Research Article
Sexual Violence and Associated Factors Among Women of Reproductive Age in Pawi Worda, Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz, North West Ethiopia
Eleni Admassisu Mengesha*
Mekonon Melkie Bizuneh,
Tizazu Kuchi Shigero,
Dereje Getahun Gashaye
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
28 October 2024
18 November 2024
7 January 2025
Abstract: Background: Sexual violence can be defined as is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including unwanted sexual advances desires for sexual favor, contact of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or offensive environment. This study aimed to assess sexual violence and associated factors among women of reproductive age pawi woreda. Objective: this study is aimed to assess the sexual violence and associated factors among women of reproductive age in pawi woreda, Metekel zone, North West Ethiopia in 2023. Method: A community based cross-sectional study design was employed in Pawi Woreda Benishangul Gumuz Northwest Ethiopia from April 30/203-May 30/2023 on total of 467 sample size, and the simple random sampling technique was used to select Keble and female reproductive age groups. The data were collected by using structured questionnaire. The data were cleaned, checked for completeness, and entered using Epi Data-V.3.1 and exported to SPSS version 25 for analysis. Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage were computed. Multivariable regression analyses was done to identify factors associated with sexual violence and statistical significance was declared at p-value < 0.05. Adjusted odds ratios are used to see the strength of association with 95% confidence interval. Results: The prevalence of sexual violence among female reproductive age group in Pawi district was 204 (43.8%). Rural women AOR [3.74 95% CI (1.64, 8.50)], unmarried AOR [[AOR: 2.3((1.07, 5.00)], mother secondary education [AOR: 3.49 95% (1.28, 9.49)], women who had two sexual partner [AOR =3.01 95% CI: 1.51, 6.00] and women who consumed alcohol [AOR=2.17(1.01, 4.66] has significantly associated with sexual violence. Conclusion and recommendation: The prevalence of sexual violence among female reproductive age is high. Factors found to be significantly associated with sexual violence include age, residence, marital status, occupational status, mother educational status, number of sexual partner, and alcohol consumption.
Abstract: Background: Sexual violence can be defined as is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including unwanted sexual advances desires for se...
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Research Article
Evaluation of Preparation and Implementation Practices of Local Development Plans in Durame Town, Ethiopia
Mihretu Erjino*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
11 December 2024
22 December 2024
9 January 2025
Abstract: Being one of plan typologies, a local development plan (LDP) of an urban area describes medium term development direction of an urban center. It contains policy statements and development guidelines with concrete standards and development criteria for a particular area like that of this study’s target sites in Durame town. The main concern of the study is evaluation on local development plans preparation and implementation practices of the town with descriptive survey method. In the study, the data that are utilized in random and non-random (purposive) sampling techniques and gathered from both primary and secondary sources are analyzed qualitatively. As the output the study, the local development plan of Durame town has got strong sides and some limitations as well both in its preparation and implementation processes. Finally, based on the major findings of the LDP evaluation that need serious interventions of the concerning bodies, rational recommendations are forwarded at the end.
Abstract: Being one of plan typologies, a local development plan (LDP) of an urban area describes medium term development direction of an urban center. It contains policy statements and development guidelines with concrete standards and development criteria for a particular area like that of this study’s target sites in Durame town. The main concern of the s...
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Research Article
Reimagining Road Safety: Leveraging Technology to Combat Road Fatalities in Ghana
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
13 November 2024
5 December 2024
11 February 2025
Abstract: The paper investigates factors that could explain why improved police visibility, surface improvements on roads, and enhanced public education on road safety have failed to reduce accident fatalities in Ghana. This paper delves into the underlying factors contributing to the inefficacy of traditional safety measures and proposes a paradigm shift towards technology-driven solutions. Through a thorough analysis of the efficacy of existing strategies and insights gleaned from empirical research and data, this study offers novel recommendations to mitigate the alarming trend of road accidents in Ghana. The implications of this paper are discussed in an effort to inform policymakers and provide insight into how this issue can be addressed more efficiently. Primary data from field observation of 400 vehicles, semi-structured interviews with 25 police officers and drivers on duty, and secondary data from publications, including journal articles and credible online sources, constituted the basis for this study. The study findings reveal a systematic failure where road safety is compromised for personal gain, with both drivers and law enforcement officials implicated in perpetuating hazardous practices. Specifically, the study identifies financial incentives driving police negligence and drivers’ disregard for traffic regulations fuelled by a culture of bribery. In light of these findings, we advocate for adopting technology-driven surveillance systems, such as CCTV cameras, as a cornerstone of an effective road safety strategy. Technological interventions offer a promising pathway to curb road traffic fatalities in Ghana by eliminating human discretion and mitigating corruption opportunities.
Abstract: The paper investigates factors that could explain why improved police visibility, surface improvements on roads, and enhanced public education on road safety have failed to reduce accident fatalities in Ghana. This paper delves into the underlying factors contributing to the inefficacy of traditional safety measures and proposes a paradigm shift to...
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