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Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework

Received: 15 May 2015     Accepted: 20 May 2015     Published: 2 June 2015
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This paper sets out to review literature on the efficacy of monitoring and evaluation in achieving project success in Kenya. Several studies have been carried out with an aim of determining the critical success factors (CSFs) which contribute to project success. The analysis of these studies shows a particular pattern of events. Some CSFs appears consistently in a number of studies. One such factor is the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) function. The researcher used literature review approach to analyze the factors related to M&E influencing project success. All the factors identified were grouped into four main categories which are: Strength of M&E team, monitoring approach adopted, political influence and project lifecycle stage. The study further identified management support as a mediating factor between M&E and the Project Success. A good M&E without management support is likely not to succeed.

Published in Science Journal of Business and Management (Volume 3, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.sjbm.20150303.14
Page(s) 82-94
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Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Success, Conceptual Framework, Management Support, Kenya

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  • APA Style

    Charles G. Kamau, Humam Bin Mohamed. (2015). Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework. Science Journal of Business and Management, 3(3), 82-94. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjbm.20150303.14

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    ACS Style

    Charles G. Kamau; Humam Bin Mohamed. Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework. Sci. J. Bus. Manag. 2015, 3(3), 82-94. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20150303.14

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    AMA Style

    Charles G. Kamau, Humam Bin Mohamed. Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework. Sci J Bus Manag. 2015;3(3):82-94. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20150303.14

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Author Information
  • Faculty of Finance & Administrative sciences, Almadinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia

  • Faculty of Finance & Administrative sciences, Almadinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia

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