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The Risk of Relationship between Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cancer

Received: 10 December 2014     Accepted: 13 December 2014     Published: 27 January 2015
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Menopause is an endocrine condition due to the decline in ovarian activity, which occurs in all women and is characterized as a progressive hypoestrogenism. To minimize damage from lack hormonal activity, hormone replacement therapy has been developed (TRH), which is widely used around the world, often without criteria pre-established. Thus, this study aims to identify hormonal therapies used postmenopausal and relate them to the development of tumors. In addition, identify the criteria for the use of HRT, the utilization time and women who are part of the risk groups are also objectives of this study. In the beginning, the clinical methodology of HRT included only estrogen, but epidemiological studies have observed that the progestin presence is essential in endometrial hyperplasia control adding to the therapy. Progestogens act depending on its molecular structure, and consequently selectivity, or may interact with other steroid receptors. From this interaction, different pharmacodynamic answers about importance in the development of tumors can be observed, ie, progesterone activity, estrogen, antiestrogen, androgen and / or antiandrogen. In view of the mechanism of carcinogen administration of estrogens, it can be said that HRT increases the risk of breast, uterus and ovary cancer. However, the estrogenic actions may be adjusted when there is administration of progestin drugs and with antiestrogenic and antiandrogenic actions. Given this, in menopausal women, it is advisable to trace gynecological cancer, before, during and after any therapeutic interventions, and the decision of using and the choice of HRT on an individual basis, through a careful assessment of signs and symptoms and long-term risk.

Published in Cancer Research Journal (Volume 2, Issue 6-1)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Lifestyle and Cancer Risk

DOI 10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16
Page(s) 49-56
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Hormonal replacement therapy, Cancer, Estrogens, Progestogen

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  • APA Style

    Thiele Osvaldt Rosales, Iara Patrícia Albrecht, Guilherme Barroso Langoni de Freitas. (2015). The Risk of Relationship between Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cancer. Cancer Research Journal, 2(6-1), 49-56. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16

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    ACS Style

    Thiele Osvaldt Rosales; Iara Patrícia Albrecht; Guilherme Barroso Langoni de Freitas. The Risk of Relationship between Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cancer. Cancer Res. J. 2015, 2(6-1), 49-56. doi: 10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16

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    AMA Style

    Thiele Osvaldt Rosales, Iara Patrícia Albrecht, Guilherme Barroso Langoni de Freitas. The Risk of Relationship between Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cancer. Cancer Res J. 2015;2(6-1):49-56. doi: 10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16

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  • @article{10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16,
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      abstract = {Menopause is an endocrine condition due to the decline in ovarian activity, which occurs in all women and is characterized as a progressive hypoestrogenism. To minimize damage from lack hormonal activity, hormone replacement therapy has been developed (TRH), which is widely used around the world, often without criteria pre-established. Thus, this study aims to identify hormonal therapies used postmenopausal and relate them to the development of tumors. In addition, identify the criteria for the use of HRT, the utilization time and women who are part of the risk groups are also objectives of this study. In the beginning, the clinical methodology of HRT included only estrogen, but epidemiological studies have observed that the progestin presence is essential in endometrial hyperplasia control adding to the therapy. Progestogens act depending on its molecular structure, and consequently selectivity, or may interact with other steroid receptors. From this interaction, different pharmacodynamic answers about importance in the development of tumors can be observed, ie, progesterone activity, estrogen, antiestrogen, androgen and / or antiandrogen. In view of the mechanism of carcinogen administration of estrogens, it can be said that HRT increases the risk of breast, uterus and ovary cancer. However, the estrogenic actions may be adjusted when there is administration of progestin drugs and with antiestrogenic and antiandrogenic actions. Given this, in menopausal women, it is advisable to trace gynecological cancer, before, during and after any therapeutic interventions, and the decision of using and the choice of HRT on an individual basis, through a careful assessment of signs and symptoms and long-term risk.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - The Risk of Relationship between Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cancer
    AU  - Thiele Osvaldt Rosales
    AU  - Iara Patrícia Albrecht
    AU  - Guilherme Barroso Langoni de Freitas
    Y1  - 2015/01/27
    PY  - 2015
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16
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    PB  - Science Publishing Group
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.crj.s.2014020601.16
    AB  - Menopause is an endocrine condition due to the decline in ovarian activity, which occurs in all women and is characterized as a progressive hypoestrogenism. To minimize damage from lack hormonal activity, hormone replacement therapy has been developed (TRH), which is widely used around the world, often without criteria pre-established. Thus, this study aims to identify hormonal therapies used postmenopausal and relate them to the development of tumors. In addition, identify the criteria for the use of HRT, the utilization time and women who are part of the risk groups are also objectives of this study. In the beginning, the clinical methodology of HRT included only estrogen, but epidemiological studies have observed that the progestin presence is essential in endometrial hyperplasia control adding to the therapy. Progestogens act depending on its molecular structure, and consequently selectivity, or may interact with other steroid receptors. From this interaction, different pharmacodynamic answers about importance in the development of tumors can be observed, ie, progesterone activity, estrogen, antiestrogen, androgen and / or antiandrogen. In view of the mechanism of carcinogen administration of estrogens, it can be said that HRT increases the risk of breast, uterus and ovary cancer. However, the estrogenic actions may be adjusted when there is administration of progestin drugs and with antiestrogenic and antiandrogenic actions. Given this, in menopausal women, it is advisable to trace gynecological cancer, before, during and after any therapeutic interventions, and the decision of using and the choice of HRT on an individual basis, through a careful assessment of signs and symptoms and long-term risk.
    VL  - 2
    IS  - 6-1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Pharmacy, State University of Center-West, Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil

  • Department of Pharmacy, State University of Center-West, Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil

  • Department of Pharmacy, State University of Center-West, Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil

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