This research aims to determine and meet the needs for teaching materials, especially editorial text materials in digital form and their implementation so that they can improve the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA (Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah - Senior High School) students. The method used in this research is research and development. The results obtained are that the digital editorial text module in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students is suitable for use as teaching material. Learning resources in the form of several editorial texts from several mass media, which were analyzed, met structural, linguistic and critical thinking aspects as teaching materials developed in the form of digital modules. The development of editorial text teaching materials is adjusted to indicators of competency achievement and basic competencies that are validated by experts and practitioners to obtain a category as teaching materials that are suitable for use in SMA/MA Indramayu Regency. Based on the results of testing the module in learning, it is known that the module is effective in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students.
Published in
International Journal of Secondary Education (Volume 13, Issue 1)
25-33 |
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group
Digital Editorial Text Module, Critical Thinking Ability, Improving
1. Introduction
Critical thinking skills are needed by every individual to help in the process of solving various life problems, so that humans can survive. Critical thinking is a process, aimed at making reasoned decisions about what to do.
Critical thinking skills need to continue to be improved and developed by each individual, especially by students, especially grade 12 SMA/MA students who will complete their studies and face their future.
Editorial text, which is one of various types of text (in Indonesian language learning), that students study at this level is a means to train and improve critical thinking skills. This text can be used as a means to express all ideas, thoughts, views, opinions, criticism, input regarding various phenomena that are currently occurring in society.
[5] | Ismi Izzati, Jaja Wilsa. Pembelajaran Teks Fabel Berbasis Literasi Membaca untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Afektif pada Siswa SMP. Jurnal Ilmu Pendididkan (JIP) Vol. 1 No. 3 Juli 2023, hal. 437-444. Pascasarjana Universitas Swadaya Gunungjati Cirebon – Indonesia. https://jip.joln.org/index.php/pendidikan/article/view/47/46 |
Editorial text or editorial is the main article in a newspaper which contains the media's views on events that are currently in the spotlight
[8] | Kosasih, E. Jenis-jenis Teks dalam Mata Pelajaran Baasa Indonesia SMA/MA/SMK. Bandung: Yrama Widya; 2014. |
. Editorial texts are articles that contain the editor's views on actual, phenomenal or controversial issues/problems developing in society
[8] | Kosasih, E. Jenis-jenis Teks dalam Mata Pelajaran Baasa Indonesia SMA/MA/SMK. Bandung: Yrama Widya; 2014. |
. In the editorial text, actual problems are presented which are then reviewed accompanied by responses in the form of praise, criticism, sarcasm or suggestions.
By frequently reading editorial texts, it is hoped that students will be wiser in responding to news, more mature in dealing with problems that occur in the surrounding environment. After studying editorial texts, students are expected to be able to express ideas, opinions and arguments or views critically and innovatively in responding to various issues that are currently developing in society.
That is an illustration of the critical thinking skills that grade 12 SMA/MA students must have after studying editorial texts. This ability is summarized in two pairs of Basic Competencies (BC) of knowledge and skills, namely: 1) BC 3.5 Identifying information (opinions, alternative solutions and conclusions on an issue) in editorial texts paired with BC 4.5 Selecting a variety of information as editorial text material both oral and written and 2) BC 3.6 Analyzing the structure and language of editorial texts, which is paired with BC 4.6 Designing editorial texts by paying attention to structure and language both orally and in writing, according to the revised edition of the 2013 curriculum.
To achieve this competency, students need to be given material with an interesting presentation and delivery that is easy to understand. For this reason, it is necessary to develop teaching materials.
[12] | Nani Suryaningsih and Suherli Kusmana. Development of teaching materials for scientific writing based on a constructivist approach. Tuturan Jurnal. 2018, 7(2), 884-894. Language Education Graduate School UGJ Cirebon, Indonesia. |
[16] | Suherli Kusmana, Jaja Wilsa, Ipit Fitriawati, Fithry Muthmainnah. Development of Folklore Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom as Character Education. International Journal of Secondary Education. 2020, 8 (3), 103-109. |
[12, 16]
The objectives of developing teaching materials are to 1) Present teaching materials that suit the needs of students; 2) Presenting teaching materials that lead to the competencies outlined in the curriculum; 3) Lighten the teacher's burden in carrying out learning activities; 4) Make it easier for students to get alternative teaching materials, apart from sources at school such as books and texts that are difficult to obtain
[9] | Kosasih, E. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara; 2021. |
The certainty of progress in information technology is closely related to computer literacy which encourages people's desire to fulfill their needs quickly and easily. In the field of education, the availability of space, time, energy and funds is limited, so digital teaching materials are an option that needs to be developed.
