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Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Hospital Service Quality: A Study Based on Patient Perceptions

Received: 12 March 2023     Accepted: 6 April 2023     Published: 27 April 2023
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This study provides a conceptual and empirical investigation of the effect of items on measuring the quality of post-COVID-19 health services based on patient perceptions in the health sector. The proposed measurement item for Consumer Perceived Value Healthcare (CPV Healthcare) against Healthcare Service Quality (HEALTHQUAL) was tested using data collected from a hospital in Medan City from 253 respondents. The data set included 185 patients and 68 respondents from the public from June 2022 to November 2022. This research is associative research using a quantitative method approach. Data analysis used SPSS with ANOVA testing, Simple Regression, Pearson Correlation, and t-test for correlation analysis of dependent variable measurement items (CPV Healthcare = 27 items) on independent variables (HEALTHQUAL = 32 items) in patient care (inpatients, outpatients, and family members of patients in the emergency room) and between patients and groups of the general public. The results showed a strongly significant difference between CPV Healthcare measurement items and patient and community HEALTHQUAL. This study underscores the most significant dimension of CPV Healthcare and validates the relationship between the value of Service Quality in the healthcare sector which is a function of transaction value and self-satisfaction value. Patients like personal care and relief from depressive moods when cared for by professional nurses and doctors in the hospital. This study is limited theoretically to assess the relationship between CPV Healthcare and Healthcare SERVQUAL. Need to be assessed in future studies, such as consumer experience, experience and job satisfaction of hospital staff (nurses & doctors), patient ethnicity, and hospital image, need to be assessed in future work.

Published in European Business & Management (Volume 9, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ebm.20230902.11
Page(s) 22-31
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Service Quality, Consumer Perceived Value, Healthcare, Post COVID-19, Hospital

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  • APA Style

    Bambang Suwarno, Said Rizal, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Ermi Girsang, Bhakti Alamsyah, et al. (2023). Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Hospital Service Quality: A Study Based on Patient Perceptions. European Business & Management, 9(2), 22-31. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ebm.20230902.11

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    ACS Style

    Bambang Suwarno; Said Rizal; Chrismis Novalinda Ginting; Ermi Girsang; Bhakti Alamsyah, et al. Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Hospital Service Quality: A Study Based on Patient Perceptions. Eur. Bus. Manag. 2023, 9(2), 22-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20230902.11

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    AMA Style

    Bambang Suwarno, Said Rizal, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Ermi Girsang, Bhakti Alamsyah, et al. Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Hospital Service Quality: A Study Based on Patient Perceptions. Eur Bus Manag. 2023;9(2):22-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20230902.11

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    AU  - Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
    AU  - Ermi Girsang
    AU  - Bhakti Alamsyah
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    AB  - This study provides a conceptual and empirical investigation of the effect of items on measuring the quality of post-COVID-19 health services based on patient perceptions in the health sector. The proposed measurement item for Consumer Perceived Value Healthcare (CPV Healthcare) against Healthcare Service Quality (HEALTHQUAL) was tested using data collected from a hospital in Medan City from 253 respondents. The data set included 185 patients and 68 respondents from the public from June 2022 to November 2022. This research is associative research using a quantitative method approach. Data analysis used SPSS with ANOVA testing, Simple Regression, Pearson Correlation, and t-test for correlation analysis of dependent variable measurement items (CPV Healthcare = 27 items) on independent variables (HEALTHQUAL = 32 items) in patient care (inpatients, outpatients, and family members of patients in the emergency room) and between patients and groups of the general public. The results showed a strongly significant difference between CPV Healthcare measurement items and patient and community HEALTHQUAL. This study underscores the most significant dimension of CPV Healthcare and validates the relationship between the value of Service Quality in the healthcare sector which is a function of transaction value and self-satisfaction value. Patients like personal care and relief from depressive moods when cared for by professional nurses and doctors in the hospital. This study is limited theoretically to assess the relationship between CPV Healthcare and Healthcare SERVQUAL. Need to be assessed in future studies, such as consumer experience, experience and job satisfaction of hospital staff (nurses & doctors), patient ethnicity, and hospital image, need to be assessed in future work.
    VL  - 9
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Author Information
  • Department of Marketing, Faculty of Social Sains, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia

  • Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia

  • Medical Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia

  • Medical Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia

  • Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia

  • Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia

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