Case Report
Genital Self-Mutilation in a Young Nigerian Man: A Case of Klingsor Syndrome
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
13 February 2025
28 February 2025
18 March 2025
Abstract: We present an uncommon case of genital mutilation in a 24 year old Nigerian man who presented to the Accident and Emergency Wing of our hospital on account of self-inflicted complete penile amputation and scrotal avulsion injury without the amputated stump, following an episode of auditory hallucination. There was a background history of substance abuse. He had initial resuscitation with intravenous fluid and a pint of blood transfused on account of low hematocrit. He was equally evaluated by the Mental Health Physician at presentation. The wound was packed with saline soaked gauze for further exploration in the operating room. Tetanus injection was administered. Intra – operatively under regional anesthesia, wound exploration, thorough irrigation with saline and wound debridement was done with findings of penile stump exposing the cavernous body and urethra, as well as the testes in situ. A stump refashioning using the scrotal skin flap was done and a neo-urethral created with the use of absorbable vicryl 3/0 sutures. The wound healed satisfactorily, voiding per urethra and was discharged on day 10 after surgery. This report reveals refashioning of the stump as a viable treatment option using a scrotal skin flap in the absence of an amputated stump or facility for micro vascular repair. It also points out this syndrome as one of the rare complication of drug induced psychosis.
Abstract: We present an uncommon case of genital mutilation in a 24 year old Nigerian man who presented to the Accident and Emergency Wing of our hospital on account of self-inflicted complete penile amputation and scrotal avulsion injury without the amputated stump, following an episode of auditory hallucination. There was a background history of substance ...
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