This research was conducted based on the fact that the Loloda Kingdom had been lost in history since 1322. The remark that in that year, Loloda did not attend the meeting of the Maluku kings who succeeded in forming the Moti Alliance (Motir Verbond [1322-1343]) which was initiated by the King of Ternate VII, Sida Arif Malamo (1322-1331). Since that year also Loloda, considered not part of the "world of Maluku". Furthermore, de jure, during the VOC period (1627-1800), all Loloda was declared to have disappeared, because Ternate was annexed during the reign of Sultan Amir Hamzah (1627-1648). But de facto, the political structure of the Loloda kingdom actually still existed during that period in the Northwest Coast of Halmahera. The results showed that the cooperation between Ternate and the Dutch colonial government since 1817 through political contracts on the grounds of mutually beneficial cooperation and friendship, actually caused all of Loloda's economic, political and military power to be weakened and taken over by Ternate to Dutch interests. Although Loloda was in the shadow of the power of Ternate and the Netherlands, the kingdom was still able to carry out its economic, political and military functions during the period 1817-1942, even though it was under the control of Ternate with the consent of the Dutch. This study aims to explain the existence of the presence of the Loloda Kingdom in the economic, political, and military dynamics that occurred in North Maluku until the collapse of the power of the Dutch Colonial Government in Indonesia in 1942. This study uses historical research methods, with the following stages: 1) tracing and collecting sources historical sources from literature, archives, field, and documentation (heuristics); 2) analysis and synthesis (criticism, verification, and validation of data; 3) interpretation of the results of analysis and data synthesis; and 4) writing history (historiography).
Published in | Science Research (Volume 12, Issue 3) |
DOI | 10.11648/ |
Page(s) | 47-59 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Loloda, Economic, Politics, Military, Dutch-Collonial, History
ANRI | Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (National Archieve of Indonesian Republic) |
ENI | Ecyclopaediae van Nederlands Indie (Ensiklopedia Hindia Belanda) |
HND-NI | Het Nieuws van den Dag voor Nederlandsch-Indie |
MvO | Memorie van Overgave (Memori Serah Terima Jabatan) |
NAC-AH | Nieuwe Amsterdamsche Courant, Algemeen Handelsblad |
NRC | Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (Rotterdam New Newspaper) |
PNRI | Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (National Library of Indonesian Republic) |
RR | Regeering Reglement (the Government Regulation) |
VOC | Veerenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (Nederlands East Indian Company, Perhimpunan Dagang Hindia Timur Belanda) |
UZV | Utrechtsche Zending Vereniging (the Christianization activities began to be carried out by a Protestant missionary association called, which was established in Utrecht, the Netherlands |
No. | Periodisasi/Masa Jabatan | Raja (Kolano) |
1 | 1822—1830 | M. Djae |
2 | 1830—1833 | Buba |
3 | 1833—1857 | Djoboriki |
4 | 1857—1895 | Sunia |
5 | 1895—1906 | Alfiris Banggai (Kolano) |
6 | 1906—1915 | Syamsuddin Syah (Kolano) |
7 | 1915—1977 | Haji Djami bin Syamsuddin (Jougugu/Kolano) |
8 | 1977—2008 | Bayan Haji Syamsuddin (Jougugu/Kolano) |
9 | 2008—2016 | Lutfi Syamsudin (Jogugu Kolano) |
10 | 2016--sekarang | Suaib bin Syamsuddin Syah (Jougugu/Kolano) |
Sultan of Ternate | Sultan of Tidore | Sultan of Bacan | Sultan of Jailolo | Sultan/Raja/Kolano=Jougugu Loloda |
Tau Raha (Komisi 4) | Tau Raha (Komisi 4) | Tau Raha (Komisi 4) | Tau Raha (Komisi 4) | Tau Raha (Komisi Ngaruga)=Komisi 4 |
1. Jougugu 2. Tuli-Lamo 3. Hukum Soa Sio 4. Hukum Sangaji Bobato Dunia Bobato Akhirat | 1. Jougugu 2. Tuli-Lamo 3. Kapita Kie 4. Hukum Soa Sio Bobato Dunia Bobato Akhirat | 1. Jougugu 2. Tuli-Lamo 3. Qadhi 4. Kapita Ngofa Bobato Dunia Bobato Akhirat | 1. Jougugu 2. Tuli-Lamo 3. Kapita Lau 4. Qadhi Bobato Dunia Bobato Akhirat | Kapita Kie, Hukum Soasio, Hukum Bakun Malamo, and Sowohi Bobato Dunia Bobato Akhirat |
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APA Style
Rahman, A., Said, R. M. (2024). The Kingdom of Loloda: The Dynamics of Economic, Political, and Military in North Maluku During the Dutch Collonial Power (1817-1942). Science Research, 12(3), 47-59.