For this reason, in this research, the author poses the following problems: 1) What is the need for digital editorial text teaching materials in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students?; 2) How does the design of digital teaching materials for editorial texts improve the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students?; and 3) How does the implementation of digital editorial text teaching materials improve the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students?
Digital teaching materials are teaching materials that integrate digital technology in their preparation and can be studied via digital devices such as smartphones, laptops and computers.
Digital teaching materials open up space and time for students to develop knowledge and improve their skills. Digital teaching materials can provide the widest possible knowledge because they have links or connections to other sources such as Google, YouTube and other social media
[10] | Mascita, Dede Endang. Designing Printed and Digital Teaching Materials. Bandung: CV. Media Sains Indonesia; 2021. |
Digital teaching materials provide easy and fast learning resource services. Apart from that, digital teaching materials provide communicative and comprehensive learning resources which are expected to improve the quality of education.
Digital teaching materials provide several positive impacts, namely:
1) Increase learning effectiveness. This is because students can be actively involved in the learning process, related to the various simulations contained in the teaching materials.
2) Increase the efficiency of independent learning. Learning material can be studied flexibly by students, namely wherever they are.
3) More motivating because digital teaching materials can be made more varied and less monotonous because they don't just read text but can be studied in other forms.
Digital teaching materials can run effectively if they fulfill the following principles
[9] | Kosasih, E. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara; 2021. |
1) Have clear goals in accordance with the curriculum
2) The material presented is appropriate to the student's level of cognition, and is close to the student's life. The language used is easy to understand, and the sentences used are effective.
3) The presentation structure is systematic, starting from easy to structures that require a lot of thought.
4) The parts of each content are complete and integrated, starting from the foreword, concept map, basic competencies, material presentation, exercises, summary and evaluation.
5) The content of the material is not only presented in text form, but is added with images, animation, sound, video so that learning is more varied and not boring.
In designing digital teaching materials, we must pay attention to the study and examination of the principles of digital teaching materials which include the principles of freedom, flexibility, independence, contemporaryness, suitability, efficiency and mobility. Students are free to access teaching materials that are designed without obstacles so that they can be used effectively and efficiently. Students can access teaching materials anytime and anywhere because they are flexible. Students can also take part in evaluations and access learning resources according to their respective abilities. Learning can be done individually or in groups. Teachers as facilitators can encourage students to think in learning. Digital teaching materials are designed in accordance with developments in information technology. Learning programs are tailored to students' needs in facing life's challenges. Existing resources, human and technological, must be maximized in their use
[11] | Munir. Pembelajaran Digital. Bandung: Alfabeta; 2017. |
2. Materials and Methods
This research design and development was carried out in several stages. The first stage is needs analysis, namely collecting data about teachers' and students' needs for teaching materials, editorial text materials. Second is the planning/design stage. At this stage the author carries out a competency analysis based on the curriculum and aspects of critical thinking skills, as well as analyzing learning resources also based on aspects of critical thinking skills. The third is the development stage, namely developing the results of competency analysis and editorial text teaching resources into digital modules using the Canva application. Then the module is presented in Flipbook form. For improvement, the digital module is validated by experts, before being tested on students. Fourth is implementation. The module was tested on students in SMA and MA. Fifth is Evaluation, comparing the results of the module trial with student learning outcomes before the trial.
Research data comes from 1) data on teachers' and students' needs for editorial text teaching materials, 2) data from validation results or assessments of experts and practitioners on digital modules, and 3) data from module trials in the form of learning evaluation test scores, before and after using the digital editorial text module.
Table 1. Conversion of Percentages and Categories of Teaching Material Needs.
Percentage | Category |
0 - 1,9% | Not Required |
2% - 49% | A Small Part Needs |
50% | Half Need |
50,1% - 99,9% | Most Need |
100% | Everyone Needs It |
Data collection on teaching material needs was carried out through distributing questionnaires to teachers and students at SMA N Gantar and MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency.
