation. However, incomitance correction favored strongly not only the collapsing of pattern strabismus (p=0,027) but also achieved better results in postoperative distance (p=0,002) and near (p=0,031) horizontal deviation. The two techniques for resolution of pattern strabismus showed comparable results in postoperative horizontal near deviation values and resolution of pattern strabismus, favoring vertical transposition in horizontal distance deviation values (p=0,015). Conclusions: The presence of pattern deviations should be actively persecuted in pre-operatively appointments to plan the surgery appropriately, as benefits in correcting the vertical incomitance are supported by this study findings. Both vertical transposition of lateral rectus muscles and weakening of inferior oblique muscles are effective techniques to correct vertical incomitances.
Abstract: Background or purpose: Intermittent exotropia is the most common cause of divergent deviation. Pattern strabismus may coexist with horizontal deviations in up 35% of cases. Managing pattern strabismus concomitantly with the correction of horizontal strabismus poses a challenge due to imbalances in force vectors. This study aims to evaluate the effe...
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