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Relationship between Human Characteristics and Adoption of Project Management Information System in Non-Governmental Organizations’ Projects in Nakuru Town (Kenya)

Received: 7 January 2015     Accepted: 18 January 2015     Published: 6 February 2015
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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between human characteristics and adoption of project management information system (PMIS) in non-governmental organizations’ projects in Nakuru Town. The independent variable (Human characteristics) was conceptualized into; resistance to change, project management skills, user’s skills and awareness, power struggles and perfectionism. These indicators were individually related with adoption of project management information system. This study adopted both descriptive and correlational design. It was a survey and primary data was collected through structured questionnaires and interviews. Both descriptive and inferential analysis was employed in this study. The research findings were presented through tables. The research findings revealed that one’s competence level in using PMIS, level of training received, willingness to adapt to using PMIS, attitude towards technology and own expectation when using PMIS are positively related with adoption of project management information system. Attitudinal change and support in using the system also appeared to hugely influence adoption of PMIS. The study underscored the analogy that before the management puts pressure on using the system, they must first adopt its usage then spiral it down to subordinates. The study recommended that mentorship and training are critical drivers to successful implementation of PMIS. Training not only should be at the initiation phase of the system but embedded as a continuous skill enhancement and as part of professional development in the organization. A part from training, employees must be motivated and involved at all stages of the implementation process.

Published in International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (Volume 4, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijiis.20150401.13
Page(s) 16-26
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Human Characteristics, Project Management Information System, Non-governmental Organizations

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  • APA Style

    Oyugi Tobias, Maina Kairu. (2015). Relationship between Human Characteristics and Adoption of Project Management Information System in Non-Governmental Organizations’ Projects in Nakuru Town (Kenya). International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 4(1), 16-26. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijiis.20150401.13

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    ACS Style

    Oyugi Tobias; Maina Kairu. Relationship between Human Characteristics and Adoption of Project Management Information System in Non-Governmental Organizations’ Projects in Nakuru Town (Kenya). Int. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 2015, 4(1), 16-26. doi: 10.11648/j.ijiis.20150401.13

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    AMA Style

    Oyugi Tobias, Maina Kairu. Relationship between Human Characteristics and Adoption of Project Management Information System in Non-Governmental Organizations’ Projects in Nakuru Town (Kenya). Int J Intell Inf Syst. 2015;4(1):16-26. doi: 10.11648/j.ijiis.20150401.13

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    AB  - The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between human characteristics and adoption of project management information system (PMIS) in non-governmental organizations’ projects in Nakuru Town. The independent variable (Human characteristics) was conceptualized into; resistance to change, project management skills, user’s skills and awareness, power struggles and perfectionism. These indicators were individually related with adoption of project management information system. This study adopted both descriptive and correlational design. It was a survey and primary data was collected through structured questionnaires and interviews. Both descriptive and inferential analysis was employed in this study. The research findings were presented through tables. The research findings revealed that one’s competence level in using PMIS, level of training received, willingness to adapt to using PMIS, attitude towards technology and own expectation when using PMIS are positively related with adoption of project management information system. Attitudinal change and support in using the system also appeared to hugely influence adoption of PMIS. The study underscored the analogy that before the management puts pressure on using the system, they must first adopt its usage then spiral it down to subordinates. The study recommended that mentorship and training are critical drivers to successful implementation of PMIS. Training not only should be at the initiation phase of the system but embedded as a continuous skill enhancement and as part of professional development in the organization. A part from training, employees must be motivated and involved at all stages of the implementation process.
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Author Information
  • Department of Education and External studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

  • Department of Education and External studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

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