The data analysis technique in this research uses a mixed technique, namely descriptive analysis techniques, both quantitative and qualitative data
[14] | Sri Wahyuni Lutfiyatul Yaqin, Abdul Rozak, Hesti Muliawati. Use of YouTube Application-Based Learning Media in Learning Anecdotal Texts for Class X Students. Jurnal Tuturan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra. Mei 2022, 11(1), 26-35. FPS UGJ Cirebon – Indonesia. |
. Quantitative descriptive techniques are used to present the results of data analysis on needs for teaching materials, validation data from experts and practitioners, as well as 64.1 data on product implementation results. Qualitative descriptive techniques are used to present the results of product development data analysis in the form of digital editorial text modules to improve critical thinking skills. Qualitative data descriptive techniques are also used to explain the results of measuring the feasibility of the module according to practitioner and validator responses.
In analyzing data on the need for teaching materials, a percentage calculation formula is needed to measure the value of the need for teaching materials, namely:
P = Final Value
f = Score Acquisition
N = Maximum Value
The final results of the calculation will indicate the level of need for developing teaching materials.
After knowing the percentage of need for each number/question item from all research subjects, the average percentage calculation is then converted according to the need criteria using a Likert scale. The following is a Likert scale
table 1 used to measure how much development of teaching materials is needed.
Next, analyze expert and practitioner validation data. This data is in the form of a questionnaire sheet that provides 4 answer choices according to the content of the question. Each answer choice has a score (value range) which defines the level of suitability of the editorial text digital module in improving critical thinking skills according to the assessment of the validator or practitioner. The validation questionnaire was created using a Likert scale with criteria as can be seen in the following
table 2.
Table 2. Criteria of measuring the feasibility of the module.
Score | Criteria |
1 | Very Less |
2 | Less |
3 | Good |
4 | Very Good |
Based on the table above, the validator's answers or assessments which can be in the form of numbers 4, 3, 2, or 1 will be accumulated so that the total assessment score can be found using the formula for finding the average value
[2] | Arikunto, S. 2013. Research Procedures: A Practical Approach.. Jakarta. PT. Rineka Cipta. |
. That way, it will be known how valid or appropriate the module is according to validators and practitioners. If the average score is high, namely "3" or the highest is "4", then the suitability of the module is not in doubt because it means the module is "Good" or "Very Good". The formula for finding the average value is as follows:
Figure 1. The calculation of average value from each validators.
= final average
𝑥𝑖 = questionnaire operational test score for each teachers/validators
𝑛 = the number of teachers/validators who filled out the questionnaire
The final results of the calculation, the assessment scores from each validator and practitioner indicate the quality and level of feasibility/validity of the module. To determine the validity and feasibility of the digital editorial text module based on the average score from validators and practitioners, a category conversion was made. Converting scores into assessment categories uses a Likert scale. The following is the category conversion of validator and practitioner assessments of the digital editorial text module, in the table.
Table 3. Category Conversion.
Quality Score | Eligibility Criteria |
3,26 < x ≤ 4,00 | Very Good/ Very Worthy |
2,51 < x ≤ 3,25 | Good/Worthy |
1,76 < x ≤ 2,50 | Not Worthy |
1,00 < x ≤ 1,75 | Not feasible |
The final analysis is product trial data analysis. This data is in the form of student learning outcomes data in editorial text learning activities after students received teaching materials using the digital modules developed. To determine the level of product effectiveness, data on student learning outcomes is needed before using the digital modules developed.
Both learning result data before and after the product trial were analyzed quantitatively to determine the difference in scores obtained by students between before and after the trial. Is the relief sufficient, less or very significant? For this reason, calculations are required using the paired sample t-test or T-test formula
[15] | Sugiyono. Research and Development Methods. Bandung: Alfabeta; 2016. |
. Here's the formula.
1. mean 1 and mean 2 are the average valuesof each sample data set
2. s (diff) is the standard deviation of the difference in paired data values
3. n is the sample size (number of pairwise differences)
4. n-1 is the degree of freedom
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Need for Editorial Text Teaching Materials
To determine the need for editorial text teaching materials, researchers collected data by distributing questionnaires to teachers and students. The questionnaire contains questions related to topics surrounding learning editorial texts. These include 1) Methods for learning editorial texts, 2) Availability of teaching materials and their content, 3) Characteristics of students that need to be developed, and 4) Competencies that students need to master in learning editorial texts and the types of teaching materials expected.
Based on the results of the analysis of the questions and answers from teachers and students, it is known that
1) The learning method still uses the lecture method so that 52.1% of teachers and 64.1% of students require other methods, such as discussions and presentations. This means that teaching materials that enable students to learn independently are needed.
