About This Special Issue
Agricultural Extension services are playing an important role in the livelihood activities of rural communities. Also Agricultural extension services had a pivotal role in ensuring that the clientele (farmers) have access to improve the technologies, such as improve the level of qualifications of farmers and rural inhabitants, assistance in the creation of production groups. Delivering information on new technologies and innovations to agricultural manufacturers without their assessment. Agricultural extension services and programs aims to strengthen the farmer’s capacity to innovate by providing access to knowledge and information. In Poland there are two kinds of the Agricultural Extension services: the first is a public advisory services this kind of service is playing dominating role in Poland, it is available for all farmers and is realized by Regional Agricultural Advisory Centers. And the second is private advisory services which mainly help farmers to formulate plans and obtain resources for farm development from public and commercial institutions. Also interested in advising rural communities in the process of preparation of development plans financed from regional policy funds. The private advisory services cooperate with the public advisory services, generally to improving the quality of services to farmers such as helping the farmers by advising them to fulfill their respective roles.
Aims and Scope:
- Adoption of technology
- Transfer of agricultural technology
- The extension communication
- The agricultural knowledge
- Educational psychology
- Idult education
- Extension training