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Hydrochemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Drinking Water in N'Djamena: A Case Study of the 2nd District

Received: 6 February 2025     Accepted: 7 March 2025     Published: 21 March 2025
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Access to drinking water is a major concern in the locality of least developing countries. Population growth and the demands of modern life require an increase in water production in both quantity and quality. This study aims to determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of water from boreholes intended for human consumption in the 2nd district of N'Djamena, Chad. The methods used to solve the problem are based on physicochemical and microbiological analyses, the Piper diagram interpretation, and multivariate statistical analysis to determine the quality and classification of the water. The results show that the water has low mineralization with a Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) concentration of 141.2 ± 26.61 mg/L and an average electrical conductivity of 282.4 ± 53.58 µS/cm. And then, determination of the facies of the waters studied shows that they are of the calcium-magnesium bicarbonate type. The highest concentrations are those of Ca2+ (38.3 ± 7.79 mg/L) and HCO3- (189.76 ± 17.36 mg/L), and the lowest are K+ (3.06 ± 0.63 mg/L) and NO3- (5.76 ±9.43 mg/L). The water contains fecal coliforms such as Escherichia coli, total coliforms, and Total Aerobic Mesophilic Flora. Due to the presence of these pathogenic germs, this water requires prior treatment before being used for human consumption.

Published in Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science (Volume 14, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.wros.20251402.11
Page(s) 35-44
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Physicochemical, Bacteriological, Drinking Water, N'Djamena

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  • APA Style

    Emmanuel, A. A., Ahmadou, B., Diab, D. A., Oumar, I. A., Janvier, D. K. (2025). Hydrochemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Drinking Water in N'Djamena: A Case Study of the 2nd District. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, 14(2), 35-44.

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    ACS Style

    Emmanuel, A. A.; Ahmadou, B.; Diab, D. A.; Oumar, I. A.; Janvier, D. K. Hydrochemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Drinking Water in N'Djamena: A Case Study of the 2nd District. J. Water Resour. Ocean Sci. 2025, 14(2), 35-44. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20251402.11

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    AMA Style

    Emmanuel AA, Ahmadou B, Diab DA, Oumar IA, Janvier DK. Hydrochemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Drinking Water in N'Djamena: A Case Study of the 2nd District. J Water Resour Ocean Sci. 2025;14(2):35-44. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20251402.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.wros.20251402.11,
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Hydrochemical and Bacteriological Characterization of Drinking Water in N'Djamena: A Case Study of the 2nd District
    AU  - Aguiza Abai Emmanuel
    AU  - Baba Ahmadou
    AU  - Diab Ahmad Diab
    AU  - Ilyass Ali Oumar
    AU  - Domra Kana Janvier
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    AB  - Access to drinking water is a major concern in the locality of least developing countries. Population growth and the demands of modern life require an increase in water production in both quantity and quality. This study aims to determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of water from boreholes intended for human consumption in the 2nd district of N'Djamena, Chad. The methods used to solve the problem are based on physicochemical and microbiological analyses, the Piper diagram interpretation, and multivariate statistical analysis to determine the quality and classification of the water. The results show that the water has low mineralization with a Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) concentration of 141.2 ± 26.61 mg/L and an average electrical conductivity of 282.4 ± 53.58 µS/cm. And then, determination of the facies of the waters studied shows that they are of the calcium-magnesium bicarbonate type. The highest concentrations are those of Ca2+ (38.3 ± 7.79 mg/L) and HCO3- (189.76 ± 17.36 mg/L), and the lowest are K+ (3.06 ± 0.63 mg/L) and NO3- (5.76 ±9.43 mg/L). The water contains fecal coliforms such as Escherichia coli, total coliforms, and Total Aerobic Mesophilic Flora. Due to the presence of these pathogenic germs, this water requires prior treatment before being used for human consumption.
    VL  - 14
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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