2) The availability of teaching materials and content is still not sufficient. As many as 64.1% of teachers and 71.7% of students in the research sample still require complete content/materials in the available teaching materials.
3) Student characteristics that need to be developed and included in the teaching materials proposed by researchers are required by 100% of teachers and 75.3% of students in the research sample.
4) Competencies that need to be mastered by students and developed in the teaching materials proposed by researchers are required and approved by 98.5% of teachers and 74.5% of students in the research sample.
5) Teaching materials in the form of digital modules are required by 100% of teachers and 84.4% of students in the research sample.
3.2. Design and Development of the Digital Editorial Text Module
In designing the digital editorial text module, the following steps are taken: 1) inventory the basic competencies that students must have; 2) develop learning indicators; 3) develop assessment techniques
[4] | Hari Rayanto, Yudi and Sugianti. ADDIE &R2D2 Model Development Research. Pasuruan; Lembaga Academic & Research Institute; 2020. |
To obtain a number of competencies that students must have, researchers conducted an analysis of the basic competencies (KD 3.5-4.5, 3.6-4.6 Curriculum 2013) and also adapt them to development goals, namely increasing critical thinking abilities.
Critical thinking ability which is basis for determining the competencies that students must have adopts the opinion of Facionne
[7] | Juwita Ayu Pratiwi, Ade Mirza, Asep Nursangaji. Critical Thinking Ability in Analytical Aspects of Students in High School. JPPK Equatorial Education and Learning Journal. 2016, 5(12). FKIP Tanjungpura University. |
, taking into account the opinions of Jensen and Wijaya
[3] | Cece Wijaya. 2010. Pendidikan Remidial: Sarana Pengembangan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. |
[6] | Jensen, Eric. Brain-Based Learning. New Teaching Paradigm. Jakarta: PT Indeks; 2011. |
[3, 6]
. A total of 16 indicators of critical thinking skills created by Jensen, 2011 and Wijaya, 2010 were used as the basis for consideration in determining indicators of competency achievement (competencies that students must have). The following are the results of the analysis and determination of competencies that are in accordance with the critical thinking ability indicators.
The analysis results show that 10 indicators, namely:
1) Identify the content of the editorial text
2) Distinguish between facts and opinions in editorial texts
3) Identify information in the form of alternative solutions to an issue in the editorial text
4) Identify information in the form of conclusions from an issue in the editorial text
5) Determine actual issues from various information media (print, electronic and internet)
6) Express opinions on actual issues complete with supporting arguments (data and logical analysis)
7) Determine the structure in editorial text
8) Develop arguments or opinions on actual issues
9) Prepare suggestions (recommendations) on actual issues
10) Write editorial text by paying attention to structure and linguistic rules
Then the next step is to develop learning indicators. Previously, the designer analyzed learning resources, namely editorial texts that could be used as teaching materials to train students to think critically. For this reason, the designer adopted the opinion of Facionne
[7] | Juwita Ayu Pratiwi, Ade Mirza, Asep Nursangaji. Critical Thinking Ability in Analytical Aspects of Students in High School. JPPK Equatorial Education and Learning Journal. 2016, 5(12). FKIP Tanjungpura University. |
, regarding aspects of critical thinking, namely aspects of interpretation, analysis, inference, explanation, evaluation and self-regulation. The text is analyzed based on these six aspects. Of the five texts analyzed, all five could be developed as teaching materials based on Facionne's critical thinking aspects. The designer only needed and took 3 editorial texts. The three were sourced from Media Indonesia December 2022, namely 1) Stemming Sambo Resistance, 2) Never Giving Up Against Terrorism, and 3) Don't KPK's OTT mockery to be developed into a digital editorial text module.
Next, the designer prepares learning indicators, in the form of four main activities based on four basic competencies and one evaluation activity.
The final step of the design activity is to develop assessment techniques. Evaluation activities designed as part of learning indicators are the result of the development of assessment techniques. The aim is to measure target achievement, namely students have critical and creative thinking skills; Students' understanding, attitudes and skills are in accordance with all aspects of critical thinking abilities targeted in development objectives.
For this reason, the designer developed indicators of critical thinking skills that will be developed in the module, in the form of learning activity designs along with practice questions (questions) in accordance with the critical thinking aspects of Facionne's theory. The following are the indicators in question.
