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Stability and Reactivity of Two Benzimidazole Hydrazide-Hydrazone Compounds: A Theoretical Study by DFT Method

Received: 15 April 2024     Accepted: 8 May 2024     Published: 24 May 2024
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This work contributes to theoretical chemistry’s knowledge of benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone. Indeed, hydrazides-hydrazones-benzimidazoles have shown anticancer, antibacterial, antiparasitic activities, and many other activities. A benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compound can exhibit four conformers: E/Z synperiplanar (Esp, Zsp) and E/Z antiperiplanar (Eap, Zap). Studies have indicated that the prevalence of these compounds is attributed to their stability and their tendency to readily bind to DNA. A theoretical study with advanced methods would make it possible to evaluate the stability of benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone conformers. Therefore, we carried out this theoretical study on the conformers of two benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones denoted C1 and C2 wich differ by the presence of fluorine atom in the structure of C2. Specifically, we analyze the stability and the reactivity of the compounds based on the dipole moment, Gibbs free energy, HOMO and LUMO energies and UV-visible. For this purpose, calculations were performed in gas phase and DMSO using DFT and TD-DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d, p) level theory. The dipole moment values show that Zap conformer is the most polar for both compounds. The Gibbs free energy indicate that Esp conformer emerges as the most stable for both compounds in both phases. The energy gap (ELUMO-EHOMO) and TD-DFT results suggest that Esp conformer is the most reactive conformer for the two compounds.

Published in International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (Volume 12, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijctc.20241201.12
Page(s) 10-17
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Benzimidazole, Hydrazide-Hydrazone, Stability, B3LYP

1. Introduction
Heterocyclic compounds are the most widely used organic compounds in medicinal chemistry . They exhibit various properties depending on the nature of the heteroatom.
Nitrogen heterocycles stand out as crucial components in pharmaceutical products owing to the wide array of their biological activities . In endeavors to enhance these activities, synthetic chemists have integrated benzimidazoles and Hydrazides-hydrazones to design new derivatives known as benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones . These compounds have demonstrated activities such as anticancer , antibacterial and various other properties . Their structure is characterized by the N-acylhydrazone skeleton C(O) N N=C<. This scaffold is an encompasses amide (C(O)-NH) and imine (N=C) functional groups, giving rise to four conformers: E Synperiplanar (Esp), E Antiperiplanar (Eap), Z Synperiplanar (Zsp) and Z Antiperiplanar (Zap) . Furthermore, research has shown that the prevalence of nitrogen heterocycles can be attributed to their stability and their tendency to readily bind to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) through hydrogen bonding . Therefore, it appeared crucial for us to investigate the stability of the conformers of two benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones among those which were synthesized by ACHI and collaborators . This will enable the establishment of a reactivity hierarchy among these conformers.
Specifically, we initially ascertain the dipole moment of the conformers, followed by evaluating their stability based on the Gibbs free energy. Finally, we evaluate the reactivity of the conformers from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energies and the UV-visible absorptions.
2. Materials and Methods
Our study focuses on two benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compounds named C1 and C2. their names according to international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature were also given. These compounds are illustrated in Figure 1. They differ in that a hydrogen atom in C1 is substituted with a fluorine atom in C2.
Figure 1. Benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones.
Each compound presents four conformers. The conformers of compound C1 are depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. C1 conformers.
Initially, the geometries of these conformers were optimized using the density functional theory (DFT) method with the B3LYP functional, associated with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set . This method is implemented in the GAUSSIAN-09 program . The calculations were carried out in the gas phase and solution. Solution calculations are were performed using Tomasi’s conductor-like polarizable continuum model (CPCM) in Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) . Furthermore, the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory(TD-DFT) was employed to conduct spectral studies of the conformers of the two benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones in gas phase . The results obtained are as follows.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Dipole Moments
The dipole moment serves to characterize the charge distribution within a molecule. Understanding this distribution is fundamental to the comprehension of the molecule's electronic properties, geometry, and interactions with other particles .
Table 1 contains the dipole moments of the eight conformers of the two benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compounds, calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. In the gas phase, the dipole moment values range between 3.21 and 6.91 D, indicating that all studied conformers exhibit polarity. The Zsp conformer stands out as the most polar in both compounds, with values of 6.91 D for C1 and 6.04 D for C2. Consequently, halogenation reduces the polarity of benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compounds.
Transitioning into DMSO, the dipole moment increases for all conformers, with values ranging between 4.51 and 10.21 D. The Zap conformer emerges as the most polar, with values of 10.21 D and 8.64 D for C1 and C2, respectively. DMSO, being a polar aprotic solvent, enhances polarity. The decreasing order of dipole moments for the conformers in DMSO remains consistent across both compounds. This order is as follows:
Zap > Zsp > Esp> Eap >
Table 1. Dipole moments.