ACS Style
Rahman, A.; Said, R. M. The Kingdom of Loloda: The Dynamics of Economic, Political, and Military in North Maluku During the Dutch Collonial Power (1817-1942). Sci. Res. 2024, 12(3), 47-59. doi: 10.11648/
AMA Style
Rahman A, Said RM. The Kingdom of Loloda: The Dynamics of Economic, Political, and Military in North Maluku During the Dutch Collonial Power (1817-1942). Sci Res. 2024;12(3):47-59. doi: 10.11648/
@article{10.11648/, author = {Abd Rahman and Rusli Muhammad Said}, title = {The Kingdom of Loloda: The Dynamics of Economic, Political, and Military in North Maluku During the Dutch Collonial Power (1817-1942) }, journal = {Science Research}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {47-59}, doi = {10.11648/}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This research was conducted based on the fact that the Loloda Kingdom had been lost in history since 1322. The remark that in that year, Loloda did not attend the meeting of the Maluku kings who succeeded in forming the Moti Alliance (Motir Verbond [1322-1343]) which was initiated by the King of Ternate VII, Sida Arif Malamo (1322-1331). Since that year also Loloda, considered not part of the "world of Maluku". Furthermore, de jure, during the VOC period (1627-1800), all Loloda was declared to have disappeared, because Ternate was annexed during the reign of Sultan Amir Hamzah (1627-1648). But de facto, the political structure of the Loloda kingdom actually still existed during that period in the Northwest Coast of Halmahera. The results showed that the cooperation between Ternate and the Dutch colonial government since 1817 through political contracts on the grounds of mutually beneficial cooperation and friendship, actually caused all of Loloda's economic, political and military power to be weakened and taken over by Ternate to Dutch interests. Although Loloda was in the shadow of the power of Ternate and the Netherlands, the kingdom was still able to carry out its economic, political and military functions during the period 1817-1942, even though it was under the control of Ternate with the consent of the Dutch. This study aims to explain the existence of the presence of the Loloda Kingdom in the economic, political, and military dynamics that occurred in North Maluku until the collapse of the power of the Dutch Colonial Government in Indonesia in 1942. This study uses historical research methods, with the following stages: 1) tracing and collecting sources historical sources from literature, archives, field, and documentation (heuristics); 2) analysis and synthesis (criticism, verification, and validation of data; 3) interpretation of the results of analysis and data synthesis; and 4) writing history (historiography). }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - The Kingdom of Loloda: The Dynamics of Economic, Political, and Military in North Maluku During the Dutch Collonial Power (1817-1942) AU - Abd Rahman AU - Rusli Muhammad Said Y1 - 2024/06/13 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/ T2 - Science Research JF - Science Research JO - Science Research SP - 47 EP - 59 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2329-0927 UR - AB - This research was conducted based on the fact that the Loloda Kingdom had been lost in history since 1322. The remark that in that year, Loloda did not attend the meeting of the Maluku kings who succeeded in forming the Moti Alliance (Motir Verbond [1322-1343]) which was initiated by the King of Ternate VII, Sida Arif Malamo (1322-1331). Since that year also Loloda, considered not part of the "world of Maluku". Furthermore, de jure, during the VOC period (1627-1800), all Loloda was declared to have disappeared, because Ternate was annexed during the reign of Sultan Amir Hamzah (1627-1648). But de facto, the political structure of the Loloda kingdom actually still existed during that period in the Northwest Coast of Halmahera. The results showed that the cooperation between Ternate and the Dutch colonial government since 1817 through political contracts on the grounds of mutually beneficial cooperation and friendship, actually caused all of Loloda's economic, political and military power to be weakened and taken over by Ternate to Dutch interests. Although Loloda was in the shadow of the power of Ternate and the Netherlands, the kingdom was still able to carry out its economic, political and military functions during the period 1817-1942, even though it was under the control of Ternate with the consent of the Dutch. This study aims to explain the existence of the presence of the Loloda Kingdom in the economic, political, and military dynamics that occurred in North Maluku until the collapse of the power of the Dutch Colonial Government in Indonesia in 1942. This study uses historical research methods, with the following stages: 1) tracing and collecting sources historical sources from literature, archives, field, and documentation (heuristics); 2) analysis and synthesis (criticism, verification, and validation of data; 3) interpretation of the results of analysis and data synthesis; and 4) writing history (historiography). VL - 12 IS - 3 ER -