Table 4. Of Critical Thinking Ability Indicators in accordance with Facionne's Theory.
Aspect | Questions to Test Students' Critical Thinking Skills (Student Critical Thinking Activities) | Indicators of Competence Achievement |
Interpretation | 1. Find the main idea of each paragraph in the editorial text! 2. Summarize the main ideas into short text! 3. Find the essence of the text! 4. Analyze the structure of the editorial text which consists of 3 parts! | Identify the content of the editorial text Determine the structure in editorial text |
Analysis | 1. Find 5 sentences that express facts and opinions in the editorial text 2. Find opinion sentences that match the fact sentences in the editorial text and vice versa 3. Find 2 sentences that state alternative solutions in the editorial text 4. Find 2 sentences that state the conclusion in the editorial text 5. Write one sentence/statement that shows the actual issue, as material/basis for writing your editorial text! | 1. Identify the content of the text 2. Distinguish between facts and opinions 3. Identify alternative solutions to an issue 4. Identify conclusions 5. Determine actual issues from various information media |
Evaluation | 1. Do you agree with the statement by the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya in the text above? 2. Write your opinion on current issues! 3. Also write 2-3 sentences stating arguments supporting your opinion! | Convey an opinion on an actual issue with supporting arguments |
Inference | 1. Compose 3 sentences expressing your opinion on the issue "Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Luhut criticizes the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which often takes action against corruptors with OTT." 2. Arrange solutions/suggestions, based on your arguments! | 1. Develop arguments or opinions on actual issues 2. Prepare suggestions for actual issues |
Explanation | 1. Give suggestions or solutions to problems (current issues)! 2. Also state your conclusions and hopes for the problems you discussed! 3. Write/present it in the form of editorial text! | Write editorial texts by paying attention to structure and linguistic rules |
The digital module design for this editorial text consists of the initial part, namely the cover, foreword, table of contents, and concept map. The core part is teaching material which includes learning activities in accordance with the four basic competencies, KD 3.5 - 4.5 and 3.6 - 4.6. The final part, namely the closing, consists of a bibliography, glossary, index list and author profile.
After the design is created, module development is carried out
[13] | Renika Apriyani, Yusida Gloriani, Iyay Robia Khaerudin. Local Wisdom Oriented Contextual Model On Folk Story Material. Tuturan Jurnal Language and Literature Education. Mei 2022, 11(1). Graduate School UGJ Cirebon – Indonesia. |
. The first step taken is for the author to arrange the material from beginning to end. The author enters the editorial text material that has been prepared into the Canva application. Then complete it with audio, video and Google forms which contain assessment instruments as a tool for evaluating learning activities in the module content.
Before use, the module is validated first by material expert validators, language experts and media experts. The validation instrument for module assessment has been prepared by the author. The following are the results of the module assessment by material and language experts:
From the table above, it is known that the module assessment by material and language experts was declared very worthy, with an average score of 3.5 from the highest score of 4.0.
Next are the results of the module assessment by media experts:
Table 5. Data from Material Expert Assessment Results.
Assessment Aspects | Average Score | Category |
Eligibility of content | 3,3 | Very Worth It |
Feasibility of presentation | 3,7 | Very Worth It |
Language Assessment | 3.4 | Very Worth It |
Total Score | 3,5 | Very Worth It |
Table 6. Data from Media Expert Assessment Results.
Assessment Aspects | Average Score | Category |
Size of Digital Teaching Materials | 3,5 | Very Worth It |
Digital Teaching Material Cover Design | 3,8 | Very Worth It |
Digital Teaching Material Content Design | 3.4 | Very Worth It |
Total Score | 3,6 | Very Worth It |
From the table above, it is known that the module assessment by media experts was declared very feasible, with an average score achieved of 3.6 from the highest score of 4.0.
The final development step is to revise the validation results from experts. Revisions made to improve the module are as follows:
Table 7. Material Expert Suggestions and Input.
No | Suggestions and Feedback | Follow-up |
1 | There are still not enough practice questions so they need to be added to the module. | Practice questions are added to each learning activity and each indicator of competency achievement. |
2 | Learn more about how to write on digital media | Learn and apply effective ways of writing and using language in digital modules. |
Table 8. Media Expert Suggestions and Input.
