This work consisted of studying the effect of saline constraint represented by different concentrations of NaCl (0, 2, 4, 8 and 11 g / l) at Acacianilotica on certain nursing parameters (germination, growth, biochemical and nutritional) and the survival rate one year after transplanting young clubs in field. The results obtained 14 days after seeding show that the germination rate falls below 40 g / l of NaCl and passes from 90% to 39.2% to 11 g / l of NaCl. After 3 months of stress, it is spring that the growth marked by the height, the diameter of the collar, the number of sheet and the foliar surface decrease as the NaCl concentration increases unlike ray biomass. Salinity has favored the accumulation of soluble, polyphenol, proline and total protein levels in the plant during the experimentation. Regarding the nutritional effect, NaCl negatively affects the nutritional scale of the plants. One year after transplantation, NaCl processed plantations have the best survival rates and the highest was obtained with 4 g / l of NaCl (89.61%). Thus, the submission of young Acacia nilotica plants to a salt strike of 4 g / l NaCl could allow to produce saltwoods for the salinity of the Sahelian zone of Cameroon and this fact contribute to the success of the reforestation campaigns by lower decreases of the mortality rates of transplantation.
Published in | Plant (Volume 12, Issue 4) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16 |
Page(s) | 131-141 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Acacia nilotica, Salt Stress, NaCl, Sahelian Area, Transplantation
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APA Style
Chimene, A. F., Julien, H. M., Sidoine, M. D. (2024). Effect of Saline Stress on the Growth and Physiological Behavior of Young Planting Acacia nilotica in Nursery and After Transplantation. Plant, 12(4), 131-141.
ACS Style
Chimene, A. F.; Julien, H. M.; Sidoine, M. D. Effect of Saline Stress on the Growth and Physiological Behavior of Young Planting Acacia nilotica in Nursery and After Transplantation. Plant. 2024, 12(4), 131-141. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16
AMA Style
Chimene AF, Julien HM, Sidoine MD. Effect of Saline Stress on the Growth and Physiological Behavior of Young Planting Acacia nilotica in Nursery and After Transplantation. Plant. 2024;12(4):131-141. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16
@article{10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16, author = {Abib Fanta Chimene and Hand Mathias Julien and Malla Dari Sidoine}, title = {Effect of Saline Stress on the Growth and Physiological Behavior of Young Planting Acacia nilotica in Nursery and After Transplantation }, journal = {Plant}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {131-141}, doi = {10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This work consisted of studying the effect of saline constraint represented by different concentrations of NaCl (0, 2, 4, 8 and 11 g / l) at Acacianilotica on certain nursing parameters (germination, growth, biochemical and nutritional) and the survival rate one year after transplanting young clubs in field. The results obtained 14 days after seeding show that the germination rate falls below 40 g / l of NaCl and passes from 90% to 39.2% to 11 g / l of NaCl. After 3 months of stress, it is spring that the growth marked by the height, the diameter of the collar, the number of sheet and the foliar surface decrease as the NaCl concentration increases unlike ray biomass. Salinity has favored the accumulation of soluble, polyphenol, proline and total protein levels in the plant during the experimentation. Regarding the nutritional effect, NaCl negatively affects the nutritional scale of the plants. One year after transplantation, NaCl processed plantations have the best survival rates and the highest was obtained with 4 g / l of NaCl (89.61%). Thus, the submission of young Acacia nilotica plants to a salt strike of 4 g / l NaCl could allow to produce saltwoods for the salinity of the Sahelian zone of Cameroon and this fact contribute to the success of the reforestation campaigns by lower decreases of the mortality rates of transplantation. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Effect of Saline Stress on the Growth and Physiological Behavior of Young Planting Acacia nilotica in Nursery and After Transplantation AU - Abib Fanta Chimene AU - Hand Mathias Julien AU - Malla Dari Sidoine Y1 - 2024/11/26 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.16 T2 - Plant JF - Plant JO - Plant SP - 131 EP - 141 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2331-0677 UR - AB - This work consisted of studying the effect of saline constraint represented by different concentrations of NaCl (0, 2, 4, 8 and 11 g / l) at Acacianilotica on certain nursing parameters (germination, growth, biochemical and nutritional) and the survival rate one year after transplanting young clubs in field. The results obtained 14 days after seeding show that the germination rate falls below 40 g / l of NaCl and passes from 90% to 39.2% to 11 g / l of NaCl. After 3 months of stress, it is spring that the growth marked by the height, the diameter of the collar, the number of sheet and the foliar surface decrease as the NaCl concentration increases unlike ray biomass. Salinity has favored the accumulation of soluble, polyphenol, proline and total protein levels in the plant during the experimentation. Regarding the nutritional effect, NaCl negatively affects the nutritional scale of the plants. One year after transplantation, NaCl processed plantations have the best survival rates and the highest was obtained with 4 g / l of NaCl (89.61%). Thus, the submission of young Acacia nilotica plants to a salt strike of 4 g / l NaCl could allow to produce saltwoods for the salinity of the Sahelian zone of Cameroon and this fact contribute to the success of the reforestation campaigns by lower decreases of the mortality rates of transplantation. VL - 12 IS - 4 ER -