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“Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector

Received: 16 July 2021     Accepted: 21 August 2021     Published: 29 November 2021
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The authors discuss a new reconfigurability of fragmentation phenomenon, technical-economic housing surfaces affecting the quality of life, likely to meet the constraints of the Inter sector of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism "CEAU" from the idea of build a residential dwelling in an urban environment on a divided surface for an adequate environment. The goal is to predict by a mathematical model of fractal fragmentation of surfaces with the natural element’s method coupled with Mandelbrot geometry. Although elevation in height is a solution, the management of the space built and developed is an open question. The simulation towards Africa of 2063, using a typical case of the city province of Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo of Sub-Saharan Africa justifies one of the trends which highlights a consistency between the projections of 2035 and reality with the use of the "Engineering Equations Solver" software. The approximated singularities obscure the admissible threshold at the limit interfaces in “Yakam Matrix ”; if cities are only demographically concentrated in rural areas with a rate of 2.25-3 m2 / inhabitant and one of the distances of a fragmented plot is equal to or greater than 7.5±2.5 meters according to the current trend of affected countries. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this work has four points: (i) The "Yakam Matrix" in the habitat; (ii) The reconfigurability of the fragmentation coupling by fractal geometry and natural elements; (iii) Formulation and coupling of numerical methods and fractal geometry; (iv) predictive mathematical modeling.

Published in International Journal of Sustainability Management and Information Technologies (Volume 7, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijsmit.20210702.12
Page(s) 36-47
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Modelling, Habitat, Fragmentation, Fractal, Method of Natural Elements, GCAU Inter-sector, Yakam Matrix, Simulation, Sustainability

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  • APA Style

    Jean Kitoko di Sola, Tshiswaka Ngalula Kanyinda Martin, Mbambu Kabeya Shaloom, Kinyoka Kabalumuka, Cimbela Kabongo, et al. (2021). “Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector. International Journal of Sustainability Management and Information Technologies, 7(2), 36-47. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsmit.20210702.12

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    ACS Style

    Jean Kitoko di Sola; Tshiswaka Ngalula Kanyinda Martin; Mbambu Kabeya Shaloom; Kinyoka Kabalumuka; Cimbela Kabongo, et al. “Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector. Int. J. Sustain. Manag. Inf. Technol. 2021, 7(2), 36-47. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsmit.20210702.12

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    AMA Style

    Jean Kitoko di Sola, Tshiswaka Ngalula Kanyinda Martin, Mbambu Kabeya Shaloom, Kinyoka Kabalumuka, Cimbela Kabongo, et al. “Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector. Int J Sustain Manag Inf Technol. 2021;7(2):36-47. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsmit.20210702.12

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      title = {“Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector},
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      abstract = {The authors discuss a new reconfigurability of fragmentation phenomenon, technical-economic housing surfaces affecting the quality of life, likely to meet the constraints of the Inter sector of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism "CEAU" from the idea of build a residential dwelling in an urban environment on a divided surface for an adequate environment. The goal is to predict by a mathematical model of fractal fragmentation of surfaces with the natural element’s method coupled with Mandelbrot geometry. Although elevation in height is a solution, the management of the space built and developed is an open question. The simulation towards Africa of 2063, using a typical case of the city province of Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo of Sub-Saharan Africa justifies one of the trends which highlights a consistency between the projections of 2035 and reality with the use of the "Engineering Equations Solver" software. The approximated singularities obscure the admissible threshold at the limit interfaces in “Yakam Matrix ”; if cities are only demographically concentrated in rural areas with a rate of 2.25-3 m2 / inhabitant and one of the distances of a fragmented plot is equal to or greater than 7.5±2.5 meters according to the current trend of affected countries. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this work has four points: (i) The "Yakam Matrix" in the habitat; (ii) The reconfigurability of the fragmentation coupling by fractal geometry and natural elements; (iii) Formulation and coupling of numerical methods and fractal geometry; (iv) predictive mathematical modeling.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - “Yakam Matrix” as a Predictive Fractal Fragmentation Model of RSNEM: Sustainable Technico-Economic Neo-reconfigurability at the Inter Housing Sector
    AU  - Jean Kitoko di Sola
    AU  - Tshiswaka Ngalula Kanyinda Martin
    AU  - Mbambu Kabeya Shaloom
    AU  - Kinyoka Kabalumuka
    AU  - Cimbela Kabongo
    AU  - Mondjalis Poto
    AU  - Mbikayi Mpanya
    AU  - Léonard Kabeya Mukeba Yakasham
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    JO  - International Journal of Sustainability Management and Information Technologies
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsmit.20210702.12
    AB  - The authors discuss a new reconfigurability of fragmentation phenomenon, technical-economic housing surfaces affecting the quality of life, likely to meet the constraints of the Inter sector of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism "CEAU" from the idea of build a residential dwelling in an urban environment on a divided surface for an adequate environment. The goal is to predict by a mathematical model of fractal fragmentation of surfaces with the natural element’s method coupled with Mandelbrot geometry. Although elevation in height is a solution, the management of the space built and developed is an open question. The simulation towards Africa of 2063, using a typical case of the city province of Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo of Sub-Saharan Africa justifies one of the trends which highlights a consistency between the projections of 2035 and reality with the use of the "Engineering Equations Solver" software. The approximated singularities obscure the admissible threshold at the limit interfaces in “Yakam Matrix ”; if cities are only demographically concentrated in rural areas with a rate of 2.25-3 m2 / inhabitant and one of the distances of a fragmented plot is equal to or greater than 7.5±2.5 meters according to the current trend of affected countries. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this work has four points: (i) The "Yakam Matrix" in the habitat; (ii) The reconfigurability of the fragmentation coupling by fractal geometry and natural elements; (iii) Formulation and coupling of numerical methods and fractal geometry; (iv) predictive mathematical modeling.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Physics & Applied Sciences, Sciences Faculty, University Pedagogic National Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Institut Supérieur d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Institut Supérieur d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Department of Physics & Applied Sciences, Sciences Faculty, University Pedagogic National Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Department of Physics & Applied Sciences, Sciences Faculty, University Pedagogic National Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Institut Supérieur de Statistiques ISS Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

  • Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DR Congo

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