µgaz (D)


























3.2. Stability
The relative stability of the conformers was determined from the Gibbs free energy calculated from the following equation:
Ee represents, the total electronic energy of the molecule, and
Gcorr denotes the thermal correction to Gibbs free energy of the molecule.
The conformer with lowest Gibbs free energy is considered the most stable.
The results are presented in Table 2.
Negative values of the Gibbs free energy indicate that the conformers are formed via a spontaneous reaction. The Esp conformer exhibits the lowest Gibbs free energy value for both compounds in both environments, thus indicating its superior stability among the four conformers. The relative stability of the other conformers is determined from the energy difference (ΔG) between the most stable conformer and the others. A smaller ΔG, signifies greater stability. The results are shown in Figure 3.
In the gas phase, for both compounds (C1 and C2), Esp is the most stable conformer, followed by Eap, Zsp, and finally Zap. Hence, the conformers of C1 and C2 share the same stability order:
Esp > Eap > Zsp > Zap.
In DMSO, the order of stability mirrors that of the gas phase but with reduced energy differences. This indicates a notable stabilization of the conformers in this solvent. Mesey and colleagues suggest that a relative energy difference of 10 Kcal/mol is a reasonable threshold for predicting the existence of stable species . In the case of the benzymidazole-hydrazide-hydrazones conformers under study, the largest energy difference is 10 Kcal/mol. Hence, we can argue that all eight conformers studied can exist both in the gas phase and in DMSO.
Furthermore, literature reviews have established that in benzymidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones, the Z configuration is less stable than the E configuration due to steric hindrance . Consequently, our results align perfectly with the literature.
Table 2. Gibbs free energy.


Ggaz (ua)

ΔGgaz (Kcal/mol)

GDMSO (ua)

ΔGDMSO (Kcal/mol)









































ΔG is the change in the Gibbs free energy
Figure 3. Relative stability of conformers.
3.3. Frontier Molecular Orbitals
The energy gap of a molecule is calculated by the frontier molecular orbitals, known as the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), play a crucial role in chemical reactions. A higher HOMO energy corresponds to a more reactive molecule in reactions with electrophiles, while a lower LUMO energy is essential for molecular reactions with nucleophiles . According to softness-hardness rule, a large HOMO-LUMO energy gap corresponds to hard molecules, while a small HOMO-LUMO energy gap is associated with soft molecules .
The energy gap of a molecule is calculated by:
Calculated values of HOMO and LUMO energy (E) and their energy gap (ΔE) are presented in Table 3. The results indicate that in the gas phase, the Esp conformer has the lowest energy gap for both compounds with 4,02 eV for C1 and 4,00 eV for C2. These values suggest that the Esp conformer is the most reactive among the four conformers. Following it is the Zsp conformer, with an energy gap of 4,07 eV for C1 and 4,05 eV for C2. The third most reactive conformer corresponds to the Zap conformer, with anenergy gap of 4,31 eV for C1 and 4,45 eV for C2. The fourth more reactive conformer is Eap conformer, with an energy gap of 4,63 eV for C1 and 4,60 eV for C2. The reactivity decreases in the order: Esp > Zsp > Zap > Eap.
Thus, the most reactive conformer are Synperiplanars forms.
In the aqueous phase, the Esp conformer remains the most reactive. Comparing these findings with those of the gas phase, it is observed that the Eap conformer is more reactive than Zsp and Zap. In this phase, the order of decreasing reactivity is as follows: Esp > Eap > Zsp > Zap.
Table 3. Molecular orbital energies and energy gap.


Gas Phase

DMSO Solution

EHOMO (au)

ELUMO (au)

ΔE (eV)

EHOMO (au)

ELUMO (au)

ΔE (eV)

























































3.4. Absorption Properties
To determine the nature and energy of singlet-singlet electronic transitions, predictions of the first 6 excited states are performed within the TD-DFT formalism. Throughout the discussion, we consider the lowest absorption energies and the absorption energies with the greatest oscillator strength value. The calculated absorption energy, corresponding wavelength, oscillator strength, and orbital coefficients are summarized in Table 4. The results indicate that for all conformers, the lowest energy transition occurs due to the excitation of electrons from HOMO to LUMO (H→L), except for Eap, which corresponds to the transition H-2→L.
The absorption intensity is directly related to the dimensionless oscillator strength, and the dominant absorption bands are the transitions with the highest oscillator strength value . For conformer Esp, the dominant absorption corresponds to the H-3→L transition. For Eap, it is associated with the H→L transition. For Zsp, it is related to the H-5→L transition. For Zap, it is associated with the H-4→L transition for C1 and the H-3→L transition for C2.
In C1 conformers, the dominant absorption of Eap exhibits a red shift of about 1 nm compared to the dominant absorption of Esp, and Zap exhibits a red shift of about 2 nm compared to the dominant absorption of Zsp. In C2 conformers, Eap has the same spectral features as Zap, and Esp has the same spectral features as Zsp. The dominant absorptions of C2 conformers exhibit a red shift compared to the dominant absorptions of C1 conformers, except for the conformer Zap. Thus, the substitution of a hydrogen atom of C1 with one fluorine atom influences the spectrum by decreasing the absorption energy.
It is also worth noting that the absorption energy corresponding to the H→L transition leads to an order of reactivity identical to that of the energy gap in the gas phase. This confirms the clear stability of the conformer Esp.
Table 4. Absorption energy, wavelength and oscillator strengths in gas phase.


