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Implementation of Good University Governance Policy in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia

Received: 18 February 2019     Accepted: 10 April 2019     Published: 7 May 2019
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Good University Governance (GUG) is a concept adopted from Good Corporate Governance (GCG). At present, the study of Corporate Governance is a concept that has been implemented by large companies and is not a new issue when compared to the issue of University Governance, because previous studies on Good University Governance are still poorly publicized. The study of University Governance is not preceded by an important event about the bankruptcy of a college. Some researchers argue that Corporate Governance plays an important role in the supervision of companies related to corruption and bankruptcy cases. Likewise, the study of university governance makes an important contribution to the managers of higher education as one of the references in managing higher education institutions. This study asks how the policy implementation in the IAIN environment is from the perspective of Good University Governance (GUG). The approach used in this study is qualitative, namely interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the sample is a number of leading sectors in the State Islamic Institute in Indonesia. The scope of the results of this study on non-academic covers three fields, namely the financial reporting system and financial performance standardization have not been conducted by a review, human resource management has not been reviewed and standardized performance and work performance, and management of State Property.

Published in International Journal of Education, Culture and Society (Volume 4, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijecs.20190401.13
Page(s) 19-27
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Implementation, Policy, Good University Governance (GUG), and IAIN (State Islamic Institute)

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[58] D. freidenfelds, S. N. Kalkins, dan J. gusga, “What does environmentally sustainable higher education institution meaan?,” Elsevier, hlm. 43–45, 2018.
[59] Kepala SPI IAIN Purwokerto, Kepala SPI IAIN Cirebon, Kepala SPI IAIN Pekalongan, dan Kepala SPI IAIN Tulung Agung, “Kinerja leading sektor IAIN di Indonesia,” 09-Sep-2018.
[60] Siu, O. L., dkk., “Role resources and work-family enrichment: The role of work engagement,” Ournal Vocat. Behav., vol. 77, no. 3, hlm. 470–480, 2010.
[61] A. Ernest Osseo‐Asare dan D. Longbottom, “The need for education and training in the use of the EFQM model for quality management in UK higher education institutions,” Qual. Assur. Educ., vol. 10, hlm. 26–36, Mar 2002.
[62] Kasubag keuangan IAIN Purwokerto, “Laporan Kinerja Keuangan,” 11-Okt-2018.
[63] SPI IAIN Purwokerto, Hasil review ini didasarkan pada SBM. Purwokerto, 2018.
[64] Peraturan Menteri Keuangan, “Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor: 255/PMK.05/2015, tentang, Standar Reviu Laporan Keuangan.” 2015.
[65] Geoffrey D. Doherty Ed., Developing quality systems in education, 1 ed. London: Routledge, 1994.
[66] Justine Mercer Bernard Barker dan Richard Bird, Human Resource Management in Education Contexts, themes and impact. London: Routladge, 2010.
[67] “Rencana Strategis IAIN Purwokerto 2015 – 2019.” 2018.
[68] “Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintah (LAKIP) Tahun 2017 IAIN Purwokerto,” 2017.
[69] Itjen dan SPI, hasil temuan Irjen dan pendampingan ke ULP. Purwokerto, 2018.
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  • APA Style

    Sulkhan Chakim. (2019). Implementation of Good University Governance Policy in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 4(1), 19-27. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijecs.20190401.13

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    ACS Style

    Sulkhan Chakim. Implementation of Good University Governance Policy in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia. Int. J. Educ. Cult. Soc. 2019, 4(1), 19-27. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20190401.13

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    AMA Style

    Sulkhan Chakim. Implementation of Good University Governance Policy in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia. Int J Educ Cult Soc. 2019;4(1):19-27. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20190401.13

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    AB  - Good University Governance (GUG) is a concept adopted from Good Corporate Governance (GCG). At present, the study of Corporate Governance is a concept that has been implemented by large companies and is not a new issue when compared to the issue of University Governance, because previous studies on Good University Governance are still poorly publicized. The study of University Governance is not preceded by an important event about the bankruptcy of a college. Some researchers argue that Corporate Governance plays an important role in the supervision of companies related to corruption and bankruptcy cases. Likewise, the study of university governance makes an important contribution to the managers of higher education as one of the references in managing higher education institutions. This study asks how the policy implementation in the IAIN environment is from the perspective of Good University Governance (GUG). The approach used in this study is qualitative, namely interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the sample is a number of leading sectors in the State Islamic Institute in Indonesia. The scope of the results of this study on non-academic covers three fields, namely the financial reporting system and financial performance standardization have not been conducted by a review, human resource management has not been reviewed and standardized performance and work performance, and management of State Property.
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Author Information
  • State Islamic Institute, Dakwah Faculty, Purwokerto, Middle Java, Indonesia

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