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Traumatic Developments and Psychopathic Personality: Example Through an Individual Case

Received: 11 August 2021     Accepted: 22 September 2021     Published: 12 October 2021
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In this work the authors want to offer a reading perspective that clarifies the dimensions underlying the development of a disturbed psychopathic personality. A relationship of dismissing/avoiding representation of attachment, together with emotional and physical abuse experiences and neglect, predispose to a dysfunctional answer to trauma and negative life experiences, reducing the individual resilience and encouraging the development of empathic inability and impulsivity. These aspects represent the expression of difficulty in modulating one's internal emotional states in a congruous manner to life contexts and social situations. Theorical constructs of reference used in this work are illustrated, regarding a psychopathy case, observed through the use of psychological tests. Through the TEC (Traumatic Experiences Checklist of Nijnhuis, Van der Hart and Vanderlinden) potentially traumatic events are investigated. Psychological functioning is observed through the PCL - R (Psychopathy Check List - Revised by Hare) interview, the outcome of which is compared to the scores of the MMPI - 2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) by Hathaway and McKinley and DES (Dissociative Experience Scale by Eve, Carlson & Putnam). The global assessment of the personality profile also takes into account the mental state with respect to attachment with AAI (Adult Attachment Interview by George, Kaplan & Main; Main, Goldwyn & Hesse, to qualitatively investigate early relationships with the primary caregivers.

Published in International Journal of Law and Society (Volume 4, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijls.20210404.11
Page(s) 229-243
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Attachment, Trauma, Psychopathy, Test, Psychopathology, Risk

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  • APA Style

    Alessandra Stringi, Vincenzo Caretti. (2021). Traumatic Developments and Psychopathic Personality: Example Through an Individual Case. International Journal of Law and Society, 4(4), 229-243. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijls.20210404.11

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    ACS Style

    Alessandra Stringi; Vincenzo Caretti. Traumatic Developments and Psychopathic Personality: Example Through an Individual Case. Int. J. Law Soc. 2021, 4(4), 229-243. doi: 10.11648/j.ijls.20210404.11

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    AMA Style

    Alessandra Stringi, Vincenzo Caretti. Traumatic Developments and Psychopathic Personality: Example Through an Individual Case. Int J Law Soc. 2021;4(4):229-243. doi: 10.11648/j.ijls.20210404.11

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    AB  - In this work the authors want to offer a reading perspective that clarifies the dimensions underlying the development of a disturbed psychopathic personality. A relationship of dismissing/avoiding representation of attachment, together with emotional and physical abuse experiences and neglect, predispose to a dysfunctional answer to trauma and negative life experiences, reducing the individual resilience and encouraging the development of empathic inability and impulsivity. These aspects represent the expression of difficulty in modulating one's internal emotional states in a congruous manner to life contexts and social situations. Theorical constructs of reference used in this work are illustrated, regarding a psychopathy case, observed through the use of psychological tests. Through the TEC (Traumatic Experiences Checklist of Nijnhuis, Van der Hart and Vanderlinden) potentially traumatic events are investigated. Psychological functioning is observed through the PCL - R (Psychopathy Check List - Revised by Hare) interview, the outcome of which is compared to the scores of the MMPI - 2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) by Hathaway and McKinley and DES (Dissociative Experience Scale by Eve, Carlson & Putnam). The global assessment of the personality profile also takes into account the mental state with respect to attachment with AAI (Adult Attachment Interview by George, Kaplan & Main; Main, Goldwyn & Hesse, to qualitatively investigate early relationships with the primary caregivers.
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Author Information
  • Department of Psychological, Pedagogical Sciences, Physical Exercise and Training, Palermo University, Palermo, Italy

  • Department of Human Sciences, L. U. M. S. A. University, Rome, Italy

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