Orbital transitions

Absorption Energy (eV)

Wavelength (nm)

Oscillator Strenght


H→L (0.705)




H-3→L (0.696)





H-2→L (0.478)




H→L (0.443)





H→L (0.703)




H-5→L (0.625)





H→L (0.684)




H-4→L (0.652)





H→L (0.705)




H-3→L (0.696)





H-2→L (0.453)




H→L (0.523)





H→L (0.703)




H-5→L (0.484)





H→L (0.676)




H-3→L (0.576)




4. Conclusion
This work involved the investigation of some physicochemical properties of two benzymidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compounds using the DFT and TD-DFT methods associated with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set.
The dipole moment values show that all the conformers exhibit polarity, with an increase in polarity in DMSO. However, halogenation reduces the polarity of benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones. The Zap conformer is the most polar for both compounds.
Regarding the stability of the conformers, the findings show that all the conformers can exist both in the gas phase as well as DMSO solution. The Esp conformer emerges as the most stable for both compounds in both phases.
The energy gap suggests that conformer Esp is the most reactive conformer for the two compounds. This outcome is corroborated by TD-DFT calculations. Furthermore, TD-DFT results reveal that substituting a hydrogen atom of C1 with a fluorine atom effects the spectrum by decreasing the absorption energy.


Conductor-Like Colarizable Continuum Model


Deoxyribonucleic Acid


Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital


International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital

Author Contributions
Amon Benjamine Assoma: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft
Affoué Lucie Bede: Validation
Patrick-Armand Achi: Resources
Siomenan Coulibali: Supervision
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Assoma, A. B., Bede, A. L., Achi, P., Coulibali, S. (2024). Stability and Reactivity of Two Benzimidazole Hydrazide-Hydrazone Compounds: A Theoretical Study by DFT Method. International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 12(1), 10-17.

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    ACS Style

    Assoma, A. B.; Bede, A. L.; Achi, P.; Coulibali, S. Stability and Reactivity of Two Benzimidazole Hydrazide-Hydrazone Compounds: A Theoretical Study by DFT Method. Int. J. Comput. Theor. Chem. 2024, 12(1), 10-17. doi: 10.11648/j.ijctc.20241201.12

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    AMA Style

    Assoma AB, Bede AL, Achi P, Coulibali S. Stability and Reactivity of Two Benzimidazole Hydrazide-Hydrazone Compounds: A Theoretical Study by DFT Method. Int J Comput Theor Chem. 2024;12(1):10-17. doi: 10.11648/j.ijctc.20241201.12

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    T1  - Stability and Reactivity of Two Benzimidazole Hydrazide-Hydrazone Compounds: A Theoretical Study by DFT Method
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    AU  - Affoué Lucie Bede
    AU  - Patrick-Armand Achi
    AU  - Siomenan Coulibali
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    AB  - This work contributes to theoretical chemistry’s knowledge of benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone. Indeed, hydrazides-hydrazones-benzimidazoles have shown anticancer, antibacterial, antiparasitic activities, and many other activities. A benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone compound can exhibit four conformers: E/Z synperiplanar (Esp, Zsp) and E/Z antiperiplanar (Eap, Zap). Studies have indicated that the prevalence of these compounds is attributed to their stability and their tendency to readily bind to DNA. A theoretical study with advanced methods would make it possible to evaluate the stability of benzimidazole-hydrazide-hydrazone conformers. Therefore, we carried out this theoretical study on the conformers of two benzimidazoles-hydrazides-hydrazones denoted C1 and C2 wich differ by the presence of fluorine atom in the structure of C2. Specifically, we analyze the stability and the reactivity of the compounds based on the dipole moment, Gibbs free energy, HOMO and LUMO energies and UV-visible. For this purpose, calculations were performed in gas phase and DMSO using DFT and TD-DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d, p) level theory. The dipole moment values show that Zap conformer is the most polar for both compounds. The Gibbs free energy indicate that Esp conformer emerges as the most stable for both compounds in both phases. The energy gap (ELUMO-EHOMO) and TD-DFT results suggest that Esp conformer is the most reactive conformer for the two compounds.
    VL  - 12
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