No | Suggestions and Feedback | Follow-up |
1 | The borders of the text on some pages are still too close to the background color. | The edges of the writing/text have been made loose/there is sufficient distance from the edges of the background. |
2 | The font (typeface) in several tables is still not consistent. | The fonts in some tables that are not the same as others have been corrected/equated. |
3 | Material illustrations are still lacking. | Illustrations for some materials have been added. |
4. Implementation of the Research Product Module
After the module was validated and revised, the module was tested on students, in two schools, SMA N Gantar and MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency. Modules are used in learning activities. Then, after learning activities using the Digital Editorial Text Module to Improve the Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students, the researcher provides an assessment instrument for student learning outcomes. However, previously the author had provided the same learning outcomes assessment instrument before students were tested on the research results module.
The following is an assessment of student learning outcomes:
Assessment of students' critical thinking abilities before the trial
Table 9. Student learning outcomes at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis before the trial.
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | Rata-rata |
68,38 | 72,17 | 66,21 | 64,33 | 60,5 | 66,58 |
Table 10. Student learning outcomes at SMA N Gantar before the trial.
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | Rata-rata |
68,86 | 72 | 63,68 | 63,18 | 62,14 | 65,96 |
A1: Interpretation Aspect
A2: Analysis Aspect
A3: Evaluation Aspect
A4: Conclusion Aspect
A5: Explanation Aspect
From the 5 aspects of critical thinking above, the average score of students (learning outcomes before testing the module) in one class at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis is 66.58. This shows that students' critical thinking abilities are sufficient. At SMA N Gantar, the average score of students in one class is 65.96. This shows that the critical thinking skills of students at this school are sufficient (medium).
Assessment of students' critical thinking abilities after the trial.
Table 11. Student learning outcomes at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis after te trial.
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | Rata-rata |
91,54 | 92,50 | 91,67 | 90,88 | 88,61 | 91,03 |
Table 12. Student learning outcomes at SMA N Gantar after the trial.
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | Rata-rata |
89,3 | 90,5 | 91,4 | 88,9 | 85,7 | 89,15 |
From the 5 aspects of critical thinking above, after testing the digital editorial text module, the average score for student learning outcomes at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis was 91.03. This shows that students' critical thinking skills are very good/very high/very competent. At SMA N Gantar, the average score of students in one class is 89.15. This shows that the critical thinking skills of students at the school are good/high. So, it can be concluded that from the trial of the digital editorial text module, student learning outcomes showed an increase in their ability to think critically.
From the 4 assessment tables of student learning outcomes at SMA N Gantar and MA Nurul Hikmah above, it can be seen that there is an improvement. The results of implementing the digital editorial text module show that there is an increase in learning outcomes before and after the trial.
Next, the implementation results are evaluated by researchers. Evaluation as the final step is carried out by comparing student learning outcomes before and after the trial using the research product module. That way, the differences in student learning outcomes before and after the trial, as well as the feasibility of the research and development modules, can be known.
To measure the difference (significance) of student learning outcomes before and after the trial, a ‘t test’ (paired sample t-test) was used. The following is the ‘t test’ on student learning outcomes at SMA N Gantar:
Table 13. Paired Samples Test SMA N Gantar.
Paired Samples Test SMA N Gantar |
| Paired Differences | t | df | Sig. (2-tailed) |
| Mean | Std. Deviation | Std. Error Mean | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
| Lower | Upper |
Pair 1 | Sebelum Mengggunakan Produk - Setelah Menggunakan Produk | -24.86429 | 4.79863 | .90686 | -26.72500 | -23.00357 | -27.418 | 27 | .000 |
Based on the paired sample t-test table at SMA N Gantar above, it is known that the difference in the average value of learning outcomes before and after using the Digital Text Editorial Module in Improving the Critical Thinking Ability of SMA/MA Students is 0.90686; The calculated t value is 27.418 > 1.70113; Sig value. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Based on these values, it can be concluded that there is a difference between learning outcomes before and after using the digital research editorial text module. This difference is quite significant. This can be seen from the increase in test results on average for all students between before and after using the product.
The ‘t test’ on student learning outcomes before and after the trial at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis is as follows:
Table 14. Paired Samples Test MA Nurul Hikmah.
Paired Samples Test MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis |
| Paired Differences | t | df | Sig. (2-tailed) |
| Mean | Std. Deviation | Std. Error Mean | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
| Lower | Upper |
Pair 1 | Sebelum Menggunakan Produk - Setelah Menggunakan Produk | -27.56417 | 5.63217 | 1.14966 | -29.94243 | -25.18591 | -23.976 | 23 | .000 |
Based on the paired sample t-test table for MA Nurul Hikmah students above, it is known that the difference in the average value of learning outcomes before and after using the research product digital module is 1.14966; The calculated t value is 23.976 > 1.71088; Sig value. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Based on these values, it can be concluded that there is a difference between student learning outcomes before and after using the developed digital module. This difference can be seen, with a significant increase in students' overall learning outcomes after using the Digital Editorial Text Module product in improving the critical thinking abilities of high school/MA students.
After comparing the learning outcomes of students at SMA N Gantar and MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis before and after using the product, it is known that the Digital Text Editorial Module product in improving the critical thinking abilities of SMA/MA students is known to be effective, because there is a significant difference between the results before and after the test. try it, there will be an increase.
5. Conclusions
Based on the results of the research and discussion above, the author concludes that the majority of teachers and students in SMA/MA agree with the development of teaching materials for editorial text material. Even the attitude towards the need for digital editorial text teaching materials that the author designed and proposed, namely the Digital Editorial Text Module in Improving Critical Thinking Abilities for SMA/MA Students, shows 'really needed'. For this reason, the development of teaching materials, especially editorial text materials, is carried out.
To design digital editorial text modules, you can use the Canva application. However, previously, teaching materials were prepared in Microsoft Word first. Then the results that have become Canva digital modules are presented and can be shared in FlipBook form using the link.
The design results of the digital editorial text module include three main parts, namely the initial part as the opening of the module, the content part which consists of four learning indicators as the core part, and the final part as the closing of the module
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Based on the results of the module trial, in learning activities, student learning outcomes tests showed an improvement compared to learning outcomes tests before using the product. There is a significant difference between the test results before and the test results after trial use of the product. Thus, it can be said that the Digital Editorial Text Module product is effective in improving the Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students.
SMA | Sekolah Menengah Atas |
MA | Madrasah Aliyah |
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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APA Style
Winarsih, H., Kusmana, S., Gloriani, Y. (2025). Editorial Text Digital Module in Improving Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students. International Journal of Secondary Education, 13(1), 25-33. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13
ACS Style
Winarsih, H.; Kusmana, S.; Gloriani, Y. Editorial Text Digital Module in Improving Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students. Int. J. Second. Educ. 2025, 13(1), 25-33. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13
AMA Style
Winarsih H, Kusmana S, Gloriani Y. Editorial Text Digital Module in Improving Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students. Int J Second Educ. 2025;13(1):25-33. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13
author = {Hesti Winarsih and Suherli Kusmana and Yusida Gloriani},
title = {Editorial Text Digital Module in Improving Critical Thinking Abilities of SMA/MA Students},
journal = {International Journal of Secondary Education},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
pages = {25-33},
doi = {10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13},
url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13},
eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijsedu.20251301.13},
abstract = {This research aims to determine and meet the needs for teaching materials, especially editorial text materials in digital form and their implementation so that they can improve the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA (Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah - Senior High School) students. The method used in this research is research and development. The results obtained are that the digital editorial text module in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students is suitable for use as teaching material. Learning resources in the form of several editorial texts from several mass media, which were analyzed, met structural, linguistic and critical thinking aspects as teaching materials developed in the form of digital modules. The development of editorial text teaching materials is adjusted to indicators of competency achievement and basic competencies that are validated by experts and practitioners to obtain a category as teaching materials that are suitable for use in SMA/MA Indramayu Regency. Based on the results of testing the module in learning, it is known that the module is effective in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students.},
year = {2025}
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UR - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsedu.20251301.13
AB - This research aims to determine and meet the needs for teaching materials, especially editorial text materials in digital form and their implementation so that they can improve the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA (Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah - Senior High School) students. The method used in this research is research and development. The results obtained are that the digital editorial text module in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students is suitable for use as teaching material. Learning resources in the form of several editorial texts from several mass media, which were analyzed, met structural, linguistic and critical thinking aspects as teaching materials developed in the form of digital modules. The development of editorial text teaching materials is adjusted to indicators of competency achievement and basic competencies that are validated by experts and practitioners to obtain a category as teaching materials that are suitable for use in SMA/MA Indramayu Regency. Based on the results of testing the module in learning, it is known that the module is effective in improving the critical thinking skills of SMA/MA students.
VL - 13
IS - 1
ER -